Ascension into Self Realization Theory of Mastery
The Mind
The mind is the gift
Of the awareness of self
In a forensics motion
Of a heart-mind accolade
Giving birth to union
In divine honor of all
Fostering the knowing
Of the mastery keys of life
In the beautification of care
Of the self of each
In the dreams of love
Of a realizing master within
Self-Realization Theory: Mastery of Divinity
Self-realization is another level of ascension that is associated with the mastery of spirit over matter into the divine accolades of self. Self-theory is a level of consciousness that transfuses. Transfusion is a light force occurrence that synthesizes knowledge of physical realization unto the nonphysical for a continued existence post death. Those who transfuse generally do not become ill and renew in each cycle of development as long as the diet supports the journey. Transfusion is a light synthesis motion that sustains the mindset. Mindset is an adroit equation of synapses that allow for realization of self. Mindset development is a pre-requisite unto realization of self.
Divinity is a keynote of development for the purposes of transfusion lore of self. Transfusion lore of self is founded upon equality to foster the birth of realization within. Equality is an understanding that all is one and none is larger, smaller, grander or diminished in life regardless of happenstance of self. Equality is the prelude to development of the first synthesis of the self of the self within. The self of the self within develops into eighteen systems of divine concepts that are often difficult to transfuse through. Each of the eighteen systems flower in multiple light motions as prose thoughtform is perceived, witnessed, understood, realized and actualized through time. Self-realization language is poetry in motion known as prose. Prose reflects upon the lesson understood as each wave motion is mastered within.
Divine concepts of self are not an illusion but an internal mechanism to understand life from the point of reverence of truth in divine thoughts of wave prose. Truth is sustainable in increasing increments with each wave prose mastered in light motion. Light motions of truth are developed through the Tao of the Tao within. Tao is a force that asserts itself in development of self from within the archetype of self. Each human is born of a specific archetype with a specific life goal through time. Those realizing are of a particular bandwidth of archetype suited to the goal of actualization in each cycle. Many archetypes master ascension. Some can traverse no further as the mindset is incapable of developing within.
Mindset development requires the nervous system and brain along with cortex and spinal column and fluid to develop into another series of substances and synapse formation. Ascension is the development of the biology into health, renewal and sustenance through integration of new and larger segments/strands counts of DNA. The nervous system is not addressed in ascension. Ascension is a valid mastery level for most archetypes. Ascension prepares the body for the rigors of transfusion and light synthesis for those destined to mindset develop.
Mindset development occurs in two stages. The first involves self-development in which the heart accolade of self opens and blossoms in light synthesis wave motion. The second level of development involves mastering equality for transfusion lore of self. Transfusion lore of self is the foundation of realization in life.
Nemesis Dreaming Actualizes Divine Concepts of Existence
Life of the one realizing is not an adroit equation other than for the purpose that the life is to unfold for the understanding and witnessing of divine concepts in life. Those realizing self in life foster difficult scenarios from birth and often host difficult scenarios of dreams through life to actualize the concepts of forgiveness and compassionate action within along with divine concepts of existence. Forgiveness and compassionate action are the beginning theories of self-development. Realization begins only as equality is mastered within. A difficult period of nemesis dreaming occurs as the life transits from compassionate action theory into realization theory of self.
Nemesis is a dark mirror of the unconscious offset in the life to be understood, forgiven and integrated within. Nemesis dreaming occurs in many time periods of development between gates of the 11-11 to 12-12, the 14-14, and the 16-16 to the 18-18. All gates of development will be discussed in further articles in this section. All gates are adroit equations spun upon the land to sustain mindset development through time. Natural world forces anchor and host the gates for each choosing to master. Each mastering ascension or realizing self anchor into and contribute to the sustenance of certain gates.
Ascension mastery fulfills upon anchoring gates in 11-11 and 12-12 sequences and involves mastery of forgiveness. Self-development occurs as one integrates the 14-14 to 16-16 gates and sequences of encoding fostering the mastery of compassionate action. Self-realization begins as the 18-18 gateway is blossomed fostering the birth of the integration of divine concepts of self.
The Planet Within
Ascension and realization of self is a difficult journey in the current metaphysical foray that demonstrates nothing but greed in the current paradigm. Realization is not greed oriented even amongst gurus who demonstrate awareness of self-development or realization in the life. Realization is about divinity actualized into systems of self that accolade honor unto each and unto the planet within. The planet within is a system of self that is not planetary but personal in association with the global archetype that one is born to foster. The planet lies within and those mastering realize and actualize planetary configurations within in support of the planet without in all conceived of in divine notions. Divine notions flower into sustainable light motions that aid the land in renewing.
The planet is in turmoil for its own survival. Those realizing syncopate rhythms of the divine to oscillate a new tomorrow for humanity that is devoid of nuclear extinction. The rhythms of those mastering the divine are difficult in this era of greed. Greed causes many who might master to foster another life habitat to fulfill upon the requirement to sustain the physical. It is a sad foray of a difficult dream of a potential era of realization that may not be fostered much due to human systems of greed.
Those realizing are best to find simple means of supporting self so that inner mastery can unfold. The Tao of the Tao within will foster dreams of realization if initiates are focused to foster actualization in the life by providing enough to sustain oneself. Not many may fulfill upon the goal of actualization unless another planetary habitat unfolds. The possibility of the planetary habitat was rendered in recent years of global mutilations of Earth.
More Light Infusion and Gate Keepers Are Needed
The purpose of the articles to follow is to trigger realization and light infusion of self amongst those destined to develop or realize into 16-16 or 18-18 gates. The destiny of realization is not for everyone. One in ten thousand is destined to realize. Many however are destined to ascend or develop self through certain gates of transformation to a base level that sustains the planet. Many 11-11 gatekeepers can transfuse into 12-12 configurations in support of the planet. Some in 12-12 can begin self-development and transfuse into the 14-14 threshold of existence. It is time to choose to move forth as the planet is in need of the support of more light infusion and new gate keepers at higher vibrations amongst ascending humans at this time.
Those to master will find comfort within and in a simple life happenstance that supports oneself in just enough to subsist. Those destined to master or realize can fulfill upon the goals regardless of the journey in life and with the support of the Tao of the Tao within. Those destined will realize if the calling within is great. The calling within is great for each destined to master due to a planetary catastrophe in which the global Tao was sacrificed due to a Sirian false intervention of fate to extend the sustenance of itself. The Tao of the Tao of each desires mastery, actualization and realization of self to foster another era other than devastation of Earth through nuclear catastrophe.
Love each that you know in the oneness of who you are and the whole of the planet. The oneness is not dead yet but to be escalated into new proportions of truth sincere unto the heart of the dragon dreamers through time. You are a dragon dreamer destined to fulfill upon your heartfelt goals of life and forgive each and find compassion for those who have trespassed upon you through time. Find the compassion within and re-aplomb into new heights destined for self-realization of you.
You are the beauty of the oneness of the joy to be reborn within. Regardless of what you have lost, find it within you, retrieve your dreams and find your truth in the dance of the demons around you. Be not demon and find your journey back to the dragon of you. (Please see the “Dragon Dreaming Archives” in “Light Wave 3: Divine Counterpart and Twin Relationship” for more information.)
The dragon of you is the estuary of yourself that may have become lost in the demon interlace of a forensic interplay that was not your destiny but has become prevalent upon the planet. Your destiny may have been lost. Retrieve your destiny and find your way to sincere understanding of you. The purpose of this book is designed to foster realization of self and the journey beyond ascension into the wholeness theory of life and divine keys of all that exists and all that has ever existed through time. Be not afraid and move forward in the compassion and forgiveness of you and each. Find the compassion and love and care of you and you will heal and move forth as you were destined.
We bless each of you in the biggest and best possible dream of all of us and the tomorrow we were born to fulfill upon.
Aloha Pumehana,
Asur’Ana and Per
The Mind
The mind is the gift
Of the awareness of self
In a forensics motion
Of a heart-mind accolade
Giving birth to union
In divine honor of all
Fostering the knowing
Of the mastery keys of life
In the beautification of care
Of the self of each
In the dreams of love
Of a realizing master within
Helpful Link to Support Transfusion
Light Wave Art & Glossary
This book is lovingly dedicated to all Beings on their Journey to Self Development and Self Realization.
May the Love and Joy of All That Is embrace you on your Path.
Creational © 2022, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth
This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and that are useful to your spiritual evolution, and let go of the rest.
The Ascension Insights series and related books offer information on consensus ascension. This type of ascension involves rising up the dimensions with Earth and as she ascends. These books disseminate information on having a complete ascension with the potential of taking the body with you.
The Light Wave series offer information on another type of ascension known as transfusion. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the Consciousness returns Home to the Source, All That Is, or the Tao, through one’s hologram, and the body is left behind in ascension.
Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.
Asur’Ana. Light Wave 7: Mindset Development and Self Realization. Aligning With Earth, 2022. Digital.