Anthology of Anu Self Predisposition
The family of Anu were an adroit expression upon Earth. The foray of the Anu is a dream of Pleiadian derivative of knowing that arrived upon Earth when she was a fourth dimensional expression. The Anu departed in a fiery explosion of a nuclear winter generated due to the happenstance of great darkness that befell their relationships. The history of the Anu will be discussed in greater detail in two workbooks generated by Mother Earth foray of consciousness. (Please refer to Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension: Workbook 1 and Workbook 2 for more information.)
The Anu lifespan in fourth dimensional terms was extended into deep despair in the end of each lifetime. The lives of each moved between deep deprivation and depression into deep affixation with tantric appeasement of self. Tantra is a foray of energetic systems of self that allow for synergy within and between the two; or an intoxication of emotion due to a repose of the elixir of existence. The family of Anu drove their tantric practices into elixirs of life at the expense of others of red nation relationship with Earth.
The Anu were a derivative of condrian DNA that failed to resonate with Earth’s magnetic fulgurations of self. The self of those of condrian attributes of self reside in a primarily electrical foray of dynamics of self. Electrical attributes of self foray for dreams that resonate in a system of systematic function with a foray of dreams associated with the fabric of DNA of condrian association. Self of condrian derivation resonates not with self of magnetic association of DNA.
Self of electrical predisposition hosts attributes of existence that render the self of those of magnetic predisposition. Rendering of self leads to loss of dream, loss of renewal, abortion of self and loss of participation in self-realization. The Anu deprived those of red nation lore of the capacity to realize self. The family of Anu were not desirous of the outcome of the karma of their existence. The realization of the self of the Anu failed and as such they had little conscious awareness of all the accolades of dis-achievement caused in the life happenstance.
The life of the Anu was not happy or adroit in its expression although they may have arrived in such a state. The state of the being of the Anu diminished greatly over time. Attributes of life extension predisposition sustained the self of each at the expense of many of red nation lore. The happenstance of the Anu is precarious in its rendition. The rendition of the Anu has been attempted in many time periods as a foray of responsibility. The responsibility of the Anus is only an accolade of self dis-achievement. As such those self-realizing can forgive others who dis-achieve self and complete. Read more