The Living Play of You
Learning to Dream in Light Wave Synergy
The happiness of my life unfolding
Is a fortuitous occurrence that flows
In dreaming in light wave synergy
In a play of my own stage production
As an actor or actress of myself
In the drama of my heart
And not the groin of myself
In the love of spirit
And the love of soul
In a dream of peace and merriment
In a sway of beauty through time
In the love of each of my soul family
As the other actors and actresses of my life
Dreaming Your Life in Light Wave Synergy: The Love of the Stage Play of You
You are a stage play all of your own making. The stage play of you hosts many actors and actresses that play the variant roles portrayed in the people in your life. The roles vary between light, medium, and dark light or non-light motions that cascade the experiences that each witnesses and expresses through time. Those dreaming in bright light foster dreams of magic and nuances of joy in which everything aligns in their favor more of the time than not. Those dreaming in medium light foster a mix of some joyful nuances and encounters and some sour experiences through time. Those dreaming in dim light cause dreams of depression or sourness more of the time than not. Those in non-light dream the darkest of possibilities of living nightmares in the physical.
The cast of characters in your life if you are a mastery level human incarnate in this time period generally align into a wheel of possibility of those actresses and actors expressing some bright light dreams, many medium light dreams, many dim light dreams, and one non-light dreamer that causes a nightmare in polarity associations with one another through time. You are a wheel of characters all of your own to experience in this life with the actors and actresses upon the stage play of you through time.
The bright light, medium light, dim light and non-light assume four positions around you. You are also propelled often between bright, medium and dim light dreams but not the non-light systems in this cycle. This is to preserve your life as the nightmare system of dreaming might conclude your life span in an early death. This is a gift of the planetary Tao this cycle that witnesses the darkest of dreams cascading over humans over the past eight centuries.
Fostering Dreams in Rays of Light
Bright light is fostered as a cascade of rays that are pure. Pure rays are translucent and un-festered in their overtones of color and call very joyful dreams unto you. Medium light hosts seventy percent pure rays and thirty percent impure rays. Impure rays are hazy in stature of color and draw some sour dreams into the life dance. Dim light hosts thirty percent pure rays and seventy percent impure rays that foster haze overall drawing mostly sour dreams unto you. Non-light hosts one hundred percent impure rays causing haze to blaze leading to a nightmare through time. As you learn light motion of field, the haze can be purified in medium and dim systems of rays. As such, those light motioning can begin to purify your dreams into beautiful nuances more of the time than not with some of your associations.
All humans foster dreams in the rays of light that bathe the planet in this time period. Light rays are due to be purified into clearer and more translucent systems of dreaming in the coming thirty years due to planetary transfusion systems of global light wave synergy. The undercurrent of cause as to why the rays of Earth are purifying has to do with the emergence of the Mother Sun Dream into the Aurora of the planet. The Mother Sun is pure light in translucent golden overtures that do not allow festered rays to remain. Those entering the Mother Sun Dream purify the rays in the dreams of life fostering less festered states of being or existences within and with others through time. Light wave synergy motions in more beauty in each life fostered within the Mother Sun Dream.
Mother Sun Dreaming
Mother Sun dream gate entrances are particular to the thought-stream of those to participate. The Mother Sun dream requires the sway of the heart accolade to enter. Love is the key to motioning with the Mother Sun dream. Many upon the spiritual path have fostered life experiences to open the heart and give birth to forgiveness and compassion within. Sometimes the tests associated with opening the heart have been painful to witness and live through. The heart has needed to abridge into sways that are more open than in other cycles of Mother Sun dreaming. The cause is a choice of the planet to trigger love into the system of dreaming for the whole to offset possible human warfare that could detriment the possibility of a return Home for all the resources needing to retract into the Mother Sun, including you as a mastery level human.
The Mother Sun is opening to take her flock home. The flock is numerous and in a wide variety of experiences in physical and nonphysical consortiums of life. There are five planes above the physical in each human life that express a different polarity of existence in semi-etheric lifetimes. The planes also align into light, medium and dim light configurations in this cycle.
As the light gates complete their openings in thirty years’ time, all planes will gravitate into a blazing white light that will purify the physical and allow the poles to realign for the homecoming into the Mother Sun. For humans, the cleansing may really occur thereafter, and if the body is not ready to embrace the light, disease may unfold. The body must be able to motion the light around every cell to retain its health; and many may be ill equipped to foster this due to the toxic overload of the current world techno-gadgetry hungry society humans live within. The need to purify the body is at an all-time high to offset disease ahead.
Checkerboard of Dreaming Experiences
Humans in the physical align on a checkerboard of experiences of light, medium and dark stanzas of dreaming through time. The checkerboard of experiences is refracted into the dreams of the people you know. Some are well while others are not. Some feel beautiful and cared for and others do not. Some love you and others not. Some are frightened and yet others at peace in the life unfolding. The refraction of experiences is annotated as love and love not in this cycle. All experiences that love are positive to experience and express. All experiences that love not are negative to experience and express. So extreme is the poles that there is little that aligns other than love and love not through time in the dramas of humanity. The cast of characters in the stage play of you also aligns in extremes in their life dramas that either care or care not for them.
It is good to assess where you are in your life light quotients. Are you the bright light dreamer, or the medium light dreamer, or the dim light dreamer? If you are currently in the bright light, then there are at least four in the dim-light category of dreaming in sourness amongst your associations, and non in the non-light category. The bright light can purify the polarities into ceasing to include the non-light systems amongst your associations.
If you are in the medium light, then the dim-light category of dreaming may pertain only to two and there may be two in the bright light category of fun and magical moments all the time and one in the non-light strife of the plight of their night. If you are in the dim light dreaming, then most likely there are none in the non-light category of dreaming but at least four to five dreaming in bright light having a merry old time while you sit in sourness more of the time than not.
Dreams polarize amongst the cast of characters also into sub categories to analyze. There is the bright-medium category of dreaming of many joyful times and some less than joyful with a few kinds of sour dreaming but not really too bad to live through. There is the medium-dim category of dreaming some joyful times, many less than joyful times with some sour and a few very sour experiences through time. There is the dim-dark category of dreaming that fosters mostly a sour life with some cataclysmic experiences along the path too. And there are the dark-darker than you could imagine possible category of dreaming in which not only do many plight of the night experiences unfold, but one or more very dark nightmarish in quality dream is experienced through time.
Cross-Over Categories of Dreaming
There are also cross-over categories of dreaming of bright light to nightmarish experiences through time. Suddenly the little nymph of ongoing happiness is walking down the street only to be kidnapped and raped, and is not expecting this at all given her joyful life unfolding to date. Perhaps she is killed or perhaps she lives through the drama, but whatever it is that occurs, it is a shock to the system following after which the joyful bright light dreams fade into a dim light dream thereafter of deep sourness; unless the former nymph processes the emotional trauma, erasing it enough to emerge into a medium dream of some happiness and some sourness thereafter. The extremes are extreme and sometimes trigger a motion into the extreme opposite if a very bright light dream is lived mostly through time.
There are also those born into a nightmarish circumstance that somehow reverse polarity into the bright light system of a mesmerizing journey of something beautiful through time. One example of this is the ghetto born young man who escapes possible death many times in gang circumstances only to emerge as the big basketball hero with a large income and beautiful wife and children for a time.
The life motions well for a seemingly long time and then inverts again into deep darkness where he is convicted of a potential drug crime and not imprisoned but his image is marred now. Suddenly the sports clothing industry drops his name off everything associated reducing his income by half or less. Soon his basketball team chooses to drop him too. His wife then divorces him taking most of his assets due to an amazing attorney that she affords to hire with his funds. Now he is suddenly found drunk upon the streets of his former home town.
There are cross over categories for other levels of medium to dark dreaming too. One example of this is the sweet life of a person who creates a good income in the high finance category of possibility of dream weaving. Life flows easily for a time until she reverses into the dim light category and suddenly an investment opportunity turns really sour losing money for many, including herself. She loses many clients. She does not quit but rebuilds into more conservative approach of investment scheme which makes less overall but also are more stable. The income is not as high flying but she makes enough but always compares herself to the high flyers that foster amazing monetary rushes due to their bright light dreaming in the finances of themselves.
There are also those that cross over from dim light into medium light dreams through time. The dim light persona may be born to a very difficult childhood of deep sourness and sadness with a suicide attempt by age fourteen. Suddenly he goes off to college and finds himself happier in a medium light dream in which he becomes the class president for a year. Others really admire him and he motions on to foster his degree but not as a straight A student. He applies for graduate work at prestigious colleges and is turned down only to feel depressed again as dim light dreams roll over him. He feels somewhat as a failure but finds his way to a graduate program that is acceptable and fosters his master’s degree in business.
After graduating, he finds a job at a rather unique company that pays well for a time but then goes under. In the undertow of a layoff, he is again depressed and motions into a dim dream that haunts him for four years. He chooses for less than prestigious jobs given his master’s degree and pays the bills for a time and then emerges into what appears to be the possibility of his lifetime in a multi-marketing dream of huge possibility. The multi-marketing possibility does pay but not as well as he hoped; after which he finds himself depressed again about life in his middle age.
Each in the light, medium and dark dream category polarizes back and forth through time into alternative nuances of dreams. So does the cast of characters associated with you and in opposition to you and one another. The one in the bright light dream that motions into a nightmare will trigger the one in the nightmare dream of life to polarize into the bright light theme of themselves next. The one departing the dim dream discovering life more palatable after all will trigger another in a medium dream to motion into dimness who then feels sour about life instead. The subtle nuances of whom is happy and whom is not in your life will give you a clue to which pole each may be suspended within in a wheel of possibilities in the opposing dreams of life of bright light, medium light, dim light or non-light or great darkness through time.
Motioning Light Wave Synergy to Foster Mostly Light Dreams
The ones learning to motion light wave synergy have another opportunity to unfold in your dreams of life. As the light motions in the golden to white octave, it purifies the dreams of your cast of characters into new heights of joy and motions of beauty and grace together. The one motioning the light wave synergy can shift the assemblage point of their associations into another level of dreaming that is gracious to experience for all. Those who choose to light wave motion together can foster harmonious times in work happenstances of fate or home life or communities if many choose to live together. The wheel of polarities shifts in light wave motion to be only of the light as the rays purify to the clarity of the Mother Sun Dream.
Learning to light wave motion triggers many deep issues of darkness and sourness to confront within and complete internal unto yourself in order to foster dreams that only love, care and align for you ahead. Some may introspect for many years to clear all the emotional charge remaining from experiences in life that were less than kind or fostered turmoil for a time. The sourness is recorded in the nerves of the biology. The light allows the nerves to grow and repose into new DNA and the emotional charge of dissonance is then erased in the physical. The path to purified dreams is a journey all of its own for those choosing this endeavor in their mastery levels of light infusion. Purifying into the eighty-percent infused state will foster mostly light dreams in your life and in the lives that surround you through time.
Everybody has a story of their life. No life is better or worse than any other. Some life stories are very painful to experience and forgive. Each story also aligns on a wheel of possibilities that you and the other actresses and actors upon the stage of life live. The stories are the fables and tales of our lives. The stories have their foibles and their gifts too.
Some arise in popularity and sing a song of merriment only to harvest a large income. Yet others find themselves in a less than enough position through time. Yet others are destined to a middle path road of just enough or enough to feel comfortable in the life. Yet others sink into the hunger swing of the homelessness of themselves for a time. The point of the soul family observations is to forgive all the possibilities that have been in your life and surrounded you in the lives of others to come clean into another possibility of dream in light wave motion of field that aligns in the grace and the glory of a soul driven life.
There are other odd foibles of dreaming polarities also possible in this time period. There is the Cinderella story of extreme poverty where she meets her prince and is carried off into her castle only to live a boring and uninterestingly sour life attempting to raise four children she disdains due to the life script. This is a dark to bright light to dim light story line in the interplay of the dreams of life in its unfolding. There is also the one who is born the princess only to marry a pauper and be removed from the castle; but due to her own stature, mesmerizingly create a business that succeeds, allowing her a middle-class lifestyle away from the royals that disdain her life choices.
The story lines are numerous in the foibles of dream possibilities in this time period, oscillating humans from light to dark to medium and back again through time in their life experiences. The point of all the stories in your life is to forgive the light, medium, dim, and dark foibles in you and them, so you can rise out of them into a new interplay that includes spirit and soul. Spirit and soul directs dreams in light motion of field to be caring, joyful and beautiful to witness and experience and also foster something to realize about you as divine awareness emerges.
Transcending the Need to Reincarnate
Karma is karma and it plays out endlessly in the wheel of life of all humans in all walks of life and upon all continents through time. Karma is also ancestral. Some are born into better circumstances of fate with a wheel of others that are also born in better circumstance of fate due to karma in other ancestries that has been forgiven through time. No one fails to experience all dreams through time in the lives that you have reincarnated into. Each has experienced amazingly brilliant to amazingly ugly experiences in a mesmerizingly long line of ancestors that have come and gone from the physical plane for countless lifetimes numbering into the thousands if not tens of thousands through time.
As an ancestor of yourself, you have done it all, seen it all, witnessed it all, forgiven it some, and hope to do better next time or this time or some time where life somehow fosters an amazingly beautiful dream for you and each to live ahead. Perhaps this is impossible upon Earth; but if you complete here perhaps you can experience this in some other creation less polarized between light and dark ahead in some other galaxy far away that also hosts human life; or so you hope.
The plays of life are endless it seems here upon Earth. The ancestors come and go in the birth, death and rebirth cycles of reincarnation seemingly forever. What do you need to realize about this in order to transcend the need to reincarnate? Or what do you need to realize so that you need not foster a never-ending motion of light to dark to medium levels of dreaming in this life through time? This is possibly one of the first quagmires for you to realize beyond in this dream of fostering a spiritual path beyond where you thought you were going and into something else more gracious or divine ahead.
What divine thought suddenly flourishes to transport you beyond light, medium and dark dreaming and reincarnating into endless lifetimes of the same? What do you need to forgive and find compassion for in order to dream only beautiful dreams that care for you and each ahead? Have you had enough yet of the merry-go-round of light to dark and back again in your life dreams or in witnessing the dreams of others in your stage play of life yet?
Forgiveness and Light Wave Synergy Dreaming
The truth lies within you. There is karma that calls the mirrors of each of the actresses and actors that have either given unto you greatly leading to happier times than most; or stripped you greatly leading to deep strife of the night in their association. The karma is ancestral and ancient. Forgive the karma and forgive the ancestors and forgive yourself for recreating the play once again with the same actresses and actors in the stage play of you through time. What divine key do you need to forgive them completely and find compassion not only for them but for yourself? Perhaps the thought that it is just a play and not really real may help. The stage play of you is only a movie that you have watched this entire life and no more.
Sick memories and all the emotional repercussions associated tend to recreate the past into the future. How many more times do you really need to experience dejection or hatred or others disdaining you just like your father or mother or boyfriend or girlfriend or sister or brother through time and in your earlier life? Maybe you will give it up and choose to forgive and find compassion and erase the pain and find something more hopeful and useful and beautiful to dream instead beyond the light, medium, dark of a plight of the night. What does forgiveness do for you? It gets you off the merry go round of light, medium and dim dreaming into light wave synergy dreaming in which all your dreams align through time in beauty and grace.
Light wave synergy of field fosters another truth to be experienced and expressed upon Earth ahead. Light wave synergy is just beginning to take flight. Light wave synergy occurs as the body fosters light wave sign language within which interprets another reality beyond light, medium and dark dramas that most live upon this planet of ours. Light wave synergy grows within the Mother Sun Dreams that are just beginning to open and cascade in some regions upon Earth. In time, the Mother Sun Dreams will be all that there is to be lived.
It may take many years for this to unfold, but you can grow yourself enough to enter the Mother Sun Dream in the now. We will discuss what it takes to grow yourself into the Mother Sun Dream in an essay or two to follow. In the meantime, attempt to motion beyond light, medium and dark dreaming into a state of light wave synergy and see what unfolds in your life ahead.
In the love of those who are to self-realize.
Tao of Shaktar
Learning to Dream in Light Wave Synergy
The happiness of my life unfolding
Is a fortuitous occurrence that flows
In dreaming in light wave synergy
In a play of my own stage production
As an actor or actress of myself
In the drama of my heart
And not the groin of myself
In the love of spirit
And the love of soul
In a dream of peace and merriment
In a sway of beauty through time
In the love of each of my soul family
As the other actors and actresses of my life
Helpful Link to Support Transfusion
Light Wave Art & Glossary
For Mom. I love you.
To all Souls in fostering the Self of you into realization of the Divine. May all on Earth be filled with Love and Light in the Golden Age or the Age of Enlightenment about to be born.
Creational © 2022, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth
This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and that are useful to your spiritual evolution, and let go of the rest.
The Ascension Insights series and related books offer information on consensus ascension. This type of ascension involves rising up the dimensions with Earth and as she ascends. These books disseminate information on having a complete ascension with the potential of taking the body with you.
The Light Wave series offer information on another type of ascension known as transfusion. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the Consciousness returns Home to the Source, All That Is, or the Tao, through one’s hologram, and the body is left behind in ascension.
Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.
Asur’Ana. Light Wave 6: Mother Sun Dream and Star Seeds. Aligning With Earth, 2022. Digital.