Image of a luminous Sun shining over a valley in the autumn. Ancestry, Lineages, Holographic Knowledge and Ascension

4. Ancestry, Lineages, Holographic Knowledge and Ascension


The Ancient Ancestors perceive that the issues of ancestry, lineages, and holograms inherited upon birth a confusing issue for ascending initiates. It is our desire to bring more information about the nature of such things to consciousness so that each may better understand how and why humanity is one species, regardless of genetics and archetypal nature. Perhaps in the greater understanding of how and why this is so will also penetrate the current human leadership so that greater peace between nations can be born.


Only 7 of the 18 Root Races Survived from Human Seeding


Humans are one nation; humans were seeded upon Earth 75,000 years ago by Sirian scientists (300,000 years as humans calculate them); such scientists chose DNA from many humans that were resident upon Sirius. Analysis of the original seeding records gathered by ascending initiates and the Earth as she ascends shows that such DNA was not purely from this creation; that there were many genetics from other creations seeded in the original 18 root races deposited upon Earth.


Many genetic packages went extinct leaving only 7 root races remaining after the first 100,000 human years of existence upon Earth. The 11 root races that expired held DNA primarily from radioactive and electrical creations and the rotation of sacred geometry of field along with biochemistry was so dissonant that the entire nation fell ill over time and went extinct.


Sirius seeded humans of this nature upon Earth without Earth’s permission as a consensus reality. The natural world never agreed unto this seeding. And yet the humans that were left to fend for themselves altered Earth’s reality extensively; for now, inherent upon the land that was co-shared with the natural world were records of destruction and extinction. These records would reactivate again at a later time and due to a sad set of circumstances that we ourselves are responsible for in karmic cause as the Ancient Grand Masters.


Our Own Cause


The Grand Masters were seeded upon Earth 25,000 years (100,000 human years) later and long after the 11 root races had gone extinct. We were unaware of this fact, as little was shared between the scientific community and spiritual community upon Sirius. As a matter of fact, the two factions are so incredibly at war with one another, that over time one has sought to prove the other wrong. And so, we came to Earth where there had been extinction of human tribes but knew not about it. Read more