The Path of Self Realization
Self-realization is a method of recognizing self as an accompanying attribute of the synergy of soul. Synergy between body, mind and soul is an all-encompassing focus that shall cause a straight and narrow path of self-mastery amongst those desiring to fulfill upon this goal. The goal shall offset numerous influences of light wave mind bend that have affected each over time.
Those reading our book and studying with us are fostering to allow self-realization and mindset of wave synergy to develop. The group is evolving into another formation that shall allow for light wave mindset of thulsa, thessa and thossa derivative of waves. The development of light wave mind presupposes a development of synergy within the heart and mind accolade of self. Heart accolades of self are measurements of love of the beloved within. Measurements of heart accolade are designed to understand and syncopate the soul and self into a synapse formation of heart mind synergy.
Love and Heart Mind Synergy
Heart mind synergy is really an offshoot of self-realization. Self is a supposition of a paradigm of a renewal of synergy of body, mind and spirit. Body, mind and spirit accolades are really a notion that requires rendition in human circumstance of dream for direction of spirit and renewal of self.
Dreams have rendered heart mind interfaces to a point that there is little understanding of the supposition of love of soul. The supposition of love of soul is really a requirement to focus inward and love self. Love of self is not equated to blessings inward or outward. Blessings foster love that enhances the heart mind interface to allow soul to direct the life.
Love of self is fostered through three paradigms. One is to foster the innate knowing of kinesthetic forensics to restore cellular rendition of love. Cellular love is a phenomenon of archetypal influences of DNA that resound in elemental postulations of synergy. Synergy of the elements is a fundamental structure of cellular love. The love of the Tao aids in the rendition of the elements to foster cellular love. Read more