Image of stunning blue flowers. Shakti Relationship Lore #3

Shakti Relationship Lore #3


The Dreamer Within


The Lore of the Father and Beloved of the Yacht


The Dreamer Within


The dreamer of the dreams

Is a beautiful journey

Of the Tao within

That directs the life

In syncopation with the Dao

Causing the Beloved Within

To ignite a flame

Of a union Divine

In harmony with the truth

In a momentous occasion

Of an accolade of joy

In a beautiful forensic reaction

Of Love


Mother and Father Attributes of Self


The mother is an accolade of the feminine or the Dao within. The father is an accolade of the masculine or Tao within. In a state of divine union, the Dao and Tao ignite a flame within the heart. Dao and Tao seek divine partnership within or between the two as an archetypal foray of achievement. Divine partnership occurs only as a state of divine union is mastered within each in the relationship. Divine relationship of the two lies beyond the principles of the mother and father attributes of self as an expression of the beloved.


Mother and father attributes of self represent the beloved of naught. Neither the mother nor father role in relationship lore can forensically administer a synergy of the heart accolade of self between the two, demonstrating a state of love in the partnership. Divine partnership requires synergy between the two hearts in order to be fostered. Mother and father fables each create a state of care or false love founded upon superiority or inferiority as a predisposition of self. In a state of superiority, one partner is dis-synergized assuming the inferior role of two.


Superiority is an act of ego founded upon competition and ill will. In competition or ill will, one diminishes the other into an inferior role. Out of an inferior role, one partner feels dejected rather than embraced while the other feels cared for. In partnership, father expressions of ego suppress the feminine or Dao within. The female feels inferior as a result. Expressions of negative ego suppress the masculine or Tao within. The male feels disrespected as a result. Accolades of either ego or negative ego forensically repose dis-synergy upon the other. Love fails in the partnership as a happenstance as dis-synergy occurs due to imbalance of self. Read more