Image of sparkling gold and silver orbs. The Karmic Cause Of Disease

1. The Karmic Cause Of Disease


We have begun to explore the karmic roots of disease. Indeed, much of such information has already begun to be revealed out of the records obtained in Greece. Greece was the center of the Annanuki dance for close to 18,000 years in a place known as Mt. Olympus. Mt. Olympus sank in the second fall of Atlantis about 40,000 years ago under the ocean. As the records of Mt. Olympus were opened, the beginnings of an understanding to how disease became a part of the human dance has begun to be compiled.


In Chapter 15 “Solar Counsels Take Charge of Human Ascension” of Ascension Insights, Volume 1, the holographic nature and origins of the human species were explored. There were 18 red holograms seeded by the Sirian Race about 200,000 years ago. An additional 12 came from a foreign and non-resonant creation known as the Pleiades, and are also known as the Annanuki. Another 8 were created as the Annanuki bred with the Red Race producing what is known as a half and half human hologram.


(NOTE: In our writings, the family of Anu is called “Annanuki”. Other authors have called this group of humans “Anunnaki” or “Ananaki”. The actual name of this family was “An-na-nu-ki” from the karmic archives of the human species. If one intends to release karma with the Anu or Annanuki, then one must pronounce the name as it is recorded to trigger the karmic archives in one’s ancestry. It is for this reason that our writings spell the name as we do.)


Radioactive versus Magnetic DNA


In essence, the holographic nature and DNA structure of the Annanuki was radioactive in nature. The cells of the Annanuki were designed to collect and run out of radioactive chi. The Pleiadian sun likewise is not only primarily radioactive, but a blue-green color that is very different from Earth’s solar sun. The Pleiadians also had blue blood, which caused their pale skin to have a turquoise sheen. Blue blood is radioactive and designed also to collect radiation from the atmosphere to sustain the life of those related to such genetics.


The Red Race from Sirius was magnetic in nature with brown to honey colored skin. They had a cellular structure and red blood designed to collect magnetic chi. Your solar sun was primarily magnetic in nature until a group of 5th dimensional Pleiadians altered the energy flow therein much like the Annanuki altered Earth’s energy flow in setting in motion electrical sacred geometry. In so doing, your solar sun ran radioactive sacred geometry long before humanity arrived upon Earth. Per solar records, this manipulation occurred about 72 million years ago. Read more

Image of a lovely pink chrysanthemum. Transcending The Personality, Ego And Negative Ego

1. Transcending The Personality, Ego And Negative Ego


We, of the Order of Dari, would like to go further into detail about the ascension process and attaining the state of the Bodhisattva, or stated in another manner, mastering a state of harmlessness in the biological ascension process of spiritual evolution.


History of the Personality


One of the more interesting discoveries within the ascension process was to understand that the personality, ego and negative ego are comprised of thousands of fractured souls that have banded together in small-, medium- or large-sized groups and are channeled through the human form. The human form was originally designed to channel soul. Over the course of many falls in vibration, the form dropped so low in vibration that a ‘whole’ soul was too high in vibration to unite with the form. As this occurred, the human species began to channel a partial or fractured soul.


Many may think that the personality is an inherent quality of the genetics of the form. In actuality, the genetics brings about a certain vibration within the form that through the act of resonance attracts the personality entities that are of ‘like’ vibration. Without personality entities, there would be no personality per se, because the form itself is simply a channel or vessel for Spirit. It just so happens that the current human form is so low in vibration that only fractured pieces of souls can be channeled.


Biological ascension brings about an increase of the vibration of the form a little at a time over a many year period. At some juncture (generally around 3,000 segments of DNA), the body increases enough in vibration to sustain a ‘whole’ soul, or in other cases, many souls or I AMs at once. Each form is different, but the evolutionary process of ascension requires that all personality entities be released by no later than Initiation 3,024. This is simply because of how such personality entities contribute to harmfulness that this is so. [One strand of DNA contains 3,000 segments of information. 12 DNA-(full tube) strands contain 36,000 segments.]


The History of Personality Entities


At this juncture, personality entities on Earth appear to have originated from two sources. The Order of Dari has determined that 75 percent of all earthbound personality entities originated from Maldek. Long ago, Maldek was a third-dimensional planet with a fully conscious life form upon it that was humanoid in shape. Such life form was not restricted by reincarnation but rather stepped in and out of form at will. The Solar System at that time consisted of two Suns and was a utopian Solar System experiencing no destruction or difficulties whatsoever. Maldek and all other planets revolved around both suns in a figure-eight pattern. Mars was covered in large minerals and was a place of spiritual retreat and evolution for those incarnate upon Maldek. Earth was a plant and animal sanctuary in which such kingdoms could experiment with shape, form, and evolution. There was peace throughout the Solar System. Read more