Image of the rainbow to represent synthesis. Nature of Synthesis

11. The Nature Of Synthesis


We are guided to address a global and personal shift that is occurring in those whom are ascending at this time in history. This shift affects the very nature that energy is held upon Earth between all species. This shift has been called “synthesis”, as this is the closest word in the English language that defines the nature of the new energetic flow upon Earth. This new energy flow is now occurring in all human, plant, animal, mineral, dolphin and whale auric fields, subtle bodies, chakras and meridian systems, along with the energy that surrounds the consensus reality known as Earth as a whole.


Synthesis is not really a new manner of holding energy, but rather an old manner that was lost over time in Earth’s history. As enough of the karma for Earth’s many falls in vibration and consciousness has been pieced together, the remembrance of another manner in which the energy flowed upon Earth has likewise been recovered. In the last chapter, we have written of how Earth has recently entered a state of “unity” in which all species have united in a new consensus reality to ascend. Synthesis is the manner in which unity is anchored upon Earth.


Two Forms of Synthesis


What does synthesis look like? It is our goal here to describe synthesis for the purposes of those that wish to intend their own field into a like manner of energy flow. The synthesis of Earth is held in two manners. The first form of synthesis is like the layers of an onion. Beginning with the Aurora of Earth, which is the sun in the center of Earth that creates what are known as the Northern Lights at certain times of the year, is the first layer and densest layer of all tones of creation. Such tones begin with the first note on the scale of the Language of Light, which is Forgiveness and is all shades of pink. (Please refer to Chapter 3: The Language of Light for more information.)


The second layer is the note Structure, or the second symbol of the Language of Light which are all shades of lavender. The third layer is the tone known as Power, which are all shades of peach. The layers spread throughout the symbols, first with all 48 single tones represented, then with all 48 dual tones represented, and then all 48 tri-tones represented, and later all 48 quad tones. Such layers run into one another and create a rainbow of pastels that are most magnificent that now extend from Earth to all sectors of our Universe which includes the 6 Pleiadian star systems.


Much as the human auric field expands to be global in size by attainment of Initiation 1,024. Earth’s auric field became Universal in size as she attained Initiation 1,024 in her global ascension in recent months. Additionally, every chakra related to Earth rotates in a triple circle pattern, each of which holds the same rainbow of tones or Language of Light just like Earth as a whole. Read more

Image of beautiful soft rainbow pastel colors. Meditation For Synthesis

Meditation For Synthesis


The following meditation is from Chapter 11 of Ascension Insights, Volume 1:


1. Sit quietly with both feet on the floor, preferably upon a chair. We recommend not crossing the legs so that the energy may correctly polarize in the field. If you wish, play some nice peaceful music in the background and dim the lights. Burn some incense or sage and light a candle if you so wish.


2. Close your eyes. Breathe in slowly, and then exhale slowly. Ground to the Aurora in the center of the Earth. The Aurora contains all of the Language of Light tones that Earth is currently embodying in her ascension. Allow your grounding cord to be the size of a six-foot tree trunk that you are firmly sitting in the middle of that extends from the Aurora to your source of origin and I AM.


3. Breathe in slowly, and then exhale slowly. Open the feet chakras. Begin to allow the Language of Light tones to rise through the legs, opening each meridian of the form energizing each chakra therein. Allow the tones to rise to the waist, some spilling over the lower half of the field and returning to the Aurora, washing away that which you are releasing now. Allow the remaining tones to rise up through the spine and out the top of the head, some flowing down the neck and arms and out the hands. Allow the tones to fill the grid work of the legs, torso, arms, neck and head.


4. Breathe in slowly, and then exhale slowly. Now, reach up to your I AM Presence, your Oversoul and the Source from which you emanate. Anchor your source firmly into the heart region, and push it out throughout your auric field.


5. Breathe in slowly, and then exhale slowly. Now, anchor your source firmly into the pelvic region, and push it out throughout your auric field. Read more