So unconscious the human species has become they no longer retain awareness of the dreamtime realms in which spirit is in constant communication with all species upon Earth. In such a lack of awareness, the human species has exploited Earth and her resources and polluted her waterways and land with toxic substances that not only kill humankind, but all other species as well. In such a lack of awareness, humanity has forgotten how to reside upon Earth in harmony and honor.
Original Seeded Human Race
The lack of awareness was not the original truth and expression of the original humans seeded upon Earth about 200,000 years ago by the Sirian star system. Earth welcomed the Sirians and those of human form of their race to remain upon Earth with agreements to support Earth in her choice to evolve and ascend. The original seeded human race was “red skinned” and “black haired”, although there were some of lighter skin color and lacking in hair pigment as well. The lighter skinned humans were involved with the path of spiritual mastery, and served a specific purpose as they were gifted at communication with the realm of spirit.
The seeded race was welcomed by all species upon Earth. For many thousands of years, the human species lived in honor of the land and all species therein. The only technology utilized was that which was in harmony with the land, and did not produce toxins that could not be recycled. Because they were a peaceful settlement, it never occurred to the Red Race to stock up on armaments or other devices necessary for protection. In hindsight, perhaps it is understood that this was a mistake, for as a group of Pleiadians and blue tinted humans that had “white skin” invaded Earth, the red race was defenseless. The red race subsequently lost their land, and lost consciousness as well.