Image of the dream catcher with hearts against a reddish brown background to represent ascension of the Red Race of which all of humanity is related.

1. Symptoms Of Biological Ascension


This chapter is written for those who are ascending and need to understand what is happening to their bodies and their lives.




Ascension brings about the expansion of the auric field, the chakras, the subtle bodies and the etheric body that surrounds the form. This ultimately translates down to a physical expansion that follows suit. This expansion will be for all species, including those in human form who choose to ascend. The expansion will also include the global body of Earth. The expansion of Earth will take many centuries and will be gradual enough to allow for humanity along with other species to move as needed as the Earth body is reconstituted.


Why is expansion necessary to ascend? The expansion comes hand in hand with a new biological and biochemical structure that holds a new vibration. This new cellular structure not only holds a higher vibration but is larger in size, which ultimately causes the entire body to grow in the process. It is not just the human form that will increase in size but all species, including the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms along with the dolphins and whales. This expansion will be roughly a five to twenty percent increase overall in size and weight.


At another time, the human species stood ten feet in height and was much larger in bone structure and form. Over the last 40,000 years of human history, the human genetic material declined, causing the human form to shrink in stature by many feet and drop in lifespan and consciousness. This is also known as ‘the Fall’ in which humankind fell so low in vibration that he/she embodied fear rather than unity consciousness and unconditional love. This has also been called the fall out of the ‘Garden of Eden’.


Ascension brings about restitution in the genetic material and vibration that all forms experience on Earth. For the human form, this restitution causes many new glands and organs to grow in the form that allow for the new cellular structure to subsist and results in a renewed level of joy and unity consciousness to prevail in the human experience.  Read more