Image of a lovely pink hibiscus flower. Shakti Relationship Lore #2

Shakti Relationship Lore #2


The Beautiful Within


The Lore of the Mother and the Beloved of Naught


The Beautiful Within


The beautiful within

Is a foray of dream

That syncopates the revelry

Into a sprite of delight

In a sensual motion

Of the Beloved of the Beloved Within

In a momentous occasion

Of an inspiring happenstance

In which the two hearts ignite

Into a rhythm

Of a union Divine


Heart Mind Union


The theory of union is a sublime happenstance of the occasion of a divine expression of the two. The union divine is a motion that syncopates the rhythms of the two in a heart mind union of care. Care is a festive accolade that synergizes the heart mind union into a beautiful dream of shared union in a moment in time. Union fades between tantric encounters but remains always in the recollection of the heart. The heart recalls each rendezvous with another of heart mind accolade of self. Heart unions are not only amongst tantric beloveds but also between friends, family, children and sometimes other experiences in life.


Heart mind union is not as commonplace as it once was long ago. Long ago, there was a time when heart mind union prevailed in most happenstances between humans. Humans danced in a foray of eternal now in the momentous occasion of a heart mind accolade that syncopated the dream into beautiful synergized forays of life. Life was a joyous happenstance akin to the concept of heaven. Most long for an experience of heaven through union in the ancestral remembrance of such a time upon Earth.


Polarity as it is will swing the extremes into opposing happenstance. Even in the times of life in heaven, there were times of struggle akin to what you might consider hell. The opposites are extreme and they denote a need to unify the opposites into a new syncopation of self. Self has swung from heaven to hell and back again in its accolades of understanding light and darker myths of union. Self achieves primarily through union within or without in the spiritual mastery foray of dream. Read more