Image of an alluring red rose. Shakti Studies #5

Shakti Studies #5


The Wedding Ring


Incantations in Diamonds for Partnership Lore


The Wedding Ring


The ring for the engagement

Sparkles with diamonds

That attracts the fable for the wedding

The wedding ring

Attracts the fable for the partnership

Through time

The lore fable is recorded

In the mineral kingdom

Long before the pair meet

Or exchange vows or rings

The fable of the union is known

In the systems of fate

Recorded in each family

Before the two were born


Diamonds Foster Marital Systems of Self


Wedding rings are a science all of their own. Whether the union is gay, straight, or old and young, old and old, or young and young in age and stature, the nature of the fable is recorded in the diamond or other minerals sustained within the wedding ring before it is ever exchanged. The minerals for wedding rings are fostered by Shakti Lore to trigger fate keys for marital habitat of life to unfold through time. The wedding ring industry is at an all-time high in the human marketplace due to the value of diamonds and gold. Diamonds record the fables to be fostered in marriages of all age ranges and stature of lore. There are other minerals that also record marital or partnership lore, but diamonds are the most prevalent in their foundry of fostering marital systems of self.


Marriage is a system of self or consciousness that is shared by the pair. If there is a child born of the union, consciousness spans the three or more in family lore fables that adjoin the marital lore fable of self through time. Marriage is not a new system of dreaming the life and has been present upon Earth for over eighty thousand years. Marriage lore is primarily present to foster a system of stability for the two to adjoin in partnership or foster young children into maturity in the life.


Not all diamonds foster positive marital lore or consciousness of the two. Many diamonds foster very negative lore in this time period. False diamonds (cubic zirconia) foster the most difficult lore of strife of the two. Diamonds that foster positive lore are not necessarily expensive, but grow in only a few mines around the world at this time, and mostly in Canada.


Diamonds carry the fate of the entire union along with a post union lore if the marriage ring is retained following a divorce. Diamonds and the kingdom associated know their role in fostering unions through time. Diamonds are a harboring of self that ignites a dream when vows are exchanged for the purposes of marriage. Diamonds exchanged for other purposes foster other lore of friendship, family dynamics, work happenstances of fate or other fables to be shared between the two.


Some fables are positive and many are negative in this cycle when exchanged between friends or acquaintances. Diamonds are a unique substance in a molecular sense. The molecules of diamonds spin in an oscillation that attracts self of the self or consciousness that fosters the lore fables for partnerships or friendships of both a positive and negative stature through time.


Shapes of Diamonds and Their Fostering


Diamonds that are round in cut foster wholeness theory in the life of the two. If the two fail to master wholeness together, the marriage is abated after a lore cycle or two of seven to fourteen years in duration. If children are fostered, the lore cycle may motion into a third cycle of twenty-one years as long as there is unity between the two. If unity cannot be mastered, the lore fable ends following fourteen years in most round diamonds utilized for wedding rings of fate. The diamond or diamonds that are round can contain a post union lore fate as well as the lore for the fable of the marriage too. Sometimes the lore spins into travesty for the partner that retains a wedding ring with one or more round diamonds post union. It may be best to allow the ring to return to the marketplace or to be gifted to a friend or child as a result and post the divorce.


Diamonds that are oblong or oval foster a polarity-based union lore in which one benefits and the other does not. The one who benefits may succeed at many life dreams to excess while the other may be very limited through time. The other may foster disease-based systems as a part of the limitation in the life. Disease based systems generally step down into the physical in fourteen to twenty-one years of marital fables of self in Shakti and Shaktar habitat of fate.


Square diamonds foster the flavor of imprisonment for one and freedom of the other if used in a marriage ring of fate. The one who is free may foster extra marital affairs or a lot of travel away from the homestead. The other partner may feel imprisoned to the home or family fate dream in counterbalance. Square diamonds can also lead to depression of one and happiness of the other through time.


Rectangular diamonds foster another type of lore fable of extreme duration in time. Rectangular diamonds foster lifelong partnerships that may or may not oscillate into divine partnership. The pair may be unable to abate the union even if there is deep strife in the lore of the two. Rectangular diamonds in friendship or family exchanges also foster an obligation from one to the other that may extend throughout the life in the lore fable of fate of the two. Diamond exchanges are not to be taken lightly given the fate keys and dreams that may flux open and unfold without awareness through time in any circumstance.


Diamonds can host positive incantations when round that do not polarize the life into a negative dream state. Some round diamonds foster negative non-wholeness lore however. Fostering an understanding of the incantations in any diamond is useful prior to accepting or wearing the ring through time. Diamonds in other jewelry can host incantations but generally does not afflict the lore fables of life. Round diamonds in any ring with positive incantations can support the life dreams in their unfolding.


Round diamond rings when passed on after the positive dreams have unfolded may cause another positive incantation upon another for their personal life fate. Diamonds can be a useful mineral for a marriage of divine partnership if chosen wisely for the incantation solicited within it. If a negative lore is fostered, the diamond can trigger an abatement of a potentially positive partnership destined for realization of the two.


Other Minerals Fostering of Marriage Rings


There are other minerals that are also often utilized for fostering marriage rings. Sometimes emeralds are used either in a mix with diamonds or by themselves. Emeralds foster marriage incantations that apartheid the union often in strife through time. Rubies in marital rings can be equally difficult and foster strife with one or both in-laws in the lore fable of family relations. Sapphires can foster harmony in the union but often disharmony with friendships through time.


There are other stones that are useful or un-useful to the fate of the marriage if contained in a wedding ring. Citrine or ametrine fosters a failure of the dream to flux through time leading to poverty if used in a marital ring. Quartz whether clear, rose or amethyst causes a tendency towards dreams of physical strife in the union through time. Accidents or disease may be the outcome of the lore if quartz is used in a wedding ring of fate.


Tourmaline can be a useful stone in a wedding ring of fate if pink for the feminine and green for the masculine. Pink tourmaline fosters the feminine into her wholeness within. Green tourmaline can abate the feminine from finding her truth or center if used in a marriage ring of fate. Green tourmaline for the male fosters unity within. Pink tourmaline for the male will foster a rendering of the inner feminine sometimes triggering disease or accident dreams to unfold. Black tourmaline can trigger the void of the infinite of the Dao and Tao to aid in fostering the lore fables of marriage if used in a wedding ring of each.


Aquamarine is a unique stone potentially useful for fostering divine partnership dreams of the two if used in a wedding ring of each. Aquamarine hosts incantations for couples to find their divinity together. Opals on the other hand abate potential divine partnership fate keys if used in a wedding ring of either. Alexandrite fosters negative incantations for union lore of the two.


Topaz fosters the golden ray into a union lore if worn by the male. For the female, topaz abates the golden ray within and in the lore fable of fate of the two. The golden ray is a unifying force in marriage fate if fostered within the wedding rings of the pair. Gold can foster the golden ray without the mineral topaz present. The silver ray foster unity and can be present in silver or white gold if fostered in each ring. Platinum is not a useful mineral for marriage vows as it fosters a single stature in life. Divorce will be the outcome in the end.


Garnets are useful to fostering the divine purpose of the union of male or females if used in a wedding ensemble. Both must have a garnet in each ring in order for the lore of divine purpose of the two to flux into the union lore of fate. Peridot fosters a loss of partnership through death if used in either ring. Blue zircon can be a useful accompanying stone to a diamond abating negative lore fostered in either wedding ring. There are many other stones that can be used in the creation of a wedding ring ensemble of the two. Stones must be carefully selected if divine partnership is the desired outcome of the union of the two.


Engagement Rings


Engagement rings that unite into a wedding ring also must be carefully selected. Engagement rings can abate the marriage if a difficult incantation sustained within a diamond that accords an annulment of the union is fostered. Engagement rings are not lifelong systems of lore fable containers. The engagement ring abates the lore of the pre-marital fable as soon as the marriage unfolds. If the engagement ring is adjoined unto the wedding ring, another lore fable unfolds that is more sustainable for the union ahead.


Wedding Rings and Vows


All wedding rings are a statement of the vows to be exchanged for the union. Vows can be written by each and the incantations of spirit foster the vows then into the minerals utilized in the creation of each wedding ring. A difficult lore of fate in any diamond or other stone sustained in a wedding ring can be re-incantated when vows are created by each within and shared during the ceremony. Allowing a magistrate to orchestrate the vows will also alter the incantation somewhat in a set of wedding rings.


Some ministers fostering weddings are dark magicians that can incant very difficult lore on top of the stone of one or each ring. Some ministers are gifted magicians that attempt to foster positive unions amongst most that they unite through time. It is best to be selective about the magistrate of any union and to write one’s own vows to be stated during the wedding to abate difficult lore out of diamonds or other stones fostered in a wedding ring ensemble. Minerals respond to one’s own intentions in most cases. Some diamonds cannot be reprogrammed, however, and need to be abated if difficult lore is not to unfold in one’s destiny of fate through their kingdom.


Some stones do not reprogram well even when vows are written and shared by each. Round diamonds reprogram the most readily along with aquamarines. Pink tourmaline when added to the ring of the feminine fosters new lore incantations every seven years allowing the wedding ring to grow with the fate of the union. Green tourmaline in the ring of the masculine allows a complementary lore fable of the two to also be added each seven years of divine partnership to follow. Wedding vows are a topic all of their own to be spoken about in the next Shakti Studies chapter.


Wedding rings and vows can be shared in both hetero and homosexual marriages. Wedding rings are case specific unto the union lore of the two. Wedding rings that are thrown out and replaced can foster another lore fables if more carefully chosen ahead. The stones in the ring do flux certain keys of marital fate open in any union. Most humans have both positive and negative lore fate of marriage in the karmic tapestry of birth. Fluxing open positive marital fate is a better fostering of any union through time. Be careful about the stones that you use for your marriage ring and a more positive union may unfold. Be blessed. In the lore of Shakti and Shaktar. The Dao and Tao


The Wedding Ring


The ring for the engagement

Sparkles with diamonds

That attracts the fable for the wedding

The wedding ring

Attracts the fable for the partnership

Through time

The lore fable is recorded

In the mineral kingdom

Long before the pair meet

Or exchange vows or rings

The fable of the union is known

In the systems of fate

Recorded in each family

Before the two were born


Helpful Link to Support Transfusion


Light Wave Art & Glossary



For Per, the Love of My Life.

Pure Love


My dream became a reality because of your unconditional love.



Creational © 2020, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth


This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and that are useful to your spiritual evolution, and let go of the rest.


The Ascension Insights series and related books offer information on consensus ascension. This type of ascension involves rising up the dimensions with Earth and as she ascends. These books disseminate information on having a complete ascension with the potential of taking the body with you.


The Light Wave series offer information on another type of ascension known as transfusion. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the Consciousness returns Home to the Source, All That Is, or the Tao, through one’s hologram, and the body is left behind in ascension.



Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.




Asur’Ana. Light Wave 4: Divine Partnership. Aligning With Earth, 2020. Digital.

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