Image of a magnificent waterfall in the midst of a luscious green forest. Psychology of You Introduction

Psychology of You Introduction


The Nature of You


The Love of You for Yourself


I am the love of me

And the love of you

In the dreams of ourselves

In a beautiful mansion

Of the self of myself

In the care of the one or the two

Or the three

In the sway of one another

In a love of me

And in the love of you

I sway that I am

I am that I am


The Love of You and Me         


Psychology of You is a series of articles to aid those choosing to realize themselves through an odyssey of notions that prevent the love of you for yourself and the love of you for all others. Love is the cornerstone of self that fosters spirit into matter. Love requires you to love you first and foremost. Loving you is a journey all of its own given the shame and blame of the current social stanzas of existence. Shame and blame are at an all-time high possibly due to the electrical gadgets humans surround themselves with. Shame and blame are enhanced by electrical notions that do not align within. Electricity causes contraction of light motions of field rather than expansion. Contraction of light leads to non-light which is darkness in all the manners that it is expressed and witnessed through time.


The journey of light motion of field is to foster light that is on all the time in the field of yourself. Light that motions on and off triggers intermittent shame or debilitation of feeling well within in the dreams of life. Shame is a difficult emotion to work through as light motions on for the first time. Light enhances all the emotions of the self of you.


The self of you is a complex subject all of its own. You are the consciousness of all that you have known or been through time in this lifetime of yours. You are the beauty and the ugliness of what you have witnessed or participated within. The beauty fosters love and care for you and others as it is enhanced in light. The ugliness in all of its shame or blame enhances the opposite. Those learning to motion light need to purify what is dark or difficult in emotional stanzas of yourself from your past in order to foster a recurrent state of beauty and care of you within. As beauty and care of you is mastered within the self of you, the difficult emotions shall subside in the act of transfusion.


Transfusion and Illumination


Transfusion is a synthesis of light motion that triggers the field to illuminate. Illumination of field is not new but is to be enhanced due to light motions that are opening up upon a planetary level in many regions upon Earth. As the light motions on, old emotions that need to be purified may surface within. The light will purify the difficult emotions and in time you will come to understand yourself better than you do now. This is the journey into self-realization that awaits those who are to motion beyond ascension levels of mastery and into light motion of field.


The notions of light wave synergy sign language is the new language to be embraced in accord with the light motioning on upon the planet. Please see the earlier section in this volume, “Earth Light Wave Sign Language” , for more information on the new language to be mastered within to foster you into the realization of you.


The self of you is a pattern in the ethereal that has not been explored in many other systems of written materials to date. The self of you is a striation of light that is infused into the subtle body of field. The subtle body ignites a key to merge the mental, emotional, intuitive and creative aspects into a single body that grows to become the you of you. The you of you is striated with rays of light that syncopate a rhythm of illumination as you transfuse. Transfusion involves a sway of light that motions in and out and through the subtle body to allow the conscious fabric of who you are to be known by the physical consciousness of the mind. The mind emulates the light motions to understand and contemplate the divine thoughts that the self of you fosters as spirit and soul descend to bless the vessel of you.


Soul and spirit have no access to the physical outside of the art of transfusion. Prior to transfusion, nature took responsibility for the souls of humans who mastered ascension thresholds of dreams of life. As light motions on in the subtle body of field, soul of another derivation of monadic systems will descend to infuse the body for a soul driven purpose of another ordering of fate. The soul driven purpose occurs as self-realization takes flight.


Self-realization fosters light wave DNA to grow and light infusion to occur into the cells of the physical. Light infusion is a carefully fostered system to assure mastery into health and not disease. Light can trigger many problems for the physical if it is not evenly administered and if the physical fails to detoxify through dietary changes and provide subtle nutrients required for light DNA growth. Many people may grow to be ill rapidly as light motions on if they fail to detoxify adequately or consume the wrong diet.


Beautiful Dreams and Care of the Heart


Light will foster beautiful dreams for those who are willing to grow the self of you into superlative notions and motions that interpret the world in deep care of the heart. The purpose of self-realization this cycle is to foster love of you and each and the whole. Love is the missing ingredient that fosters health and sustenance and beautiful dreams of the soul family. The soul family is to re-emerge into physical dreams of the two, three and many who care about one another and themselves enough to share in beautiful community dreams ahead. The soul family fostering is not simple but is a needed u-turn for humanity given the greed based consumptive society that has formed through time. Over time, greed will fade and care of the heart shall prevail and in the coming three hundred years of human evolution.


The love of you and me must be fostered in order for light to motion evenly and allow for beautiful dreams to unfold. Light does not respond to hate or other emotions that afflict humans in non-light. Non-light is not love. Light is love and beauty and fulfillment. Light is not glamorous although it can beautify the face and field. Light is not lustful nor desirous of fame nor fortune except to support the soul family in care of each.


Light is pure love in its crystalline formations of consciousness. Light as it motions can call dreams of deep care and beauty and abundance unto you as you purify yourself of the greed-based electro gadget-based notions that prevail in the human marketplace. This is the path of self-realization today; to purify yourself of the mass consciousness that drives the world around you and foster the care of you and me and each and the whole within and in our life dreams ahead.


In the love of those who are to self-realize.


Tao of Shaktar


The Love of You for Yourself


I am the love of me

And the love of you

In the dreams of ourselves

In a beautiful mansion

Of the self of myself

In the care of the one or the two

Or the three

In the sway of one another

In a love of me

And in the love of you

I sway that I am

I am that I am


Helpful Link to Support Transfusion


Light Wave Art & Glossary



For Mom. I love you.

To all Souls in fostering the Self of you into realization of the Divine. May all on Earth be filled with Love and Light in the Golden Age or the Age of Enlightenment about to be born.



Creational © 2022, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth


This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and that are useful to your spiritual evolution, and let go of the rest.


The Ascension Insights series and related books offer information on consensus ascension. This type of ascension involves rising up the dimensions with Earth and as she ascends. These books disseminate information on having a complete ascension with the potential of taking the body with you.


The Light Wave series offer information on another type of ascension known as transfusion. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the Consciousness returns Home to the Source, All That Is, or the Tao, through one’s hologram, and the body is left behind in ascension.



Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.




Asur’Ana. Light Wave 6: Mother Sun Dream and Star Seeds. Aligning With Earth, 2022. Digital.

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