Image of the spectacular mountains of the Himalayas at night with the mists parting to reveal the beautiful night sky of stars. Transcending Fantasy Realities And The Seven Veils Of Illusion

14. Transcending Fantasy Realities And The Seven Veils Of Illusion


We would like to speak about the concept of illusion. Illusion is a form of veil that causes one to perceive the veil as true and accurate rather than the truth that is so behind the veil. Over time, and with the many falls of the human species, Earth became layered with layers of illusion or non-truth. The current belief by many in the metaphysical community that the ‘Ascended Masters’ are Gods Goddesses of Earth is example of such an illusion. The belief that one may ascend without altering the biology of the form is another example of such an illusion. The belief in anything by anyone is an example of a veil of illusion, for all beliefs are founded upon illusion.


All illusions are layered around the Earth and human consciousness much like an onion. As one ascends, one lifts in frequency day to week to month to year. Each momentum upwards in frequency causes one to lift beyond the veils of illusion that they have believed to be true in their present life experience at a given frequency. One may wonder if this is so, what underlies illusion? After all, humans and all human interactions are based upon beliefs, belief in this or that is superior or inferior to this or that. Underlying all illusion and belief systems is TRUTH.


Truth cannot be defined by a belief in this or that. Truth can only be defined in the concept of I AM THAT I AM. In the concept of ‘I Am That I Am’, one accepts what is as the truth of the experience that they are expressing at any given time. Such acceptance is without judgment or blame. However, this does not mean that such acceptance is not without assessment or awareness of the experience that one has created. Here we get into an interesting dilemma within the human dance, the difference between neutral assessment and judgment.


Neutral Assessment and Judgment


All judgment has an emotional charge attached to it that pits one concept or belief as superior, and yet another as inferior. All beliefs within the veils of illusion that surround humankind have preferences and are weighted as better, worse, or somewhere in-between. An example of this can be seen in one’s day to day activities in which one believes that the outfit that they are wearing is superior to another, and chooses to wear such clothing based upon the belief systems attached to it.


When one is neutral, such as Asur’Ana, one chooses to wear whatever resonates with the truth that they are embodying today. Such choices are not based upon judgment or preference based upon perceptions of “better than” but rather based upon resonance. Truth is based upon resonance or that which is attracted due to “like” or similar matching vibrations. And so, Asur’Ana chooses to wear whatever garment matches her frequency upon any given day. Read more