Image of a captivating blue flower. Shakti Studies #7

Shakti Studies #7


The Cake Walk


The Nature of the Exchange of Cake


The Cake Walk of Self


The cake served at the wedding

Reflects the sugar glaze of Self

The sweetness of the delight

Or the plight of the night of the two

The nature of the exchange

Of the first bites

Reflect the dreams

Of the partnership lore of fate

To be fostered through time by the pair

Is it a delightful dream ahead?

Or one filled with strife?

Or simply a fate to be realized through

In the mastery lore of the two?

Only the cake knows


The Cake Walk Exchange


The cake walk is a celebration of partnership that has been fostered through the ages and often in sacred ceremonies of divine happenstance of beloveds who have just wed. Sometimes the cake walk is fostered for a marriage of gay or heterosexual fostering. Sometimes the cake walk is fostered in group endeavors for couples to understand their union lore of fate. The cake walk is an exchange of eating a piece of sacred cake baked in special incantations to lift the veils on the union lore of the two. As the pair feeds one another the first bites of cake, the nature of the exchange is a reflection of the lore of the two about to unfold ahead.


Wedding cakes in many cultures are often shared as a part of the ceremony. Sometimes the couple is expected to feed one another the first bites. Rarely is the nature of the union lore reflected upon as a result of the dream of the cake walk exchange. There is so much loss of information on the nature of partnership lore that couples go through rituals associated with partnership fostering without understanding the nature of the incantations associated. Incantations in a wedding ceremony will foster the union into blessed to disastrous dreams ahead. The cake walk is a reflection of the karmic fate of the two that will play out ahead and following the ceremony.


The Cake Walk Experiences   


The cake walk was once a sacred ceremony fostered by ministers of deep reflection upon the nature of partnership fostering in ancient times. The cake walk can once again be fostered amongst those interested in better understanding their union lore of fate. Any difficult or dark fate can be forgiven and risen above through light motions of field. Therefore, the cake walk is not to be frightened of but simply another mirror to witness about the nature of the lore of partnership one is about to embark upon ahead with one’s beloved of fate. Here are four very difficult cake walk experiences to be witnessed through.


1. He or she drops the cake before feeding their partner. The mirror of the lore is one of a dropped dream of partnership fate. The union will soon abate.


2. He or she misses his or her mouth creating a mess upon the face. The missed destination of the mouth is a reflection of a missed destination of a partnership divine fostering of the two. The partnership will go its separate ways in apartheid of self.


3. He or she deliberately smears frosting upon the face of the partner. The fate of the union is messy and will foster strife until it is realized through ahead.


4. He or she stuffs too much cake into the mouth of their partner triggering some to drop to the floor. The partnership is destined towards passive aggressive tendencies until the need to repress anger is transfused through and forgiven.


There are many other cake walk experiences that foster difficult to beautiful union lore of the two as a reflection of what is to be dreamed by the pair ahead. Here are some additional cake walk experiences to be witnessed and understood as the mirror of the fate of the partnership destiny through time.


1. He or she feeds the frosting first sharing the delight of the sweetness in kisses between the two. The union shall be sweet at first but possibly aborted later as the cake is not also shared between the two.


2. He or she picks the fruit or flowers off the cake and feeds the partner with this only. The flowering of the union will be grand to begin with.


3. He or she cuts the cake into small bits and feeds it to the partner thoroughly and completely. The dream for the union is ordered in honor and will be long lasting.


4. He or she feeds only a small portion of the cake to their partner. The partner’s dreams shall be diminished while he or she will foster grander dreams through time.


5. He or she feeds the entire piece of cake to their partner leaving none for themselves. The partner receives the dream of the beloved to foster grander dreams through time.


6. He or she paints frosting on the breast or forehead of their partner. The partnership may or may not be fostered through time. If fostered the two will re-agree to be together again.


7. He or she places cake into the mouth followed by kisses of sweetness sharing one piece together. The union shall foster oneness through time.


8. He or she places a piece of cake on top of the head of their partner. A divine ordering of self shall occur between the two through time.


9. He or she puts a piece of cake down the cleavage of the bosom of the boudoir of self (or pants). The union is a sensual sexual fate of self.


10. He or she paints frosting on the bottom or buttocks of self. The union is one of homosexual delight of sensual sexual fate of self.


11. He or she paints the groin of self with frosting. The union is destined for a sexual flavor in lieu of a tantric flavor of self. Conception of a child may also occur.


12. He or she paints the frosting upon the cheeks of the face. The divine beloved of the pair will emerge.


13. He or she paints frosting on the chin. The union is one of fate that will unfold whether the two wish it or not.


14. He or she paints frosting on the nose. The union shall lead the way to the realization of the two.


15. He or she paints frosting on the ears. The union shall open the communications unto spirit for the pair.


16. He or she paints frosting on the hair. The union shall open the monadic relays of self through time for sacred action of the two.


The Cake Walk Reveals the Truth of the Union   


Although partners may intend the dream of the cake walk, the incantation of the divine forces the dream to flux in the truth of the nature of the union into the actualization of where the frosting or cake winds up between the two. The nature of the cake walk is to reveal the truth of the union and not some other dream that one or both may each desire within. The cake walk is fostered in a sacred batter of self that is infused into the frosting. Frostings of whipped cream or butter or coconut butter are best to foster the divine infusion for a cake walk in this time period. The cake walk may involve frosting in unique places upon the body of each as a reflection of the divine fostering of the two (or non-divine fostering) as the lore of truth of the pair.


The cake walk can be shared by the bride and groom with other partners attending a sacred ceremony of a wedding divine. The amusement of the cake walk entertains and enlivens the attendees of any sacred ceremony that fosters union of the two through time. The cake walk is a celebration of union to be blessed and enjoyed if it is shared. Those fostering sacred unions are rare today but may increase due to the opening of the lore fables of divine partnership underway at this time. Those facing difficult lore of union have an opportunity to forgive and motion on to others better suited to foster the reflection of the divine beloved within. Be blessed. In the lore of Shakti and Shaktar. The Dao and Tao


The Cake Walk of Self


The cake served at the wedding

Reflects the sugar glaze of Self

The sweetness of the delight

Or the plight of the night of the two

The nature of the exchange

Of the first bites

Reflect the dreams

Of the partnership lore of fate

To be fostered through time by the pair

Is it a delightful dream ahead?

Or one filled with strife?

Or simply a fate to be realized through

In the mastery lore of the two?

Only the cake knows


Helpful Link to Support Transfusion


Light Wave Art & Glossary



For Per, the Love of My Life.

Pure Love


My dream became a reality because of your unconditional love.



Creational © 2020, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth


This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and that are useful to your spiritual evolution, and let go of the rest.


The Ascension Insights series and related books offer information on consensus ascension. This type of ascension involves rising up the dimensions with Earth and as she ascends. These books disseminate information on having a complete ascension with the potential of taking the body with you.


The Light Wave series offer information on another type of ascension known as transfusion. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the Consciousness returns Home to the Source, All That Is, or the Tao, through one’s hologram, and the body is left behind in ascension.



Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.




Asur’Ana. Light Wave 4: Divine Partnership. Aligning With Earth, 2020. Digital.

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