Image of the sunrise to represent the coming Golden Era. The Path To Compassion

16. The Path To Compassion


From our point of view, soul and form were never designed to be separate; they were designed to be co-creative partners in the creative self-expression inherent in the dance of life. The human species is a multidimensional vessel for soul to experience and express through. This always was the purpose for the human dance, to allow soul to experience form, and through such experiences learn, grow, evolve and ultimately ascend form as the purpose for the form ceases to be relevant to the experience of soul.


In ascension, soul and form become ONE. This is accomplished through Soul Infusion, in which soul is gradually infused into the cellular structure and grid work until over a very long time, form appears semi-etheric. Continued soul infusion proceeds until form simply exits the physical dance in full, with soul and form becoming ONE.


The purpose of this chapter is to explore many spiritual concepts, insights, wisdom, lessons learned, and lessons to be learned regarding polarity for all in human form that are interested.


The Nature of Polarity


Polarity is perhaps most difficult to understand in the limitation of the current human thoughtform. In polarity, all sides of any thoughtform must be expressed. Any stand on one side will cause an equal stand upon the other. It is for this reason that those who wish to ban “guns” in the United States will elicit equal stands for the opposing side of the coin, or one that wishes to allow for the free sale of arms. Those who take a stand against cigarettes will find an equal stand on the other side of the pole for the use of them. The same is true for anti-drug campaigns. It is perhaps for this reason that drug use is at an all-time high, as there has been so much energy expended in relation to anti-drug campaigns, which has elicited in response and counterbalance an increased use of drugs. The more energy expended towards such a polarity of thoughtform will elicit equal thoughtform on the other end, and actually cause an increase in drug use instead of the original goal of less drug use.


What to do? Taking a stand for this or that is not wrong. Sometimes taking a stand is one manner in which major changes in civilization have come forth. Indeed, did not Gandhi take a stand, and over time win independence for India from British jurisdiction? However, there was a battle, and one that many do not know of. The battle nearly killed Gandhi several times long before he was assassinated. Why? He internalized the battle so that fewer would be harmed which caused him to become weak and sickly much of the time. However, Gandhi succeeded at his goal, and through nonviolent demonstrations brought the British to their knees. This is an example of a swing in polarity of thoughtform that elicits change. Read more