Image of sumptuous papayas on the tree. Earth Light Wave Sign Language #10

Earth Light Wave Sign Language #10


Transcendental Self


Transcendental Self



I am that I am a being of light

From the realms of spirit

In a system of truth

That I am a transcendental being

Fostering the understanding of soul

And the thought-stream of spirit

In a path of self-realization

Beyond the quagmires of physical delusion

In light wave motions of field

Transfusing into the renewal of my youth

Transcending the beliefs in death

Transfusing into the love of my soul


Transcendental Self


The transcendental self is a fostering of the capacity to realize beyond the quagmires of a human born into third dimensional limitations of delusion. The human system of dreaming is bound by a system of delusion that is not unlike layers of a gauze of light that reflects belief systems that each thinks must be so. Each level or octave transfused through as light motion of field takes flight raises you above the gauzes of delusion and into other possibilities of thought-stream that are unlimited and of spirit.


Each thought-stream mastered in the mind waves of you lifts a portion of the veils of delusion that you have been surrounded by for your entire life. Each delusion did cause and affect certain life experiences. Each delusion when risen above allows for a completion and absolution of the cause and effect that the belief suspended over the dreams of the life. The life dreams then reach new heights of possibilities of non-limitation for what is experienced next.


Beliefs are not real. Beliefs are suspended in the DNA. As the DNA is purified in light motion of field, the thoughts of spirit can be integrated as new light wave DNA grows. As the new light wave DNA grows, the belief systems of delusion are relinquished within. Beliefs come in six categories in this cycle. The first is the belief in the outside power of another. In truth you are yourself always and no other has any power over your reality unless you think otherwise. Read more

Image of a silver key on a lovely pink and white rose petal with the rose next to it. Light Wave Archive #1

Light Wave Archive #1


This is the first Light Wave archive from the Source or Tao of Shaktar to those who are reading and studying our materials. We are glad to assist each of you in your continued choice to master light wave synergy and relationship patterning. We are covering many levels of work from introductory to greatly experienced in information. We see a deep maturity in your capacity to handle spiritual issues and a need to continue to focus inward in the materials presented.


The relationship materials are devised to heal with dream time planes that are associated. The dream time planes are semi etheric and held in the void of infinite possibility of the Tao or the Source to be attuned unto for clearing and healing of patterning associated with relationship. For those interested in studying with us, we have 36 planes associated with current and future materials available to you to explore your issues of relationship as a means of healing karma associated with continued ascension.


Light Wave Ascension


Ascension is really a relationship unto oneself and unto the Source or the Tao and of the masculine and feminine within. As relationship issues are tended unto, then a deeper level of love may emerge within oneself and into the dreaming that one is dreaming for the life. Dreaming is as it has been, however, there are new languages available that we will call “prose script” into your dream, and this invoke light wave sequences.


Light wave sequences are different from the dreams you have danced within up until now as they are synergized and also non-polarity based. There is no light, medium, and dark dreaming in light wave synergy. Therefore, the struggle of polarity ceases as light wave dreams are mastered; however, one must rise up in octaves to sustain the light waves enough to light wave dream.


Sustainable Dreaming


Light wave dreams begin at octaves of 18 and above. Asur’Ana is mastering more even light wave synergy for sustainable dreaming. Sustainable dreaming is even and consistent light wave synergy and gives a sense of well-being in unity. Before one aspires to enter this level of dreaming, there is much nemesis darkness that must be cleared. Asur’Ana has really struggled to process all the heavy and painful holographic memories in order to rise into light wave synergized dreaming. Read more