About Shaktar Relationship Studies
For Realization of Divine Partnership
The light synthesizes
In a motion Divine
Showing us the path
Of relationship within
Fostering the Infinite
To realize Itself
Through the male and female
Vestibules of Self
In the freedom to care
In the Love of the Love
To foster a unique journey
Of partnership within
Realization of Divine Partnership
Divine partnership is an aspiration of care of the heart. The heart of humanity has become ridged and unloving in itself. The journey of partnership is internal as well as external. Through the journey of partnership, the heart may heal and flourish again into the capacity to care. Care is an oscillation of the divine in the heart accolade of self. The heart blossoms in a life of spiritual mastery to fulfill upon the love of the love within.
The love of the love within is a surreptitious phenomenon that triggers a happenstance of the flavor of care of the heart. The flavor of care is born first within and then manifests without in the dreams of life. Dreams foster unions to teach humans how to foster care of the heart. Most are incapable of fostering care within in this time period. The journey to love is often a difficult happenstance through time. Love fosters healing from traumatic or emotional charges associated with rejection, dejection, rape or other strife associated with male and female, male and male, or female and female relationship experiences.
Partnership Fables
The purpose of the essays in the Shaktar Relationship Studies section is to foster an understanding of the fables that trigger dreams of partnership to arise in life. No partnership dream or family association or work fostering is not of a fable lore fostering in this era. All dreams are fables, much like fairy tales presented in the media unto children, and foster the incantations and dreams of the experiences of life. Each fable shift occurs in seven-year increments through time. Each fable has an incantation associated with the lore that then dreams each life experience with others through time. Partnership fables are case specific to the origins of relationship karma in the inheritances associated.
Each fable has positive and negative polarities associated. Some dream the positive script for a time only to roll into the negative script in a following lore cycle from seven to fourteen years later. Some drift into the negative lore fable in the outset of the experience of a new union. Union fables occur following a period of dating that increment the time sequences until a parting occurs or marriage unfolds. Marriage is not necessarily a civil service or church ceremony. Marriage is a contract to be together through one to three lore fable cycles or more. Marriage is a subconscious agreement that is often fostered as two choose to live together long term.
Marital vows are case specific to the union fable lore for the duration of the partnership. Marital vows are exchanged in a dreaming of the union prior to the wedding or life arrangement of a home together. Marital vows are unique unto the scripts of the dreams associated. During the dream time ceremony, the two trade agreements to foster one another through union in a particular incantation of a fable in each successive seven-year duration that the partnership is to flux into. The marriage concludes either in death or until the last fable is completed upon leading to separation in time.
Family Fables
In this cycle, partnership fables are concluding often far from an era of death. Partnerships carry on with others in other fables leading to multiple marriages in many lives. There are many humans choosing to complete karma in this cycle and one means of fostering karmic completion is through many partnerships in life. Partnerships can include children in which a family lore fable is also fostered as a group vow exchanged as a dream time event. Family fables foster seven-year cycles in which children are raised through time. Each incoming child fosters other fables to enter the dreams of the family. Some fables foster union and beauty together; some foster strife through time. Family fables also polarize from times of ease into times of strife in lore cycles to follow to foster realization of self.
Family fables are specific to marital fables in incantations agreed unto during the marital vow exchange in dreaming the life. Family fables range from spiritual to non-spiritual in this time period. Spiritual fables often include one child that fosters the path of realization along with one parent. Polarity is extreme in this era causing rare experiences of two upon the path of realization together as parents. Sometimes a later life union can flux of two twins or counterparts who realize together after multiple failed partnerships through time. Occasionally, there are twin repose partnerships that develop to realize together from youth or early adulthood.
Realization of Self Through Divine Partnership
Couples are adroit equations of self to understand partnership through time. Self acknowledges the strife of union in this era. Self is a conscious fabric of the human experience that expresses and experiences through time in spiritual evolutionary cycles only. Realizing humans share in striations of self from various resources of understanding to foster forgiveness and compassionate action upon the path of mastery. Divine partnership is a dream to oscillate within to foster realization through relationship strife. Divine partnership within fosters love that cares for the self of the self unconditionally through time.
The flavor of love is an internal state mastered as divine union within is fostered. The flavor of love within as it is fostered incants another poetic prose for the life of continued realization. Realization is a self system of descent that fosters life happenstance to develop deeper levels of forgiveness and compassionate action through time in the love of the love blossoming within. Compassionate action fosters seven levels of development that create divine concepts to foster life dreams and actualization of understanding. Actualization demonstrates the compassion in life. Actualization is an act in which the divine is perceived and witnessed in all things regardless of life circumstances.
Ascension versus Self Development in Divine Partnership
The life of realization through partnership is a unique happenstance of fate. There are fate keys that are asserted in the life incantation inaugurated prior to birth. Life is fostered through a series of mastery incantations that lead to the dreams that unfold in seven-year increments fostering realization of self. Most lives do not foster realization. Many more lives in this era are fostering ascension levels of awareness. Ascension is not realization as self-development requires mindset to flux in manners that most humans have ceased to demonstrate. Mindset development is occurring in select groups of the population as new synapses grow in the cortex of the mind.
Two who are self-developing foster another level of partnership that is divine within and in the dream expression through time. Sincere divine partnership requires two who can realize divine concepts together. Divine concepts are realized through two who self develop fostering a fable of divine partnership. There are seven fables of divine partnership that shall be spoken unto in the later chapters exploring relationship in this series of articles. The first twelve chapters are devoted to the darker attributes of partnership that foster ascension mastery within. Many realizing self foster at least one dark partnership for ascension levels of mastery in a given life to reflect upon and oscillate forgiveness and compassionate action over.
We invite those who are interested to read the chapters as presented. The information is presented in a mind flux to aid in the growth of the mindset for the purposes of self-development. If the chapter itself is difficult to understand, read the prose and skip to the stories which are written in adroit language that each may interpret. Wait one week and read again to see if the mindset can flux with what is spoken unto. The stories will explain the strife or beauty associated with each fable of relationship currently playing in the human dramas around you. You will be able to analyze your own partnerships or the partnerships of parents, grandparents or children along with friends or other acquaintances or world figures to foster forgiveness of the difficult dreams between the male and female self in this era.
Blessings to each choosing the path of partnership to understand, forgive, foster compassion and complete the karma of the ancestors related to difficult unions through time. Completion allows for a deep forgiveness that allows the next life to cease to manifest difficult partnerships ahead. The path of forgiveness often flows deeper within when a difficult relationship concludes and completes leading to another time or life in which a beautiful and superlative partnership may manifest ahead.
In the love of the care of the two.
Tao (Source) of Shaktar
Asur’Ana and Per
The light synthesizes
In a motion Divine
Showing us the path
Of relationship within
Fostering the Infinite
To realize Itself
Through the male and female
Vestibules of Self
In the freedom to care
In the Love of the Love
To foster a unique journey
Of partnership within
Helpful Link to Support Transfusion
Light Wave Art & Glossary
For Per, the Love of My Life.
My dream became a reality because of your unconditional love.
Creational © 2020, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth
This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and that are useful to your spiritual evolution, and let go of the rest.
The Ascension Insights series and related books offer information on consensus ascension. This type of ascension involves rising up the dimensions with Earth and as she ascends. These books disseminate information on having a complete ascension with the potential of taking the body with you.
The Light Wave series offer information on another type of ascension known as transfusion. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the Consciousness returns Home to the Source, All That Is, or the Tao, through one’s hologram, and the body is left behind in ascension.
Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.
Asur’Ana. Light Wave 4: Divine Partnership. Aligning With Earth, 2020. Digital.