Image of a beautiful golden sunset at the beach. Incantations for the Divine Partner

Incantations For The Divine Partner


Fostering the Path of the Two:

Poetic Prose for Divine Partnership


Shaktar Tantric Union Fable Incantations:

Igniting Twin Flame Love




Incantations foster all dreams of life. Incantations are divine poetry that is incanted through time that fosters all life experiences or dramas that we dream through time. Life is an unfolding dream that flowers in the care of the heart. Incantations for beloveds foster two that unfold and flower as one in deep care of a twin flame union through time. Twin flames are pairs of humans that oscillate in motions of deep love together in the heart accolade of self. Twin flames are biological pairs of male-female, male-male, or female-female genetics that resonate and flourish and are born from the same archetype in variant families through time. Twin flames are notorious for fostering unions of a lifetime and loving one another above all else. Twin flames also incarnate as monadic duet soul infusions of the same origins of spirit through time.


Twin flames foster a union of sublime motions of love and care of the heart. Twins can also occur between parents and children or friendships of deep love through time. The love of twins is mesmerizing to experience within. The love of twins is often a sought after notion to dream in life though time. Twins heal one another of many ailments including the loss of health or love of the love within. It is very painful to lose one’s twin through dejection or death. The heart can breach in the loss of a twin through time.


No twin union lasts forever due to the difficult biology that often concludes a life through disease or accident. Twins who remain following a deep loss of the care of two often face suicidal flavor of life within and must rebirth to rise again. Those who surmount the loss of a twin foster the gift of deep understanding to foster compassion and forgiveness of self through time to survive and surmount the grief within. The love of twins is a sacred notion of life fostered by spirit and soul. Spirit and soul share in the dance of love amongst those who foster the care of the heart in twin flame formations. The following prose reflect the journey of the heart in the choice to cause a partnership of a divine ordering of love of the two through time.


Opening the heart is a difficult stanza of truth to be fostered into compassionate action of a journey of life in this era. The incantations of life foster each experience upon the path. Some incantations are delightful and exquisite to experience. Others are heart wrenching or filled with strife. The opening of the heart requires both sides of the polarity of light and dark to be experienced through time in order to be fulfilled upon in a life of spiritual mastery in this era.


Love and Spirit’s Blessings,

Shaktar Dreaming

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