Dragon-aid and Dragon Lore Dreaming
Dragons and demons are beginning to be explored in our writing. Demons are serpents with tethers to the material world. Dragons are serpent like systems of ordering dreams for sustenance of the physical. Sustenance of the physical is a phenomenon of dragon dreaming. Dragons prevail in natural world orders and human systems in which regeneration and renewal prevail. Demons prevail in systems that penetrate the renewal of others and foster renewal at the disease of another or the consensus.
Demons and dragons have surfaced in many systems of self-realization over time. In other time periods, demons were small and dragons larger in number in relation unto Earth. The eras of realization of self are generally times of dragon dreaming of deep accolades of synergy of self. In this time period, demons are more common than dragons, and dragon dreaming becomes difficult and filled with strife amongst those attempting realization. Dragon dreaming renditions the problematic patterning of those in demonic strife. Dragon dreaming accolades synergy of self into the dream such that the happenstance of demonic interplay ceases.
Dragon dreaming is a self-realization happenstance. Dragon-aid dreaming is a precursor happenstance of realization amongst those in consensus ascension momentum. Dragon-aid dragons are forces that are part dragon and part demon. Forces realizing ascension in the consensus movement of Earth are primarily dragon-aid in nature. Dragon-aid nature is part conscious and part unconscious in synthesis of self. Humans accolading to dragon-aid patterning learn to modulate through difficult happenstance of strife as well as ignite passion for times of deep synergy of caring. Dragon-aid happenstance is about ignition of care into the infrastructure of the dream. Dragon-aid is a transitory system leading to further realization of self.
Love, Care, Forgiveness and Compassion
Care is an oscillation of self that allows love to blossom into the chalice of the divine within. The chalice does not open for those of dragon-aid nature. The chalice of the divine oscillates into an opening only as dragon nature prevails and the conclusion of dragon-aid nature is fulfilled upon. Dragon-aid nature is a precursor to dragon dreaming within. Dragon dreaming within is an oscillation of purity of love that happenstances the union divine. Dragon-aid experiences divine union that is happenstanced in group expression of self. Dragon dreaming allows for divine union to take flight within each life.
Dragon-aid systems of self are an infusion of spinal oscillations of the biology that cause the requirement to care to surface as a forensic motion of nervous system repose. Those who fail to learn to care in the spiritual tests of dragon-aid mastery fail to develop the nervous system repose of oscillations of love. Those who foster deep care within move into dragon mastery of self and depart dragon-aid systems of self if appropriate. The motions of care are so obvious that those who fail to develop are denoted as condrian archeology of ancestry. Condrian ancestry can develop dragon-aid systems of care but rarely develops past this into dragon dreaming of self. The oscillations of love preclude condrian archetypes due to motions of dis-synergy. Read more