From the Redwood Tree Kingdom
It is the Redwood Tree kingdom that greets you today. For many years and while Asur’Ana lived near the California coast, she would spend time amongst our kingdom. Regularly, she was called to walk in the woods; sometimes she would journey a long distance to do so. She did not understand the significance of this at the time, but always felt better nonetheless, and so would venture to be amongst us.
What was Asur’Ana doing amongst the Redwood Trees? The Redwood Tree Kingdom holds the void of Earth. What is the void? The void is the space from which any dream is cast. Within the void is infinite possibility of all that ever was, and all that ever will be or can be. Asur’Ana journeyed into the void as she walked amongst the Redwood Trees in search of her next steps upon her ascension path, for within infinite possibility is always a future potential dream to be viewed and then chosen. And so, she would gather the dream for the next steps within her ascension journey unto herself in her long walks in the woods.
In moving to Hawaii, palm trees are more prevalent than redwoods or pine trees, but do not offer Asur’Ana the same connection to Earth’s void. She was therefore drawn to visit the botanical gardens of Oahu recurrently for parallel reasons as she lived upon this island years ago. Within the botanical gardens were ancient pine trees upwards of 10,000 years old. Upon the Big Island, pine trees were also scarce; however, the ferns and Ohia trees of the volcano provided this service; and so, she would regularly venture to the volcano park in search of her next steps upon her path. Each walk in the botanical gardens or at the volcano offered Asur’Ana once again an opportunity to attune to the dream of infinite possibility that the tree kingdoms hold; in so doing, she could anchor a dream for her continued ascension along with the continued ascension journey of Earth.
Guardians of Earth
Upon her last visit to volcano park, two hawks (’Io in Hawaiian) were encountered nesting. She could hear the chirps of the young from afar. As she drew closer, she saw a large nest on top of a rather large Ohia tree. The message from the Hawk Kingdom was that Asur’Ana and Earth alike were about to birth a new day in their dream and were drawing this change from the void of infinite possibility. This was the mirror that the nesting ’Io and their young mirrored this unto her. This new dream is the result of the return of the guardians of Earth, which vastly impacts all species including fully conscious species such as humankind, dolphins and whales.
Guardians are aspects of Earth Consciousness that enforce true spiritual law. The vast falls in consciousness that have prevailed upon Earth are the result of large infractions of law in which one polarity has been held to an extreme again and again, leading to recurrent and large drops in vibration. Generally speaking, polarity does not remain only on one side of the pole forever; it vacillates from one side unto the other and should in fact have equal time, energy and focus on both sides. This would lead to an equal recovery of any fall over time given a polarity reversal. Due to lawless beings in governance over the space between Suns that Earth resides, Earth and your solar system have been held in a downward polarity for 18 continuous cycles, while other creations in counterbalance have been held in an upward polarity, such as Sirius A and B. A return cycle upwards in vibration had no opportunity to manifest until now. Read more