There are many changes underway that shall lead to the fulfillment of the ascent of Earth. Such changes are both energetic and physical. The kundalini of Earth is heating up significantly. This can be perceived as the increasing brightness of the “Northern Lights” or Aurora of Earth (the Sun in Earth’s Core) along with the melting of the glaciers. There are also significant shifts in the human ascension movement that shall ensure the survival of your species.
For you see the survival of humanity upon the surface of the Earth has never been guaranteed; for so low in vibration and consciousness you have fallen. Without a pathway to a new frequency, there would be little hope of surviving, for all would perish in the end in plagues due to an inability of the cellular structure to handle the increasing rotation of the molecules of all living things upon Earth.
This Asur’Ana heard the calling for, and she ascends for the sake of her own species more than her own personal self. Asur’Ana could exit physicality and enter the Great Central Sun and be embraced without any further ascent; she chooses to continue to persevere so that there will be a viable pathway into the fourth dimension for the current genetics of surface Earth human. One must understand that there is little reward for the role Asur’Ana and Per have chosen; their life revolves around ascending their own form and creating a pathway for others to do the same.
So much of the dance of the remaining dark held upon Earth has been to attempt to end their lives premature so that the possibility of human extinction would be viable; as there would also be the possibility in such an outcome of the extinction of Earth. The dark chose to push for extinction to retain the polarity of life elsewhere; for in the current dynamics of extreme poles, one creation must die in order for another creation to ascend.
End of Cycle Time
Extreme polarity is something that Earth is leaving behind at this time. In so doing, Earth is entering a new polarity known as gold and silver in which all may ascend home; that nothing requires dying or going extinct for another creation to ascend. Within the Great Central Sun, there is no extinction; only gold and silver dancing so that all may go Home. The homecoming is a joyous outcome for Earth, for it involves a return to life and a return to the joy that expansion and ascension make possible. Read more