Image of the Language of Light symbols. Language Of Light Tri Tones 97 – 136

3. Language Of Light Tri Tones 97 – 136


The following are 40 Tri Tones of the Language of Light. Please refer to Chapter 3 of Ascension Insights, Volume 1 for 48 Single Tones. Dual Tones 49-96 can be found in Chapter 3 of Ascension Insights, Volume 2. Please see Chapter 4 of Ascension Insights, Volume 1 on how you can use the Language of Light to facilitate ascension.


Infinite Oneness




Nature: Active

The Symbols of God/Goddess and Oneness

Infinite Oneness allows forever or expansiveness to experience the moment. The application of infinite oneness expanses the moment into the opportunity of all possible expressions. Only in the leaning one way or another is the expression of the moment cast until the next moment’s leaning. The movement from all possibility to a moment expression is action directed from a point of balance.






Nature: Passive

The Symbols Balance, Dream and Communication

Symbolic allows for moment to moment coherence. The translation of any possibility requires the interweaving of all the possible moments perhaps viewed as links or chains of experience, each moment leading to many possible moments. Each possible experience contains within itself all the expressions that are woven so as to maintain balance in creation. Symbolic in the passive weaving is the predisposition for completion. Read more

Image of the Language of Light. LoL Dual Tones 49-96

3. Language Of Light Dual Tones 49 – 96


The following are 48 Dual Tones of the Language of Light. Please refer to Chapter 3 of Ascension Insights, Volume 1 for 48 Single Tones. Please see Chapter 4 of Ascension Insights, Volume 1 on how you can use the Language of Light to facilitate ascension.


Forgiveness          God Goddess/All That Is



#1 Forgiveness     #48 God/Goddess/All That Is

Nature: Integrative
Glyphs #1 Forgiveness and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to become #49 UNCONDITIONAL FORGIVENESS
Unconditional Forgiveness brings forth the essence of God/Goddess/All That Is in relation to being in a state of allowance. This creation vibration is the ability to embrace all as one expanding into itself. As this vibration becomes inherent in the energy pattern, all passes through without the need to cling or blend or manipulate; simply allowed in its existence seeking to expand.



     God Goddess/All That Is   



#4 Compassion    #48 God/Goddess/All That Is

Nature: Completion
Glyphs #4 Compassion and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to become #50 UNCONDITIONAL COMPASSION
Unconditional Compassion is a completion tone that unifies tones 40–49 into a singular vibration of unconditional compassion. Unconditional Compassion is the aspect of God/Goddess/All That Is that provides a clearing or opening for creation as the needs of all are sensed and can be provided for through the application of this vibration. This vibration is wholeness in the ability to touch or work with the creation vibrations in expansion and completion stemming from the unending desire to create, to expand, to evolve.  Read more

Language of Light Single Tones

3. The Language Of Light


The Language of Light Glyphs are constructed on 144 concepts that are reflected in shape, color and tone. The tones are equivalent to the tones or vibrations of creation. Over time on Earth, the tones of creation became distorted and then destruction and separatism became prevalent on Earth. The Language of Light is the original glyphs, tones and vibrations utilized on Earth prior to the distortion.


The Language of Light is based on unity consciousness where there are no destructive thought-forms. As you embody all 144 glyphs of the Language of Light, you transcend all destructive patterns on all planes of reality: conscious, subconscious and unconscious.


The first 48 glyphs are singular in nature and comprise the foundation of the Language of Light. The first ten glyphs are the ‘Ten Octaves of Love’. The remaining 38 glyphs are created through combining two or three of the original Ten Octaves of Love into varying shapes which give them a different tone or vibration and consequently a new meaning. In essence, the Ten Octaves of Love are the foundation of the Language of Light.


Those who attain the state of the Bodhisattva in their personal ascension anchor the first 48 glyphs in their field and take the first steps towards unity consciousness in their personal life experience. The Bodhisattva then draws on the unity consciousness language in all that they do to sustain a state of harmlessness.


The glyphs themselves are categorized in nature. The nature of each glyph not only governs a particular meaning but has a particular effect on your consciousness and fields. There are four major categories for glyphs within the first 48 glyphs, which are respectively:  Read more