Image of a glorious eclipse with the light and the shadow to represent the Dance Of Light And Dark.

10. The Dance Of Light And Dark


Timelessness is a state of being in which one ceases to age, ceases to experience pain, ceases to become ill, and ceases to die. Some have equated such a state with “paradise”, “heaven” or the “Garden of Eden”. In the mythology surrounding human history, there is a story, a story of a time when all was beautiful, all was in harmony, all humans and nature danced in unity and joy together. Then somehow the paradise was lost.


Why was paradise lost? The examination of the karmic records of those ascending in human form offer up layer after layer of history at cause. There were multiple falls, multiple times that humans went from paradise to paradise lost. Each loss stabilized into another paradise of sorts, but with less than the paradise before, until it was lost yet again. Human history is 200,000 years old upon Earth, and began with the original seeding of human form by the Sirian Race.


There have been three significant periods of decline, each of which involved a loss of paradise. The most significant declines, which are traced back to roughly 90,000 years ago, 45,000 years ago, and 10,000 years ago each involved major nuclear catastrophes, which mutated the human genetic structure to such a degree that a major drop in vibration occurred over the course of one generation. In addition to such catastrophes, there are also records of deliberate and scientific manipulation of the human genetic structure to create 3 separate slave races by humans themselves. Each slave race lived with less awareness, less gifts and talents, and in essence, resulted in paradise lost for all of humankind.


Humanity’s Pain


For many in human form living with the outcome of such manipulations and annihilation, it is hard to understand the thinking behind those humans whom perpetrated such things. What were they thinking? How could they possibly set in motion a circumstance that would result in the current level of pain that humanity is in?


Most of humanity is in great pain, even if they are numb to it. As one rises up in vibration, and rises above the current fantasy that humanity is in, such pain makes one very sad. You see, humanity does not see the elderly, crippled or ill as abnormal. Humanity is in a consensus in which pain, illness, and distortion of the form is the norm. As one ascends, one brings in souls that have never seen such things before, and they are indeed horrified! What kind of place is Earth that such mutilation of the form is considered normal? For this is not normal anywhere else in your creation, beloved. Read more