Anthropological Self Analysis
Self is a conscious aspect of the field. The chakra system and field layers are non-conscious layers of configuration but sustain the life of the body and existence of self. Self interweaves itself into the field to harmonize, animate, and deliberate command for the life and body. The layers of self accolade the symphony of sound and light of the archetypal script to repose (song) the dreams upon the self and life. It is in the accolade of the symposium of self that spirit descends and dances with the self through magical incantations known as prose.
Prose dreaming is an accolade of self-realization. Prose dramatizes the life in words that are incantated in a symphony of sound and a harmony of light waves. The prose incantations resound through the music drawing the dream to the foray of the self through the hypothesis of mindset. Each prose is a hypothesis of mindset that causes dreams to be transfigured in an accolade of achievement for spirit.
Self accolades a physical dream to the life structure. The life structure includes the life of the self and the body. There are multiple layers of occupation of self including the physical and dream time. Dream time is an accolade above the physical leading to a nonphysical life expression. Physical life is of the body and associated with the body level self. Physical and nonphysical life expressions are the result of a fall dividing the two into polarity.
United Synergy Between Physical and Dream Time
Dream time cavorts a presence over the physical when realizing itself. Physical bodies often fail to realize self. Most incarnate today are not realizing self and live in a foray of a mechanical field that renders spirit. As the field evolves and resounds in an accolade that reposes synergy between the physical and dream time, self-realization begins. Self-realization is a repose of its own that accolades a symphony between body and dream time allowing the two to emerge as a unified self that modulates realization. Before dream time and physical can emerge into a unified self, the two poles must harmonize enough into a repose of unity between the two.
Unity between dream time and physical reposes of self requires an understanding of the archetypal relay of patterns through human history. Archetypes have rendered self and spirit leading to the repose of disassociation between the two. Sometimes the physical desires to repose in realization and the dream time fails to accolade in parallel. Sometimes the physical fails to accolade towards realization when the dream time desires the path. Both journeys fail as it requires both physical and dream time to work as a united synergy to cause realization of self. Read more