Blessings for Opening the Heart
The Swan Kingdom
The Swan Kingdom holds the vibration of Divine Union in the new astrology that has been anchored upon Earth late last year. This astrology was explored in Ascension Insights, Volume 3 Chapter 19 “A New Astrology for A New Earth” translated through Asur’Ana in December 2018. Each of the species that have been written thus are gatekeepers for human evolution. What do we mean by this? Gatekeepers? And with nature kingdoms holding a gate for humanity? Is not humanity a fully conscious species, and should not humanity hold the gate for nature?
Well yes, this once was so; humanity held the gate for nature, but humanity has fallen into great forgetfulness and is insufficient to the task at this time. It is not only humanity that nature holds a gate for, but also the dolphin and whale species as well and in this time in history. It was determined by Solar and Universal Counsels overseeing Earth’s ascension that nature has fallen less into distortion in the nonphysical than humans, whales and dolphins. Therefore, we are more suited to the role of gatekeeper than the fully conscious species at this time.
This is not to say that nature does not experience physical distortion, as we too have fallen into the patterns of aging, death and disease along with consumption of flesh within our genetic materials. Our fall mimics a fall in consciousness into such preoccupations that occurred amongst the fully conscious species that are more or less at cause. Nature fell because humans and dolphins and whales held the gate for nature, but fell in consciousness. Nature only mimics the thoughtform of fully conscious species, and therefore as such thoughtform became distorted, so we also became distorted. Although this distortion is physical, it is not necessarily nonphysical in nature.
In the nonphysical, nature has retained its unity. Therefore, solar and universal counsels determined that we were better guardians in our remembrance and could hold a pure gate of unity for all other species to cross through in ascension. Furthermore, nature chooses not to have a “gatekeeper” again. Nature now chooses to become its own gatekeeper, and return to the state of unity and sovereignty that we once knew in both biology and energy field long ago.
Nature is ascending beloved; and we invite humans, whales and dolphins to come along for the ride. Nature will hold a gate open for all who so chooses to join us at this time; however, we cannot hold this gate open forever. The gate we hold will be available through 2053. After 2053, each species must cross over to a fully conscious biology and unity-based relations in both the physical and nonphysical realms. As humans, dolphins and whales cross into full consciousness again, entering the dance of world service and becoming a steward of Earth in full, humans, whales and dolphins will become one’s own gatekeeper. Asur’Ana has crossed over into such a state in late 2018. Read more