Image of tasty raspberries on the tree. Earth Light Wave Sign Language #14

Earth Light Wave Sign Language #14


Love of Self


Love of Self


Love of You

The journey into love

Is in the forgiveness and compassion

Of my life journey

With each that has trespassed myself

And each who has cared for me

Through time and space and form

In this life of mine

To foster the care of me

In the love of my Tao

And the blessings of my Dao

In the love for me for me

And the love and compassion for you for you


Love of You         


The love of you is a fostering of your Dao to allow you to accept yourself unconditionally now and through time along with any future you may actualize ahead. The love of you is infinite and exponentially magical in its capacity to reweave your dreams into new syncopated rhythms of the divine. Spirit and soul accord to love. If you love others’ spirit and soul, do foster a unison of interplay in light wave sway as you motion with the other or many others that you care for. The love of you is personal. As you love you, spirit and soul descend to interface with you alone. Love is the quagmire to realize through if you do not love you in this cycle. The loss of love is a very difficult subject in this time period. The loss of love is exponentially increased due to electricity as a wave length prevalent in human thought-stream.


Electricity and the devices associated diminish love. Electricity festers spirits that are fostered into matter at birth and through time in your life and the life of others surrounding yourself. The electricity causes which might be a kinder association to grow to be pestulant or festered through time. People are agitated and ornery in electrical thought-stream. Most humans today are far less conscious about their minds than in other time periods where the common understanding was of the self of the self in the psychology of the day.


Motion away from the density of the cityscape and into the countryside or an island dream and people are suddenly happier and kinder in their dance with others. The mind purifies without the electrical gadgets and the undercurrent of thought-stream caught in the cement of your cityscapes. Fewer humans love the self of themselves due to electrical dominion of the air waves of the collective human delusion. Read more

Image of a pear tree with juicy fruits. Earth Light Wave Sign Language #4

Earth Light Wave Sign Language #4


Attraction of Self


Attraction of Self



The attraction of you

Is the attraction of me

In the self of myself

In a sway with my soul family

In a journey of the divine

In the dance of the sublime

In a notion of love and care

That prospers in the lair of myself

In a synergy of magic

In the growth of myself

And the expansion of my dreams


Attraction of Self


The attraction of self is a system of configuration that draws unto yourself those individuals and dreams in life that resonate and discards those that are not harmonious with your own inner state of being. Attraction of self is not about intending the dreams that you desire as much as fostering a beautiful self of the self within that then attracts beautiful and bountiful dreams to the life unfolding.


Beautiful self is a configuration of consciousness that is gracious, delightful, beautiful, fosters others, loves, cares, and is abundant due to the love of the heart. Humans along with dreams are attracted to those who love in this time period. Love is such an oxymoron of a problem in this cycle of lack that love attracts perhaps more than any other possible state of consciousness on the planet. Love yourself and love each and your dreams will begin to flourish in light wave motion of field.


Love of self is not an easy state necessarily to master. Love of self is a fostering of wading through all the consciousness that hates, dislikes, dejects, holds on to remorse, is non-abundant or lacks, is unfulfilled within, feels cheated in life or in other terms is unwell in the dreams lived through time. Discarding consciousness of negative stature first begins with the aplomb of the capacity to work inwards upon the emotional discharge from the life experiences to date. Negative life experiences through time creates a charge that causes ill self that is negative to adjoin the field. The negative self calls negative dreams and experiences unto the life. Discharge the negative self and another type of dream can be attracted unto you. Read more

Image of a captivating moon with pale sunset colors and the galaxy in the background. Light Wave Archive #22

Light Wave Archive #22


Karmic Fate Happenstance of Self


14-14 and 16-16 levels of mastery are adroit equations to foster compassion as an action leading to divine interludes of self. Compassion is a notion that one forgives and then makes peace with the other to a truth of care even in difficult happenstances in life. Divine interludes are compassionate action in command over the dream that foster self. Divine interludes are not necessarily easy systems to master in today’s marketplace of greed.


Greed fosters non-care of one over some. Greed interferes with divine interludes of self in mastery. Many developing self today lead simple lives with less than most to foster divine interludes of self dreaming through time. Poverty is sometimes also an issue if the karmic habitat annotates a need to foster the dreams of others amongst those mastering self. Greed is not a cause of self. Self chooses to find the divine. Greed is not divine but a marketplace of self of not. Self of not is not self-development. Self of not fosters the appearances of development that is not.


Development that is not is renderous in notion. Not is a state of being in which nothing exists. False development renders real development to exist or dream the life. False development is at an all-time high in the developments of the planetary sequences of dreams. Over one third of the current developments are developments of not. At this time, self-developments of not are to be un-developed to foster real developments in higher octaves of continued realization. Higher octaves of self rise far above the 14-16-18 and 20 binary equations through time. Most developments of self of not rests beneath the 20-20 in this era. Those rising above the 20-20 will recover what is lost to the development of not of karmic happenstance of fate.


20-28 binary equations foster realization through the hypothesis of Mother Earth lore of self. 30-38 binary equations foster realization in triads of creator and creation theory of existence. 40-48 binary equations foster realization through life forms of self fostering understanding of ancestral karma and reincarnation habitat of life. 50-58 binary equations foster conscious dreaming into astute systems of Tao information in service unto the Dao.


60-68 binary equations foster a fostering of care flowering the Heart of the Tao development within. 70-78 binary equations foster prose incantation realization of self-understanding itself in wave formations of language. 80-100 and above binary equations trigger transfusion lore of self-realization itself through the hypothesis of lore fables of life in mastery dreams of fate. Read more