Image of a majestic tiger lying down and looking up at us. Chasing The Tiger’s Tail

5. Chasing The Tiger’s Tail


Blessings for Holding One’s Boundaries in Ascension


The Tiger Kingdom


The Tiger Kingdom has much to say today about our purpose and how we may serve you in your choice to ascend. The purpose of the Tiger Kingdom is to hold the boundaries of Terra (Earth). Boundaries are thoughtform that set precedence for what one will allow in their field, and what one will not allow or in other terms push out. Thoughtform that is destructive often allows entities that are abusive and harmful to use a field to target harm at others, or receive harm from others causing mutilation of both a nonphysical or physical form.


For a long time, Terra has suffered from the harm emanating from other planets and stars towards her. Such harm has been used to pierce her field, and the blows shattering her grid work, which is then stripped. As more of the grid work is stripped, records, chi, information, moving energy systems are also then pulled apart. This ultimately has led to fall after fall in vibration and consciousness for Terra over time.


In Terra’s ascension, she is learning not to allow such blows towards her field any longer, and to retrieve all that has been lost over time. In the ongoing retrieval of lost knowledge, Terra is able to reconstruct her field as it was at each phase of prior fall in consciousness. In so doing, she is playing out her many falls in reverse, and will continue to build herself until she enters the fourth and then fifth dimension in her global ascension.


Terra’s Illness and Detoxification Process


One might think of Terra as a sick or deformed human. All illness in the human dance is a reflection of the same pattern in which one has stripped another of the information necessary to hold their vibration and form in health, and in the loss of records the other becomes ill. Terra, in her own way, has been a very ill planet, equivalent to one in human form with terminal cancer. It is for this reason that those in human form whom suffer from disease will find much compassion from Terra, as this too has been her experience.


The toxic waste that is emitted by the human dance is just a reflection of Terra’s toxic thoughtform, thoughtform that says “I must sacrifice myself for the well-being of another to the brink of death and extinction”. Any human that has a disease holds a parallel thoughtform. Through ascension, thoughtform can be modified a little at a time until it ceases to be what it once was. As the thoughtform of self-destruction is modified, the damage allowed to one’s field through such beliefs can begin to be reversed. Terra is recovering from cancer at this time. One would equate her current state in ascension with the concept of a “remission”. Read more

Image of a frozen soap bubble that shows the crystalline structure. The Crystalline Form

5. The Crystalline Form


The crystalline cell has a cell wall that is coated in a lipid compound, i.e. body fat. Body fat holds a higher vibration. Many channels and healers wonder why they gain weight as they begin their healing career. It is simply because body fat allows them to work with the higher vibrations necessary to heal or channel. Many of you also have agreed to anchor grids of light in the areas surrounding where you live. Anchoring these grids require body fat to help hold the energy.


Human civilization has become enamored with being “thin” and believe that “thin is healthy”. We would like our readership to embrace a new perspective. Body fat serves a very loving purpose as it allows embodiments to assist Mother Earth in holding her vibration. In becoming crystalline, the body fat is evenly distributed around every cell within the embodiment. This allows the entire body to act as a tuning fork to hold a new vibration. It also makes the extra layers of fat that lie under the skin an unnecessity.


The crystalline cell is permeable allowing for easier intracellular communication. In current human form, communication between cells is accomplished through “Osmosis” where molecules slip between molecules of the cell wall into the cell itself. In the crystalline cell, the cell walls can dissolve and reconstruct themselves as needed.


Shapeshifting and Transfiguration


Within the Native American history, many have spoken of medicine men and women who have been gifted with the ability to shapeshift into another form, or to transfigure themselves. The crystalline form allows such gifts as transfiguration and shapeshifting to become possible within the human experience. The crystalline cellular structure also allows the entire human organism to act as a whole unified structure rather than a multi-celled organism. A unified structure is a necessary requirement for transfiguration, interdimensional travel or teleportation from one location to another on the face of the globe.


The crystalline cell does not die, but rather, rejuvenates itself. In current human form, cells are continuously replaced. The continued cell die-off collects in the arteries and within the intestinal tract leading to hardening of the arteries, aging, and death. Crystalline form allows for the experience of immortality and an ageless existence. Read more

Image of the rainbow to represent synthesis. Nature of Synthesis

11. The Nature Of Synthesis


We are guided to address a global and personal shift that is occurring in those whom are ascending at this time in history. This shift affects the very nature that energy is held upon Earth between all species. This shift has been called “synthesis”, as this is the closest word in the English language that defines the nature of the new energetic flow upon Earth. This new energy flow is now occurring in all human, plant, animal, mineral, dolphin and whale auric fields, subtle bodies, chakras and meridian systems, along with the energy that surrounds the consensus reality known as Earth as a whole.


Synthesis is not really a new manner of holding energy, but rather an old manner that was lost over time in Earth’s history. As enough of the karma for Earth’s many falls in vibration and consciousness has been pieced together, the remembrance of another manner in which the energy flowed upon Earth has likewise been recovered. In the last chapter, we have written of how Earth has recently entered a state of “unity” in which all species have united in a new consensus reality to ascend. Synthesis is the manner in which unity is anchored upon Earth.


Two Forms of Synthesis


What does synthesis look like? It is our goal here to describe synthesis for the purposes of those that wish to intend their own field into a like manner of energy flow. The synthesis of Earth is held in two manners. The first form of synthesis is like the layers of an onion. Beginning with the Aurora of Earth, which is the sun in the center of Earth that creates what are known as the Northern Lights at certain times of the year, is the first layer and densest layer of all tones of creation. Such tones begin with the first note on the scale of the Language of Light, which is Forgiveness and is all shades of pink. (Please refer to Chapter 3: The Language of Light for more information.)


The second layer is the note Structure, or the second symbol of the Language of Light which are all shades of lavender. The third layer is the tone known as Power, which are all shades of peach. The layers spread throughout the symbols, first with all 48 single tones represented, then with all 48 dual tones represented, and then all 48 tri-tones represented, and later all 48 quad tones. Such layers run into one another and create a rainbow of pastels that are most magnificent that now extend from Earth to all sectors of our Universe which includes the 6 Pleiadian star systems.


Much as the human auric field expands to be global in size by attainment of Initiation 1,024. Earth’s auric field became Universal in size as she attained Initiation 1,024 in her global ascension in recent months. Additionally, every chakra related to Earth rotates in a triple circle pattern, each of which holds the same rainbow of tones or Language of Light just like Earth as a whole. Read more

Image of the Great White Buffalo.

2. Return Of The Great White Buffalo


The Buffalo species was once a form of fully conscious guardian of Earth that roamed the land assisting in moving and balancing energy for Mother Earth. Full consciousness means that each form, each embodiment of Buffalo, contained an individual and incarnating soul. Much like the dolphins and whales today, which are the only remaining nonverbal and fully conscious form of species upon Earth, Buffalo existed in a similar state of being. Much like whales and dolphins today, which are the vibrational stewards of Earth, buffalo also was once a vibrational steward of the land.


It was as humankind dropped the first nuclear bombs about 120,000 years ago that the buffalo species lost consciousness. Much like humankind, buffalo’s fields became so distorted it was difficult for soul to engage with the form. Soul resorted to holding buffalo as a group rather than as an individuated and fully conscious species. In so doing, buffalo lost the ability to hold and move energy for Earth upon the land.


Full Consciousness


Many have heard of the coming of the “Great White Buffalo”. Indeed, there are 25 white buffalo that have been born upon Earth to date. The first birth began in 1992, and they have produced one white calf somewhere upon Earth per year ever since. The white buffalo represents the return of full consciousness for the species. The production of a white calf should not be possible giving the genetics that they hold, for all hair color for the species has been brown or black for a very long time. The white hair of these newborn buffalos is the result of their conscious choice to override the genetics of the form to produce “white hair”, or hair without pigment. Buffalo’s soul has collectively chosen to override the genetics to produce 25 white calves. They do this to give humankind living proof that soul can consciously alter the genetics of the form.  Read more