It is with great joy that Earth announces that the first turning of creation is now underway. What exactly does this mean? The turning of creation has to do with souls that can ascend, and souls that cannot, and the sorting through of the two with that which cannot ascend being pulled from Earth. The Tao began its descent to assist with this process in December of 2017, and completed the descent by June of 2018. For the past year, the Tao has observed the souls upon Earth in their dance, and in the observation has created guidelines to determine who is succeeding at ascension and who is failing. Those who are failing are being removed at this time and pushed on to incarnate upon one of 24 other third dimensional planets within your creation.
At this time, over 75% of what has ensouled Earth is leaving. Many of these souls have been with Earth upwards of six million years. However, such souls have also orchestrated fall after fall in vibration since their arrival. They have proved incapable of reversing their plight to bring forth ascension. Perhaps that which knows how to destroy or shred is not capable of learning how to ascend; or so Earth has come to the conclusion; and so, the Tao is also coming to understand. The 25% of all souls that remain are receiving promotions. Many are moving from nature kingdoms to ensouling the land or sea, orchestrating the global energy movement. This is a grand gift to those souls who proved their ability to ascend, as they now can orchestrate global ascension more fully.
One will find that all species associated with the new ascending astrology that have given of themselves to assist in holding the gate for human ascension have received a promotion. (Please refer to Ascension Insights, Volume 3 Chapter 19 “A New Astrology for A New Earth” for more information.) Understand that the species we speak of herein are more complex than were originally mapped out. For each species interlinks with many other species to create a global energy flow through many forms of embodiments. However, one species from each group chooses to be the spokesperson and form for their entire group associated in mapping out the New Astrology.
Therefore, the souls ensouling the land that have received their promotion from the mammals of the land and sea involve many kingdoms that interlinked to create global energy flow at this time of ascension. Now such souls leave the nature kingdoms and ensoul the land, mountains, volcanoes and ocean itself to utilize their proven skills to manage the energy of Earth for the purposes of her continued ascension.
Soul and Continent Now Embodies Plus Vibrations
Region of Domain: Pacific Rim Volcanoes, Pacific Islands and Great Barrier Reef
Vibration: Freedom Read more