The Whale and Dolphin and Kingdoms have much to say to ascending human initiates today. There have been many changes in the Human along with Dolphin and Whale Dreams. The human holographic planes that were opened a little over a year ago in Earth’s ascension recently revealed the history of the human dream in which the souls or false gods ensouling humanity was pieced together.
Within these archives, the story could be perceived about how the false god souls went into competition and warred upon one another to a point of destroying human form and causing a fall in consciousness. Later their warfare translated into humans warring upon one another, and over time this became so extensive that nuclear annihilation was the result. Such warfare as it was run through human form also was the original cause of disease in the human species. It is soul or the nonphysical that directs physicality; the point here being that it was the nonphysical or realm of spirit at cause of human warfare, as human form is a receptacle for spirit.
Animation of Human Forms
Without spirit, there would be nothing to animate form. The animation or persona of all humans is the result of spirit entering the form and directing the consciousness in whatever is thought, spoken, written or created. Without spirit, human form would simply be unable to function in the world, much like an autistic child or insane person who simply sits and rocks to and fro all day. As a matter of fact, some of the current drugs such as ICE actually destroy the energetic dynamics of how form channels spirit leading to dysfunctional humans who can do little more than an autistic child. If healers who were gifted at reconstructing channeling devices or the mechanisms in which spirit enters form were to work upon ICE patients, there could be some semblance of return to normalcy. This drug accesses drug planes that are so violent in the nonphysical that the physical ability to channel spirit is all but destroyed in a few uses of the drug.
The violent drug planes that ICE accesses are what remains from a series of drugs used by the Anu to control violence in the slaves. Extremely violent humans were drugged into complacency; in essence their ability to channel violent entities was removed from their field, and they became much like an autistic child that cannot relate to the world, but are docile and harmless in nature. It just so happens that this particular drug is similar in biochemical substances to what the Annanuki used long ago, and therefore has a parallel affect. Those using ICE most likely have karma for having been administered the drug long ago in their ancestry and by the Anu, and are simply reliving such karma.
Our point here is not about the drugs per se, but about how humans are animated. If there is no soul or spirit, there is no animation, and one would simply rock to and fro while awake. Human form is animated by many kinds of nonphysical realms at this time in history. For a long time, the Red False Gods animated humans after they were first seeded upon Earth by Sirian scientists. These souls managed the human energy flow and dance in the physical for 100,000 years leading to a lengthy life of 2,000 years and peaceful tribal relations. Read more