Image of a lovely and striking place in nature. Shakti Relationship Lore #10

Shakti Relationship Lore #10


The Death of the Heart


The Lore of Snow White


Forensic Not

The forensics of the moment

Is to destroy

In a motion

Of deep insincerity

Of a difficult time

In which the dream dies

Into a lackluster vision of non-delight

Destroying the feminine

Into disappearing within

Until a postulation of loss

Is all that is dreamt

Until the masculine cares


The Snow White Theme and Living In Fantasies


Snow white is a theme of the beauty of the child and feminine in a lore of deep jealousy of the mother or queen. The queen kills the beauty and life of the child to become big and beautiful in themselves. The theme of snow white is well known in this time period. The theory of snow white is the beautiful maiden who perishes due to the loss of self within. Self is a striation of field that sustains the dreams of life. If self is lost, dreams fade into suicidal tendencies or death of the feelings of care of self. Suicide is not an incident without strife. The loss of self is a confusing happenstance in which guidance from within to direct the life recedes. Guidance of very dark forces interferes leading to the desire to die or retract from others out of deep feelings of worthlessness within.


Snow white is not the beautiful maiden that falls asleep never to awaken until the prince who restores her life force as the fable portrays today. Snow white is beaten up within into difficult resources that haunt his or her inner love and care of self into a hateful stance of his or her life. Often those who hate within find comfort in fantasies of books or movies in themes of love. Sometimes those who hate within construct elaborate fantasies to offset the loss of the heart of the heart within. Snow white can be fostered in both male and female incarnations. The feminine within when destroyed is a haunting experience through time. The nature of the nonphysical in demonic interplay is the underlying cause of the internal strife of those sustained in snow white fate.


Snow white can be the bride or groom to one who demonizes the inner fabric of the self of the self within leading to an internal fabric of hate and then fantasy to sustain the life. Demons enter the field and haunt the one to be destroyed as a means of extracting the truth of the heart. As the heart is lost, one either becomes suicidal or finds addictive fantasies as a means of sustaining the life. Demons can be vampires that strip the chi and will to live until one chooses for suicide or fades into conditions of deep solitude, tiredness, littleness and a haunted stance within. The one feeding upon snow white theme of existence expands into an empire in control of the partner. The partner is so haunted they are unable to live fully or find joy in their existence through time except in the sustenance of a fantasy.


The Fall of the Eve        


Oceana is a lovely maiden of the tale of herself. She buries herself in books reading late into the evening each night. She plays the role of the hostess in sincerity of her heart. Valente is a handsome coach of introspection in the form of a psychologist. Oceana is attracted unto Valente for his esteemed position in the community and his flair of understanding others. The two date for a time and Oceana falls in love. The seduction is high and the night is stormy. The two blend into the casket of herself. Oceana loses the self of herself in Valente. The books fall away into a depression of the heart.


Valente marries Oceana due to his aplomb of desiring someone to fix. She is kind but weak and unwell in the mind he thinks. Valente spends hours counseling Oceana on the honeymoon and at home to follow. The love making is good and Valente uses the forensics to push Oceana further and further from herself within. Over time Oceana dies unto herself, allowing Valente to control her every emotion, every expression and everything that she ever thought she would or could accomplish in life. He despises the books Oceana reads and so she hides them in the cupboard through time. She flees the union in raising two children who often tattle upon her need to read so much fiction as they mature. Valente criticizes Oceana consistently into a state of disappearance in life.


Oceana is dead inside and goes through the motions of life without interest or any presence of joy outside of her fantasies. Her life is within and through books. The livelihood that she once expressed as a hostess of sincerity feels like a distant memory now. Two children are growing into their teenage years. Oceana attempts to find interest in their studies and friends but withdraws into the bedroom sharing little with them over time due her need to consume so many books to feel good within.


The teenagers hit their sixteenth and seventeenth birthdays soon. Vernell is a good student interested in psychology not unlike his father. He too analyzes his mother in the company of his father through time. Each believes Oceana to be a very scarred human that was abused so extensively from birth that she cannot heal within. She consumes fiction to feel resonant with herself.


Opal is a soft spoken daughter to have her sweet sixteenth birthday. Oceana plans a small rendezvous at a local café that Valente suggests. The family gathers with a few close friends to celebrate her sixteenth birthday. Opal is shy and says little but knows within the haunts of her mother. She vies to keep Oceana from committing suicide by pumping up her esteem constantly in an interaction of care of the heart. The books mimic the care and allow Opal to move beyond the fear of the loss of her mother. Opal often feels burdened in the scarring and wounded fabric of her mother. Oceana fails to make a shift within through time.


Vernell goes off to college winning a large scholarship due to his straight A nature. Valente is proud of his son upon his high school graduation. He flairs a notion of success hoping his son will carry on like himself earning a PhD in psychology through time. Opal is silent at her brother’s graduation party feeling yet another loss within her mother in the departure of Vernell for college ahead. She too is intending to adventure to several campuses in the summer to witness where she might like to go to school ahead as well.


The family drives across country to drop Vernell off into his new dorm life in an adroit campus in the Midwest. The conservative values of the region appeal unto Vernell. He appears certain in the context of the new dorm mates and other happenstances of the campus life ahead. Opal feels shy next to her brother and is unclear that dorm life would suit her. Valente encourages Opal to find herself in the new life of a blossoming young person in college. College will allow Opal to be more adept at working with others and finding new friends that are useful for her development as a young adult.


Oceana cries as the family drives off campus leaving Vernell behind. She is unclear within she will survive after two children are off in college or grown into another life of their own. Oceana knows that she somehow finds her life through her daughter Opal. The family carries on in the adventures looking at three campuses nearby. An all women’s university appeals to Opal who is shy with young men. She applies and is accepted and soon finds herself fantasizing about a new life apart from the family that is of her own creation.


Oceana spends time shopping and preparing Opal for her new life in college in the year ahead. The two share intimate moments of caring for one another in reminiscing about holidays and special moments shared in the family context. Both Oceana and Opal look back through time in a shared fantasy that all was well when it really was not. Opal cares for her mother and is shy with her father’s blatant attempt to analyze her through time. She chooses for a major in psychology to understand her plight with her father and mother alike. Vernell changes majors after a year choosing for a degree in preparation of medical studies. He desires to become a doctor and Valente is proud and happy with his decision. He attains a full scholarship for his medical studies in the years ahead.


Opal completes her degree in psychology and chooses to go ahead and obtain a master’s in literature. She is gifted at writing and expressing herself on paper. Valente encourages her to write a book that mesmerizes the world. Oceana has become increasingly introverted and depressed. Valente prescribes antidepressants. Opal adventures home one holiday season and discovers her mother vacant within. Opal cries all night not knowing how to aid her mother in recovering herself. Her endless studies in psychology have no remedy for her mother’s plight.


Oceana fades into a distant memory in a sad tale of the ocean. On holiday by the sea, she is ripped off shore in an undertow of unexpected power. The body is not found and the family upset at the sudden loss of their mother. Valente fades into a psychological forensics of attempting to understand how he failed to aid his wife in healing. Vernell fosters a distant relationship with his father in an attempt to focus heavily upon his studies. The friendship between the father and son fade into a departing mentality that psychology is a failed occupation that does not succeed at healing anyone.


Opal grows close to her father in the absence of her mother. She goes on to succeed kindly at an all women’s college in fulfilling upon her master’s degree in literature. Her father supports her for a long time while she writes four books in a fantasy all of her own creation. The fantasy does win her a publishing offer that she accepts. The books appeal to young people devoted to witnessing the dreams of the fairies of the forest.


Opal finds more comfort in her inner world than in the outer world with others, even with her father. She does not marry but wins a prize for her books which are soon to become a movie in the Hollywood style of the prince and princess of the forest. Opal is the author and is left alone as she is not really of interest to the world in comparison to the actors and actresses and stage designers that allow her fantasies to motion on the screen before her eyes.


The Family of Not         


The William’s were the adroit equation of the perfect family in appearance. The two children were neatly kept in the current fashions of the day. The dog always appeared washed and groomed. The William’s drove down the street in the latest four wheel drive car that glistened in the sun. The house appeared well manicured inside and out. There were gardeners and maids that attended to the appearance of the house as both parents worked at high paying professions. The nanny raised the children cooking for the clan that sometimes appeared upon the patio for a dining experience to delight the neighbors and not themselves.


Dalton is a salesman of the computer industry earning a six digit income plus. Edith is the realtor of the year with little time for anything else. Dalton and Edith rarely speak to one another or spend much time in an intimate sense. Edith is always on the phone or running out of the house to meet this client or that late into the evening and on the weekends. Her six digit income compliments Dalton who appreciates all the earnings and the lifestyle that can be fostered. The family moves into the most expensive and exclusive neighborhood due to Edith’s capacity to negotiate a “good deal” for the William clan.


Sweet little Pansy is pretty but reclusive in herself. She watches many movies and reads books of romantic fantasies that delight her within. Her brother, Shane, bothers her in his depressive tendencies. To the degree Pansy is happy in her books and movies, Shane grows to become a troubled teenager that experiments with many drugs. Time and time again, a nanny is hired that tends to the two growing children. Eight nannies have come and gone to Shane’s destructive and harmful behavior. Pansy retreats into her fantasies locking herself in the bedroom consuming herself in fiction after her studies are completed each day. Her brother fights successfully to remove all nannies in time from the homestead of the William clan.


As Pansy turns fifteen, the last nanny departs. Pansy was not happy about this as often the nanny is a kind person to interface with who also cooks joyful and ethnic meals due to the long work hours of her parents. Pansy has not yet learned to cook but soon makes an attempt to prepare something she likes and succeeds graciously. Her brother is not interested in anything but junk food. Pansy chooses to watch cooking shows creating many beautiful dishes for herself and for her parents if they arrive at home early enough to dine with her. Shane is not interested in eating anything but food from the freezer section of the local fanfare of groceries heated in the microwave. His mood swings are fed on too much sugar and salt along with his drug habits of the day now that the nannies have all departed.


Shane becomes a narcotics dealer unknown to his parents. Pansy knows of his drug deals but does not disclose the truth until he is arrested and thrown into jail. Dalton and Edith are distraught more about needing to pay attention to their son and motion away from the work delight of themselves. Pansy is asked to share the truth about what she knows about Shane’s drug happenstance. She lies telling her parents that she knew nothing and that Shane is a belligerent and depressed young man. None of the nannies could stand his behavior and she misses their loving presence in the house.


Another nanny is hired to aid in assuring Shane does not act outside of the law again. He is suspended in a youth center for six months. Pansy feels calm outside the presence of Shane at home. The youth center does trigger a deep stature of disdain in Shane. He departs determined to break the law in every manner that he can ahead. He acquires credit cards from his father’s wallet and purchases a shocking amount of $20,000 worth of items he desires. Dalton is outraged and reports the card stolen only to discover that it is his son’s expenditures due to all the new acquisitions in his bedroom. The credit card company eats the loss and Dalton is relieved.


Shane is sent off to a special boarding school to help rendition his behavior. Shane is sixteen and just too much for the William family to deal with. The boarding school works with Shane in a psychological context to uncover the root cause of his disdain for elders or lack of respect for the law. The school is expensive and known to succeed at reprogramming difficult young teens that fail to respect the law. Shane hates his teachers, peers and school happenstance and chooses to disappear into a local town forever. He robs four homes and sells the wears for a small sum only to be arrested at a flea market where one of the owners recognizes his own computer.


Shane is restrained in jail for juvenile delinquents. Dalton and Edith are strapped for time to appear at the hearing. They hire a special attorney who understands difficult cases and Shane is allowed to fulfill his sentence in community service picking up trash or cleaning up wetlands in lieu of prison. Shane succeeds at some of the community work only to fail to report to his parole officer one day. He is arrested again as a result. His parents fail to show interest in their son’s whereabouts or difficult life happenstance. Shane retreats into the home relying upon drugs and increasing junk food to ease his inner conflicts in life. He acquires a gun and shoots himself in the head. Shane dies instantly.


Pansy hears the shot and rushes into his room. The blood is oozing everywhere. She screams and calls 9-11 claiming that she thinks her brother just committed suicide. The police do not arrest her as she is so upset and obviously would not have had the type of character to have shot someone in her life. Dalton and Edith are sad but relieved to be no longer burdened with a difficult son. The news of the suicide catches in the local television and radio that expose the difficult nature of Shane on a psychological talk show.


Edith’s real estate is conflicted in the news of her son’s suicide. Some cancel agreements of listings or sales due to the unpopular position that is exposed as a workaholic mother who paid no attention to her distraught son. School teachers, friends of the family and Pansy herself are interviewed on talk shows. Pansy speaks her truth that her parents were never at home and she was raised by many nannies who never remained very long due to her brother’s bad behavior. He needed counseling she thinks and no one paid attention. Her parents did not care to work with any nanny to resolve the at home conflicts they each experienced. Pansy desires to study psychology to understand how to heal others like her brother before they end their life at the gunpoint of themselves.


Pansy goes on to attend an expensive university and study psychology as she had intended following her brother’s ill fate. The schooling fosters some understanding. Pansy goes on to attain a master’s and later a PhD fostering a counseling practice for families in distress. Her business flourishes but Pansy never marries. She witnesses so many unhappy families that she chooses to remain single retreating recurrently to meditate upon her own introspections of life.


Pansy goes on to write an interesting book on the psychological insights of family strife. The book is not popular but Pansy feels she is fulfilled in its publication in the expression of years of understanding gained through the many families she has counseled. She spends her free time devouring periodicals and fantasy stories of the romantic kind to feel loved within.


Analysis of the Death of the Heart    


The death of the heart is an adroit equation in which the circumstance in life does not allow one to love. Love is an outward motion that cares for others in the dreams of the existence through the act of communion. The fate of snow white is a death within in which love fails to flow to trigger partnership with others in the life. Sometimes the death of the heart within leads to deep depression and a choice to die in a natural disaster or accident through time. Sometimes the death of the heart leads to one who extrapolates existence through the forensics of fantasies in books and movies and then fails to connect to another in an intimate notion of life.


Snow white is often an equation of life that is partner-less through time. If there is a partnership, it is a non-relationship of care through time. Partnership requires two who trigger a happenstance of union and communion to foster the flavor of love. Often the snow white paradigm is one who is too wounded to love except with one who exhibits unconditional awareness extending love unto another who fails to love themselves. Those loving one who cannot love within feels responsible for the life happenstance of the other. Codependence is the flavor of the union where one cannot live without the support of the other through time. Suicide sometimes occurs when the other retracts from the care of self.


Codependence is a common dream of partnership and family dynamics today. Codependence is a system of dreaming that is non-independent from others. Codependence is the theme of each Shakti lore essay thus far. Codependence can be offset in the choice to master the love of the love within. Others sometimes retract from those mastering sincere flavors of love within as they cannot foster a non-codependent association in an intimate circumstance of a union or friendship through time.


The snow white theme is a common driven purpose life that is independent from the care of others. Those of snow white nature can preclude partnership due to the intricate fantasies that are dreamed within that sometimes manifest outwards in a dream of success. The fantasy realities of the snow white character are often elaborate and succinct in their notions of the flavor of care. No life partner can meet the needs as kindly as the fantasies of care fostered within or through books or the movie industry. The books and movies better compliment the forensics of care of the field of the snow white paradigm of self.


Snow white has become a paradigm of the reclusive human fostering flavors of love through computer games, fantasies of book or movie related forensics and or a system of internal dreams of fantasies that appear upon the movie screen of the third eye in its attempted development within. The third eye is to foster introspection and dreams of mastery and not fantasies of love. Sincere mastery fosters internal dreams to allow the introspection to lead to divine understanding through which sincere love of the heart in a union divine can develop through time.


Mastering humans healing from the snow white fate will foster a shift as sincere love develops within in a stance of divine union to offset the fantasy based flavor of false love. False love occurs as the forensics of love are driven through a fantasy reality. The forensics catch upon the nervous repose of the biology leading to a flavor of love within that is not experienced in the sincerity of an open heart accolade. Spiritual mastery opens the heart leading to the expression of communing with others in life. Communion can also extend to the natural world. Communion is a state of sincere love that is non-fantasy driven in life. Communion leads to the desire for partnership and friendships of the heart through time that foster continued mastery of self realizing itself.


Forensic Not

The forensics of the moment

Is to destroy

In a motion

Of deep insincerity

Of a difficult time

In which the dream dies

Into a lackluster vision of non-delight

Destroying the feminine

Into disappearing within

Until a postulation of loss

Is all that is dreamt

Until the masculine cares


Helpful Link to Support Transfusion


Light Wave Art & Glossary



For Per, the Love of My Life.

Pure Love


My dream became a reality because of your unconditional love.



Creational © 2020, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth


This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and that are useful to your spiritual evolution, and let go of the rest.


The Ascension Insights series and related books offer information on consensus ascension. This type of ascension involves rising up the dimensions with Earth and as she ascends. These books disseminate information on having a complete ascension with the potential of taking the body with you.


The Light Wave series offer information on another type of ascension known as transfusion. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the Consciousness returns Home to the Source, All That Is, or the Tao, through one’s hologram, and the body is left behind in ascension.



Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.




Asur’Ana. Light Wave 4: Divine Partnership. Aligning With Earth, 2020. Digital.

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