The following meditation is from Chapter 5 of Ascension Insights, Volume 1:
We would like to give step-by-step instructions on how to move your kundalini. For beginners, it is recommended that you first take a walk, allowing the full anchoring and grounding of your soul into your form.
1. Find a comfortable chair or some place to sit out in nature, but sit up and do not lie down. Do not cross your legs but place your feet uncrossed on the ground. Take a deep breath in and release it slowly. Imagine connections running from your feet and tailbone into the center of the Aurora or the star in the center of Earth.
2. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Now bring up the energies from the Aurora through your legs and tailbone, up through the waist, and then allow them to spill over creating a six-foot waterfall that surrounds you and grounds away what you are presently releasing. Also allow some of these energies to flow up the spine and out the top of the head like a waterfall and down the arms. As you connect with the energies of the Earth and allow its energy to embrace you, you will feel loved, nurtured, renewed and refreshed again.
3. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Now allow the kundalini to rise up the spine slowly and out the top of the head like hot lava. If you become icy cold, know that you are hitting past life death pictures. Death pictures are bodily remembrances of having only moved the kundalini on death in your genetic history. Allow these pictures and icy cold energy to ground to the center of the Earth and all memories of death to be transmuted.
4. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Now imagine the kundalini rising along two side channels that run up either side of the body. They begin at the feet, run up the legs and torso, down the arms, and up past the ears. The side channels may be small to begin with, but in time, they will join with the center channel allowing you to become one large kundalini channel. This is necessary, for the kundalini must touch every molecule in the grid work in order for you to ascend to the next dimension.
5. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. If the kundalini does not feel as though it is running, ask your healing guides to work with you. These are the devas and angels that always surround you, and they will assist you in balancing what has become unbalanced over time. Sometimes, bringing the kundalini to balance requires the releasing of karma, and the angels will work with you to bring this forth. Do not allow the lack of feeling to prevent you from doing this daily exercise. Know that you will begin to feel the heat and warmth flowing throughout your body in due course.
6. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Now, you can begin to focus the kundalini in specific areas of your form for cleansing. The kundalini is a body fire that burns off cords, attachments, entities, and patterns you are forever releasing in ascension. So, each area of your form that is focused on receives a clearing of the current patterns you are releasing each day of your journey.
7. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. We will begin with the feet chakras. Focus on allowing the kundalini to clear the feet for a few minutes. While you are focusing on the feet, also ask that any karma that does not allow you to ground or commune with Mother Earth, also be released at the same time.
8. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on the knee chakras. The knees are also the gateway to grounding soul into the form. We tend to roll up to the knees in energy and then develop major knee problems. Most knee problems are the result of the energy becoming turned off from the knee down to the feet. Open the energy in full and allow it to flow through the knees, cleansing all that is blocked from them. As the energy moves, any physical injury in this region can be corrected over time. Without the movement of energy, resurrection is not possible.
9. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on the root chakra, which sits at the tailbone. Allow the energy of the kundalini to blow out of the front and back of this chakra region cleansing the sacrum, thighs and lower buttocks of blockages and stuck energies. Allow those frequencies you are in need of to be added to this region by the angels or devas so that the blockages release with ease. The first chakra holds the fear of survival or not having enough. Allow Mother Earth to provide you with all you need from this point forward and relax and release unto her.
10. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on the second chakra region, which sits in the pelvic cavity. Allow the energy of the kundalini to blow out of the front and the back of the pelvis, dissolving cords and blockages in this region. Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region by the angels. The second chakra holds old emotional scars from the past that are often riddled with pain, anger and fear. Allow those traumas to be dissolved and surrender into Mother Earth’s arms for comfort.
11. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on the third chakra region, which sits in the solar plexus region. Allow the energy of the kundalini to blow out of the front and the back of the solar plexus, dissolving cords and blockages in this region. Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region. The third chakra contains patterns of control, manipulation and powerlessness. Know that Mother Earth’s power is your power, and when you align with her, this power is devoid of control or manipulation. Release those patterns and surrender unto her for your power.
12. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on a new chakra region, which sits over the diaphragm. We will call this chakra 3.5. Allow the energy of the kundalini to blow out of the front and the back of the diaphragm and ribcage, dissolving cords and blockages in this region. Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region by the devas. This chakra contains patterns that caused humanity to lose consciousness and stop breathing in order to anchor soul in the form. As you breathe again, soul returns, and consciousness expands.
13. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on the fourth chakra region, which sits in the chest. Allow the energy of the kundalini to blow out of the front and the back of the chest and upper back, dissolving cords and blockages in this region. Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region. The heart region contains many wounds of the heart and the lack of feeling loved or rejected in your life experience. Know that Mother Earth loves you and will fill you now so that the old wounds may be released and the heart may begin to expand.
14. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on the fifth chakra region, which sits in the neck. Allow the energy of the kundalini to blow out of the front and the back of the neck, dissolving cords and blockages in this region. Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region by the angels. The neck region contains patterns of limited self-expression or lack of manifestation or creative God Goddess abilities. The neck is also the seat of co-creation with God Goddess /All That Is. Allow your creativity and self expression to return and the act of creation to become one with your soul, the Earth, and All That Is.
15. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on the sixth chakra region, which sits in the center of the head. Allow the energy of the kundalini to blow out of the front and the back of the head, dissolving cords and blockages in this region. Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region. The head is the seat of vision. So often, those who seek to blind you or sabotage your spiritual journey block your vision. Allow the blinders to fall off and for yourself to see all you require to succeed at your goal of ascension.
16. Take another deep breath and release it slowly. Let us next focus on the seventh chakra region, which sits at the top of the head. Allow the energy of the kundalini to blow out of the top of the head, dissolving cords and blockages in this region. Again, ask for all frequencies necessary for you to heal and release to be added to this region by the devas. The crown is your gateway to your soul and to your library of knowledge or spiritual knowing. So often, those who seek to pull you along their path block your crown so that your own knowing ceases. Allow all blockages to be removed and for yourself to find and follow your own truth of ascension.
When you are complete, turn the kundalini down to a comfortable level, open your eyes, and come back to the present. You may now go about your day refreshed, recharged and ready for all you have to accomplish. Ask the healing guides to stay with you and assist you in remaining grounded and recharged during your day’s activities. You may also go through this exercise as many times per day as needed to refresh yourself. Know that Mother Earth is here for you and willing to support those who choose to ascend at this time in history.
Running the Kundalini MP3
Ascension Meditation Recordings
Ascension Insights Charts & Diagrams
Language of Light
Language of ONE
Asur’Ana. Ascension Insights, Volume 1. Aligning With Earth, 2018. Digital.