Image of golden butterflies flying near flowers against a twinkling silver background. Transcending Information Brokering

4. Transcending Information Brokering


It is human nature to believe that one is beyond patterns of mutilation and destruction. However, if one observes the world around them, they would see that for humanity at large, this is not true. If such patterns exist within humanity at large, so they also exist within one’s self. Just the simple act of eating is a form of mutilation. One mutilates the vegetables or meat as one eats to sustain the physical form. We say this not out of judgment, for eating is a requirement not only to sustain one’s form but also to ascend. However, believing that there is no mutilation within one’s life experience is a form of denial.


Humanity is Holographic and Multidimensional


The human experience is holographic. Humanity is governed by a living hologram that embraces all experiences of a human nature throughout all dimensions within your creation. If one part of humanity experiences mutilation or destruction, then all parts of humanity are responsible for the creation. One is a part of a whole, and to think that one’s self is separate is a great illusion and perhaps the biggest lie of all perpetrated within the third-dimensional paradigm.


Humanity is contained in multiple dimensions of reality or parallel lives. Any creation upon one parallel life will bring forth the opposite creation upon another parallel life. For this reason, we say that all of humanity participate in the patterns of mutilation or harmfulness, and if they do not participate in it within their current physical plane life, they do upon another parallel plane of reality.


The sum total of all parallel planes of reality can be thought of as the unconscious. The unconscious parallel life times are what one experiences during dreamtime while one is asleep. It is the unconscious that is gradually brought to consciousness and integrated within the process of ascension. As such, initiates begin to become aware of parallel lives or experiences that they have during dreamtime.


Most initiates on the spiritual path would never consciously wish to harm anyone or anything on Earth. Such is the nature of those who seek spiritual evolution within any given lifetime. Because one is ‘harmless’ in the physical, this also means that one is ‘harmful’ within the unconscious. Such is the nature of polarity. Read more