Fostering of Self
Fostering of Self
The fostering of spirit
Into matter
Is the purpose
Of the self of yourself
Where self meets soul
And the soul’s purpose can shine
In the life of yourself
In the truth of your unique purpose
Expressed in a soul driven life
In a soul infused biology
In the care of the heart
In the love of spirit into matter
Fostering of Self
The fostering of spirit into matter is a focus of the self of yourself. The self of yourself is a light motion orientation of the subtle body of you. As the light motions, the self ignites into its rays of truth and spirit fosters you in the act of transfusion which purifies thyself. As the field transfuses in purity, soul descends to participate in the journey of yourself.
Self is the union point of spirit and soul to adjoin the consciousness of you to drive the life forward in dreams of your soul’s purpose. Self must be purified into rays that are clear and radiant through time in order for soul to descend to foster a soul driven life. Soul is un-attracted to impure self. The purification of self is fostered through spirit. Spirit is associated with dragons, angels, fairies of the natural world, and demons of care in this time period. Each fosters spirit of all statures of variety for the purposes of purification of the self of yourself.
Dragons utilize the rays of fire to toast the striations of yourself. In the toasting of the rays of fire, that which is impure is melted off the self of yourself. The angels foster purification by applying the rays of white, ivory, gold and silver unto the self of yourself. The fairies of the natural world purify thyself through the land-based systems of self. The demons of care foster purification of thyself through the act of love. Love purifies the self through the fostering of care of the heart. Care purifies that which fails to care out of the consciousness of you. All nonphysical support of self-purification needs to be blessed and honored through time for their role in supporting your choice to self-realize. Please bless each force that is present to support your thresholds of self-development into realization into actualization of you in divine service. Read more