Calling All Light Bearers, Star Seeds and Angelic Humans!
Due to requests for support during these accelerated times of Earth’s Ascension and Humanity Awakening, we are offering weekly support to our Inner Circle monthly subscribers.
Starting Saturday May 18, 2024!
There are many groups participating in this effort worldwide, each in their own way. It’s exciting to know that so many are being called to a higher level of understanding and activism, expanding our collective consciousness in balanced heart and mind action. Together we can change the narrative, take back our divine birthright and sovereignty; and acknowledge our power to co-create a new reality, banish the forces of darkness and control; and usher in a New Golden Age of Light or the Age of Enlightenment.
Monthly Subscription for Weekly On-line Webinars and PDF Downloads of Ascension and Enlightenment Related Topics: $20/Monthly
One Month Subscription of $20 for 4 or 5 On-line Webinars and PDF Downloads Read more