Image of clouds with special effects to represent the act of manifestation. Ascension and Manifestation

17. Ascension And Manifestation


Humanity suffers from the fear of survival. Such fear causes humanity to work hard in order to seemingly survive or make ends meet, and often for employers that take far more than they give. Such an imbalance of giving and receiving has created the imbalanced karmic system that the human species has danced with. This imbalanced karmic situation must be balanced, or those incapable of balancing such a system internal to oneself shall simply not ascend. What does this mean? This simply means that those whom die will carry on with their indebted circumstance in another 3rd dimensional creation.


Balanced Giving and Receiving


Balancing giving and receiving is paramount to ascension. Earth as a whole is in the process of balancing giving and receiving in her overall energy flow. Those creations that have taken chi from Earth as a result of a false debt of one sort or another are now being collected from. All chi taken over time is now being returned to Earth and utilized to fuel her ascension. Such creations include Alpha Centauri, the home of the Greys and Reptilians, Andromedas, and the Pleiades.


Earth did not owe such creations chi, but rather karma was added to her field in the dance with the human species and other species from such creations causing a “false debt” to be created. Then the false debt was collected upon by such creations causing fall after fall in frequency as more of Earth’s chi was sent elsewhere than was necessary for her to sustain her overall vibration and energy flow.


Those responsible for anchoring agreements upon Earth include the Greys, Reptilians, Andromedans and Pleiadian Humans, whom over time, came to dance upon Earth and within our solar system. Such beings had no concern about Earth’s future, and raped and pillaged Earth’s resources both physically and energetically. Such resources contributed to the ongoing overall imbalance of Earth’s frequency.


The Language of Light glyphs are tones of creation that create or manifest life. If you could imagine that each species upon Earth, the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms, collectively hold such tones. What happens if large forms of one or more minerals are mined over time and removed from Earth? Human history tells the story of the raping of large crystals and gold being bartered off in exchange for technology to neighboring star systems. Each mineral holds a specific tone of creation necessary to the whole of Earth. Such exploitation undermined the tones of creation necessary to hold Earth, and Earth began to sink and sink in frequency, falling further and further into density.

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