Image of a peaceful lake with the forest and mountains in the background. Transcending Seduction and Illusion

Chapter 6: Transcending Seduction and Illusion


Becoming the Authentic Self             


This chapter is devoted to the patterns of seduction and illusion in all the many and varied ways that it occurs amongst humans. Humans have fallen into the need to appear other than whom and what one is in order to please, make peace, unite others, or feel loved and accepted in the dance of life. This is the underlying cause of the need to seduce from Mother Earth’s point of view. Underneath the seduction however one can often feel incompetent or as though one must bend the truth in order to play the role that the seducer or seduced one participates in. Therefore, seduction is the underlying cause of why humans bend their will as explored in Chapter 5 of Workbook 2.


Seduction is so common in the human dance of life that there is hardly one relationship that does not sustain itself somewhat on the act of seduction. Those gifted at seduction are more popular than those who are not. Those least gifted at seduction are the most disliked or even hated in the dance of life. Seduction does not rely upon abusive techniques that are verbal or behavioral in nature; instead, they lure others to oneself but then abuse in the unconscious energetic dynamics instead. So, one could say that seduction is abusive and destructive in the unconscious and not the physical.


The Origins of Seduction         


Where does seduction originate? Seduction originated with Zeus and Innana primarily. Zeus and Innana archetypal natures seduce sexually, and through attracting others to them through the sexual flow. The sexual flow creates a mirror through which one is mirrored whatever one desires to perceive about Zeus or Innana archetype that portrays them in a favored manner. All the negative attributes of Zeus or Innana archetype are hidden behind the mirrors so that one simply does not perceive them, unless of course one lives or works closely with those of Zeus or Innana archetypal nature.


Seduction is difficult to sustain in an ongoing and recurrent manner, as it requires 100% more chi to sustain the mirrors or veils of illusion than spin a field. Therefore, in an ongoing living or work circumstance, the veils of seduction fall away and the real nature of the person underneath is revealed. It is for this reason that romance often only lasts as long as two do not live together, as once the truth of who the other is becomes revealed, the love founded upon seduction dissipates. Often amongst couples that are extremely variant in genealogies where one is primarily red nation and the other Pleiadian or Anu, there is an ongoing misunderstanding of one another beyond the original seduction. This is where most conflictive partnerships arise from; the two simply do not understand one another upon a molecular level.


If two understand one another as the inheritance parallels from Sirius and is red nation in origins, then there is an innate acceptance of one another that leads to more greatly peaceful unions. It is for this reason that Mother Earth advises that humans build ascending partnerships with those who inherently parallel and have harmonious ancestries, as ascension together requires more harmony in order to sustain a balanced divine union flow and field rotation. Relationships that are disharmonious take away from ascension and lead to failed ascension beyond a certain point, and therefore those devoted to mastery over Bodhisattva level evolution are guided to release those partnerships or associations that do not serve. Read more

Image of fruits on a cherry tree. Intention And Thoughtform Transmutation

Chapter 2: Intention And Thoughtform Transmutation


Now that you have assessed your archetypal nature and the nature of all others surrounding yourself, you can begin to analyze the thoughtform behind the archetypes in the dance of life. Often the patterns occur today as they did long ago; or in similar variations upon a theme. For example, at another time, one archetype may have seduced another and produced an offspring. One never remained to raise the child, but instead leaves the other to its own experience of child rearing. In present time, this is reflected in a parallel set of circumstances where a child is conceived, but perhaps one parent never completes upon raising the child; or perhaps even abandons the other before the child is ever born.


The dance of patterning associated is karmic. Sometimes such karma may be of one’s ancestry. Sometimes the karma may be a manipulation in which it was transferred upon one’s ancestry. It may be hard to imagine that a seemingly tragic life circumstances was not even one’s own karma to bear, and yet due to the manipulative nature of karma in the human dream, this occurs much of the time. It is also what makes karmic settlement almost impossible, as one often does not really recognize that it was not one’s karma until much later in the ascension and as one rises to a higher frequency.


What to do? Forgive; forgive it all anyway. In the forgiveness, even karma that is not one’s own melts away allowing one freedom and the ability to enter a new dance with all others in the life dream. Later and as you recognize that the karma was not yours to begin with, you can return it to the real origins; and then it will be up to those ancestors in present time to forgive the karma themselves in their personal ascensions.


The Nature of Forgiveness   


Forgiveness changes everything. Forgiveness states, “I understand that you trespassed upon me and that I and my ancestors have trespassed upon you and your ancestors in like kind. We have gone back and forth and back and forth, each trespassing upon the other, wounding ourselves in the dance of rejection, mutilation, pain, torture, heartbreak and annihilation. As I forgive my ancestors for the atrocities that they perpetrated, I also forgive yours, as we have all participated in the human dance throughout this experience upon Earth. No one is innocent; no one is to be blamed. One can only forgive, and in the forgiveness, enter a new dance of freedom and unity.”


Forgiveness requires intention. The intent to forgive will bring about the circumstances that allow for the release of the pain and trauma recorded in the etheric vessel and cellular structure associated with the karma. Generally speaking, it is in the act of catharsis that one also learns the spiritual lesson associated with the patterning. As one cries a heap of tears, then one understands how one’s ancestors have hurt others in a particular dance or another. In the feeling of the pain with one’s own heart and emotional body, one learns the associated spiritual lesson; one will not harm another again as a result. As one learns the lesson, then the associated pattern in the field shifts, and one is free to attract a new dance in the human dream. Read more