Image of a green and alert cricket sitting on a leaf. The Hum of the Crickets in the Night Air

13. The Hum of the Crickets in the Night Air


Blessings for Divine Timing in the Divine Dance


The Cricket and Grasshopper Kingdoms


It is the Cricket and Grasshopper Kingdoms that address you today. Asur’Ana has long loved to listen to our hum at night out her bedroom window. We remind her to move into syncopation with Earth in her rotation of field, as this is the purpose of our kingdoms, to retain a rhythm that holds the heartbeat of Earth.


Syncopate with the Heartbeat of Earth


What is the heartbeat of Earth? The heartbeat is an ongoing pulsation that is the result of the rotation of molecules within the land, forests, trees, lakes, rivers, streams and oceans. Grasshoppers and Crickets attune to this rotation and mimic it in the movement of rubbing our wings together, which produces a hum late in the day or evening and at night. We do so in order for all kingdoms to align their own rotation of molecules to our pulsations.


One may also listen to our hum and intend to rotate one’s molecular structure in syncopation. At this time and in some regions of Earth, the pace of rotation has increased. In Hawaii and under major chakra centers such as in Alberta Canada, if one is out in the country, then the molecular rotation may be at a pace that reflects the ascent of the land to 3000, 6000, 9000, 12,000 or even 15,000 segments of DNA. The higher the evolution of the land, the more rapid will be the syncopation of our sound.


The syncopation is not in the actual hum, but in the surging of sound. Therefore, listen for our surges or when the sound suddenly gets slightly louder to the ear. Each rotation of the molecules will be reflected in a slight surge of sound; every 18 rotations will have a slightly larger surge; every 48 rotations will have the larger surge and therefore a louder sound; every 144 rotations end with the largest sound of all, and then a short period of silence. As you learn to syncopate the rotation of one’s own molecules to the sounds of the crickets, one will come into divine timing.


Divine Timing Is the Present Moment


What is divine time? Divine time is in the present moment. In the moment, there is only the now. In the now, there is no past and no future. In the now, patterns of the past fall off and patterns of the future have yet to become activated. One will find peace therefore in remaining in divine timing as much as one can. Perhaps given the current human drama and trauma, it may be the only place that one finds peace. Asur’Ana has learned that taking a daily walk and sunbath (if the weather allows; if not, then a bath at home) is crucial to her ascent; out in nature or in the sun and in the water, she comes into present time. She intuitively aligns to the rotation of the molecules in the land and the water in such moments and in so doing, her troubles melt away into peace as she moves more fully into present time. Read more

Image of a bee getting nectar from a pink flower. The Hum of the Bees

2. The Hum of the Bees


Blessings for Gathering the Ascending Rainbow Tribe


The Bee Kingdom


The Bee Kingdom is happy to be able to address ascending humans today. The bee kingdom holds information on working in unity together for the common purpose of evolution. Bees work in hives with many varying jobs. Each bee has a particular focus from gathering the honey from the fields of flowers nearby; to weaving the honeycomb that supports the hive and produces the space with which to lay our eggs and birth our young; to the queen bee that lays the varying types of eggs that produce the varying forms of bees necessary to the sustenance of the whole.


Bees have held the memory of unity in insect form. There are other species that have held the remembrance of unity in animal form, such as wolf. Wolf much like bees works together in packs to assure the survival and evolution of the whole. Unity is a long lost paradigm upon Earth; over time and through the continued fracturing of thoughtform and language, the language spoken became disunity based. As language was no longer held in unity, a disunity-based creation in terms of biological cellular structure was the result along with disunity-based relations.


Language, Words and Thoughts Create Life


It is language that creates all of life. Language can be equated to the thoughts of God Goddess/All That Is that when set in motion creates life. If language distorts, so does all of life. Earth is an example of an extreme distortion of language that led to an extreme distortion of life expression. Humans exemplify the distortion more greatly than perhaps nature, as it is expressed in your civilization by a cast of characters that verbalizes the same distortion in words.


Words are thoughts. Thoughts create life. Speak something and one causes life to occur in the same vein as the thoughts behind the spoken word. Speak of wishing someone unwell, and the thoughts create the deed. However, there is a catch unto it all, and that is that one can only create for one’s own life experience. Therefore, speak unwell of another, and one is intending one’s own demise. Let us define this even more clearly for each to understand.


For a long time, one initiate whom we shall call Lawson (an ascension teacher) was haunted by dark forces that wished him unwell. They would give him pictures of his students becoming ill. Lawson looked at what they shared, and in so doing and engaging with it, intended his own demise. In less than 4 months in time in the year 2018, Lawson manifested his own case of cancer. This was the result of focusing upon the demise of others as presented unto him during meditation by dark forces wishing to cause him to die. Lawson learned a huge lesson in this experience; and that is one cannot really dream weave for another; one only dream weaves for oneself and whatever one focuses upon becomes one’s dream. Read more