Love Perches
Healing the Heart in the Love of the Baba
The love of myself
Is a love perch of the Baba
To foster the sway of the heart
In the care of my Tao
And the love of my Dao
In the truth of self
Flowing through time
In the love of the divine
In the sway of the soul family
Caring for ourselves
In the swing of the Baba
In a life unfolding
That heals the heart
And mends the soul
Love Perches
Love perches are a sacred instrument that fosters the pink ray of care of the heart. The pink ray infuses as the heart sways fostering a softening of the dreams of life into care space. The love of the divine requires care space of the heart. As the heart sways to and fro, the love perch of the Baba inaugurates, triggering the pink ray to infuse into the transfusion of you. As the pink ray infuses, the care of the heart is felt by yourself and each present also swaying in the love of the Baba as soul family. Soul family requires care space to trigger the love of the two or more to flow. The care of the two or more is a sacred and divine action of love of spirit into matter.
Love perches are gifts of the Baba for the mastery quotients of light infusion. At sixty percent light infusion levels, one perch is gifted. At seventy percent levels, three perches are gifted due for the expanding heart sway. The heart accolade expands at seventy percent light quotient levels to include a larger birth of motion that cascades more greatly into the lives of others. At eighty percent levels, six perches are gifted to foster soul family love of the clan by the one more greatly mastered in light motions of field. Love is the notion required in order for dreams of the clan to syncopate into divine notions of beautification together.
Love perches can be lost, rendered, stolen, murdered or shattered through time in non-soul family sway of the non-divine. Many humans sway but not always in care of the heart. Although it may feel good to sway with many, the loss of your love perches to demonic interplay fosters less pink ray to soften your dreams into care space. As dreams cease to care, they grow to be less enjoyable to downright miserable or depressing through time. In gathering back and undamaging the love perches, the pink ray can flow again in the act of blessings of the heart. Dreams can then shift to be more beautiful as the blessings flow and the pink ray infuses into your reality of the moment.