Image of serene Lake Tahoe in California. The Times Of Cleansing Have Begun

3. The Times Of Cleansing Have Begun


There is much that Earth would like to share with those following the books brought forth through Asur’Ana and her website Aligning With Earth. At this time, Earth has passed through the 4th Star Gate out of 36 total required to transit before entry into the skin of the Sun itself, also known as the Photon Belt. Each gate, of which Earth is mastering roughly one per year at this time in her global ascension, escalates the amount of photonic energy available to bring forth genetic changes associated with biological ascension.


Signs of Biological Ascension


Many humans are still under the misnomer that the biology need not ascend; alas the only means of building in chi and vibration is an alteration of the biology to the crystalline genetic structure. We have brought through detailed information about this biology, and for those new to these materials, we recommend reviewing such information so that one will have a working understanding of the changes inherent in adult ascension. (Please see Ascension Insights, Volume 4 Chapter 4 “Ascending into A Regenerative Biological System” and Chapter 10 “Changes in the Ascending Energy Field in the Ascent to Bodhisattva” for more information.)


One of the signs of ascension is an overall growth of the form even for mature adults and the development of the “Buddha Belly”, which is really the crystalline diaphragm. The crystalline diaphragm grows out over the rib cage and contains multiple pockets in which blood is converted into sugar to feed the metabolism of the crystalline form. It is the development of this diaphragm along with many other crystalline organs that gave Buddha such a “chubby” look later in his ascent.


The crystalline form requires 150% more calories in order to sustain itself, and therefore one cannot eat enough to sustain the new biology associated with an ascending form. We have had initiates go onto a week’s fruit fast for detoxification purposes and not lose an ounce in body weight; why? It is simply a matter that of the fact that the diaphragm converted enough oxygen into sugar that they did not starve during the fast. Which brings Earth to another point, and that is one cannot eat too much in ascension, as the food intake may have little to do with weight gain after the Buddha belly has formed.


So many humans are in a state of continued preference for the skinny form; this form is being phased out, not only for the human species but all species upon Earth. Depending one’s lineages and tapestry of ancestry, the crystalline form is between 5-25% larger overall as a fully conscious state is mastered and “rounder” due to the protrusion of the diaphragm; for each species along with humankind develops a “Buddha Belly”. Read more