Image of lovely pale pink hearts. Blessings of Love and Self Healing from the Heart of the Tao

4. Blessings of Love and Self Healing from the Heart of the Tao


The Heart of the Tao addresses each reading of our books today. The Heart of the Tao is a casted temple designed to restore love to creations that have become lost in time, space and form. The Heart of the Tao has been anchored upon Earth in recent months to aid Earth in self-healing through love. Love is the essential ingredient to self-healing. Through self healing, all that has been created that led to distortion, disease, aging, death, falls in consciousness, loss of light and loss of love can be restored. The journey of restoration is called ascension which is really about gathering up lost parts of self from the past, and in the reunion, a journey to greater wholeness within is born.


Dimensions Are Illusions


Many have thought of ascension as a pathway to another dimension. Dimensions are illusions in the thoughtform of the Tao. There is only creators and creations that expand and contract at the end of cycle journey, and return Home to the consciousness of the Tao. Expansion is not about falling down dimensions, and so you cannot confuse what has occurred here with an expansion cycle. What has occurred here is the result of failing to go “home” as the contraction cycle was invoked. That which failed to go home went extinct as there was no life force to sustain its existence.


Life force is only generated in the expansion cycle by the Tao for all creators and creations, and then as the contraction cycle is called, all is gathered back, and over time no additional life force is provided, as the creations have all gone Home. Here in this region of domain, creations failed to return home and then as there was no more life force available due to everything else departing, creations went extinct.


That which exists upon your dimension (3D) is generally the creations that go extinct in any given contraction cycle and as there is no longer life force to sustain it. The extinction of creations upon the third dimension then draws the creations upon the fifth dimension down into the third, and all others above them down another dimensional threshold, and it is the bottom level dimension of life that will go extinct in the following cycle.


About the End of Time Bell


This has occurred for 12 cycles now as gauged by the Tao in its assessment of your records as a creational body. The underlying cause is the failure for each creation in this region of domain to choose to go Home. There is a system for homecoming that is embedded into everything cast within the Tao. When the “End of Time Bell” is sounded, all creators and creations conclude their expansion cycle and begin their contraction cycle, working their way out of whatever experience that they have constructed, and whatever distortion that they have gone into, back home to the Tao. Read more