The 11-11 Gateway
Ascension into Forgiveness Theory of Self
11-11 Opening
The 11-11 gateway
Is a series of motions
That opens the heart
In the chalice of the divine
Giving birth to self
Flowering in itself
Fostering a truth divine within
And the expression of love
As a fostering of forgiveness
That is born within
And renditions the life
Into a hypothesis of ascension
Systems of the 11-11: Mastery of Forgiveness
Mindset development begins in mastery of the 11-11 octave of light infused ascension. Ascension is a foray of dream to foster a level of forgiveness theory of self. Self is the consciousness of field that is woven in between the chakras that causes awareness in life. The motions of the mind in the cortex in certain formations trigger awareness of self. The mind must develop in order for awareness of ascension level hypothesis of forgiveness to begin.
Mindset development begins as an 11-11 octave of development. 11-11 development triggers new synapses to grow on the cortex leading to unity-based awareness. 11-11 development also fosters a re-numeration of the binary encoding of the molecular structure of the biology. The re-numeration allows the consciousness to expand within to embrace concepts of forgiveness of each upon one’s path. The re-numeration also triggers new DNA to grow that fosters another level of health within. Organs that are weak or diseased can ascend and recover in the 11-11 apothecary of self.
Forgiveness theory of self is a development of many. There are many who have ascended into the 11-11 octave over this past century. Those mastering forgiveness develop synapses in the cortex relay a spiral mind wave. Spiraling mind waves are associated with evolutionary fulfillment concepts of self. Evolution is fulfilled upon through forgiveness theory of self as 11-11 development occurs. The spiraling mind wave triggers a release of emotional strife as forgiveness unfolds. Balance and harmony follow as the strife is forgiven within.
The 11-11 fosters a synthesis of field in octaves of 100 to 180 in vibration. Vibration is measured in octaves. Ascending humans transfuse through octaves 100 to 180 in light synthesis as forgiveness is mastered. Transfusion is the result of the light body. The light body for the 11-11 porthole of development is a triple sphere motion that surrounds the subtle bodies. The triple sphere motions foster synthesis of light that triggers the body temperature to align to a higher octave of synergy. It is the synergy of self that allows the vibration to flux up into new octaves transfused through in the continued motions of ascension.
Synergy is a state of being that is harmonious within. Harmony leads to ascension. Strife leads to de-ascension. As synergy is restored in the act of forgiveness out of strife, one transfuses up an octave leading to a restoration of harmony within. Those mastering the 11-11 encoding create harmonious dreams that are unity based as forgiveness unfolds. Karmic happenstance of difficult dreams diminish as forgiveness becomes a recurrent motion of field in mastery of completion. Troublesome dreams of strife fade into new dreams born within as completion takes flight.
Completion is an act of the 11-11 gateway motions of field. Completion triggers an erasure of the karmic habitat of ill fate with another or a group of others. As the habitat of ill fate is removed through the act of completion, dreams shift upon a permanent basis leading to life changes that flow in favor of oneself. Ill fate is a recurrent pattern in all transformation into all octaves of development of self. Mastering forgiveness theory of self triggers recurrent transformation out of difficult happenstance into the mind flux of harmony through time.
Natural World 11-11 Gateways
The 11-11 porthole is a synthesized dream sustained by natural world ordering of planetary dreams. The natural world 11-11 gates are numerous in this time period due to so many that have developed in the past sixty years. Those failing to move into 11-11 development regions most likely never ascend beyond a 10-10 hypothesis of existence. The 10-10 is an infinity symbol of measurement of field. The 10-10 leads to polarity-based systems of self that flux in light or dark dreams through time. The 10-10 is useful to ascend out of to sustain unity concepts of self.
11-11 gates are generally in pristine dreams of natural world habitat. City life does not flower in 11-11 motions. Some suburbs do flower into 11-11 patterning if near parks and greenery. It is important for those ascending in this time period to remain in 11-11 flowers of self of the land. It is not uncommon to ascend into an 11-11 mastery and then fold down into a re-numeration of a 10-10 if one moves to the wrong region. Falling in ascension leads to strife non-fulfillment and depression over time.
11-11 development requires a whole foods approach to the diet that is not imbalanced in nutrients. The wrong diet of false foods from petrochemical origins can and will trigger a folding of 11-11 development back into 10-10 sequences of dreams. Development of ascension is precarious to birth genetics, region and diet in this time period. Roughly thirty percent of the world populations have mastered the 11-11 gateway. Many rise and then fall again each year due to precariousness of life habituation of self.
11-11 Gatekeepers
Dreams of the 11-11 unfold in a flower of self of the planet. The flower of self of the planet in the 11-11 resembles a lotus blossom. The 11-11 lotus is spherical in stature with many petals fostering a synthesis in a pale green and blue hue of cleansing. 11-11 gates sustain the blossom motions of the lotus in the pale green and blue hues of cleansing. The 11-11 porthole causes a recurrent cleansing of field of those mastering early ascension that augments the patterns of forgiveness to be fostered in the life.
Ascension mastery into 11-11 octaves is a sustainable dream of unity within. Unity triggers people to align in more harmonious dreams together. Regions in 11-11 gates tend to cause humans to align better with one another into more peaceful happenstance of self. Dreams flow in sequences of 11-11 keys amongst those who have fostered 11-11 mastery within and together. 11-11 keys are destiny systems of self that gather 11-11 gatekeepers to each region fostering 11-11 natural world gates. 11-11 systems are only sustainable if enough 11-11 humans co-habituate in the given region. If too many gatekeepers vacate a particular region, the 11-11 gates can close.
Gatekeepers of the 11-11 octave are only those who have mastered forgiveness as an art of self. Mastering forgiveness and entering the 11-11 gates are two different hypotheses for the life. Many enter the 11-11 but fail to master forgiveness of the self within. Forgiveness is a recurrent blossoming of field in the pink and golden ray. It is the pink and golden ray that sustains forgiveness as a life level of fostering within.
Forgiveness is deemed mastered only as octave 180 is transfused into and the pink golden hue remains in the light body. A special gate opens as mastery of forgiveness occurs leading to a deeper level of unity in life. The one mastered then tends to the 11-11 gate in the region of origin and is annotated as a gatekeeper in life. Generally, there are four gatekeepers per 11-11 porthole of forgiveness mastery levels of ascension development.
11-11 development is a soul ignited foray of dream. Dreaming with soul is a level of awareness above the common occurrences of human plight. Soul relays unto the self of the self within to foster understanding over difficult personal, life or global dramas unfolding in the dream. Soul transfuses with self in order to provide a new understanding of hypothesis of what is to be forgiven within. As the mind attunes unto the hypothesis and understands while intending to forgive, the pink and golden ray is transfused into the field fostering release of trauma in the mindset leading to an internal state of peace. The habitat of karma calling a repeat of an ill fated dream is only erased as completion occurs.
11-11 Mindset and Mind Bend
Transfusion is a light body formation that acts as a motion of renewal of the biology. The biology of 11-11 developments renews through time into sacred DNA that is unity based. Unity based DNA is a triple sphere formation of chakras that trigger twelve synapse shifts in the cortex of the mind. The cortex departs from angular synapses and creates a unified system of mind wave motion that spirals. Spiraling mind wave motion fosters thoughts of forgiveness within and through contemplation of life dramas. Spiraling mind waves is a function of mindset development.
Most humans host angular synapse formations. Angular synapses foster alpha-beta mindset within. Alpha-beta mindset is reactive in nature. Alpha beta humans react to life strife rather than contemplating the drama into forgiveness theory of self. Humans who are reactive are often difficult to live with for those developing forgiveness theory of self or in the levels of mastery beyond. Those mastering the 11-11 octave foster meta-theta mind waves. Meta-theta mind waves foster spiraling formations that trigger forgiveness to flow within of key life happenstance of self.
Meta-theta synapses are clusters of angular synapses that bend mind flux in a new direction of spiraling formations. Alpha beta synapses create mindset of spikes, thrusts, and sputtering or flaring waves. Passive-aggressive behavior is the result of mind waves that spike or thrust. Thrusting mind waves mind bend others into fear or reactive behavior in a negative exchange. Sputtering mind waves lead to depression to suicidal feelings. Mind waves that flare lead to exhilaration or fear depending upon mind bend. Mind waves determine all interactions of behavior in all dreams including internal dreaming.
Mind waves trigger common motions in the field. The motion of the field draws the dream of the encounter into the life happenstance. As the field motions in meta theta mindset of spiraling motions, the dream causes harmonious exchanges. If the mind fluxes into a bend of spikes or flares, the dream fosters moments of strife with others. Mind waves must be held succinct spiraling motions to trigger recurrent dreams of harmony to cascade in life of those mastering the 11-11 gateway to forgiveness theory of self.
Succinct mind waves are subject to diet as well as synapse development. Too much sugar or salt can trigger mind flux in 11-11 development leading to more moments of strife than need be. Poor levels of some nutrients can postpone synapse development leading to more mind bend in life. A diet that is organic, vegetarian and of whole food based resources is recommended for all 11-11 developments to offset mind flux. (Please see Light Wave 2: Poetic Prose and Light Wave 6: Mother Sun Dream and Star Seeds for diet and mindset development information.)
Those of reactive mindset bend the minds of others into distress. The mind of reactive mindset spikes in a reserve of light that dis-synthesizes the mindset of others leading to passive aggressive behavior. Those of mind bend orientation tend to dominate and inflate into arrogance triggering others to subordinate and deflate into fear in counterbalance. The mind of the dominant one fluxes a blow into the cranium of the one who subordinates leading to a preoccupation of thoughts of strife over the encounter and sometimes a headache too. The mind bend can trigger a flux in the fluids of the brain leading to migraines in recurrent exchanges with another sustaining a position of dominion within.
11-11 development can flux a return motion unto those who mind bend self. The flux returns the motion and triggers a counter-flux of balance within through spiraling motions of mind waves. The spiral motions trigger thoughts of forgiveness of the bad exchange. Forgiveness leads to a flux of the mind to unbend itself through time. As the mind unbends, the motions flow in succinct waves that lead to harmony within. All strife is really an internal condition of self in formations of mind flux patterning. The mind fluxes in one direction leading to strife and another into peace within. Strife is augmented into peace as the pink and gold rays flow within the light synthesis of self. The pink and gold ray is a non-mind bend system of light.
Mind bend is a recurrent pattern that also leads to disease if the flux fails to release and recurs over time due to failure to forgive. The mind waves synapse into the nerves of the biology over stimulating or under stimulating key organs in the act of mind bend. If the mind flux over stimulates an organ recurrently through time, the organ can grow cancerous cells. If the mind flux under stimulates an organ, the region ceases to renew and dies due to aged systems that motion into disease through time. Forgiveness allows the mind bend to cease triggering a renewal and restructuring of DNA into health.
We of the Tao of the planet bless each who has cascaded into 11-11 and beyond thresholds of ascension in this cycle. The current cycle is one of a greed-based hypothesis that is needed to be forgiven within. Greed fosters less time to introspect and difficult motions of insufficient care of self. Insufficient care of self leads to dreams of impoverishment and lack in this time period. Those mastering the 11-11 motion into conscious dream weaving practices drawing dreams of sustenance unto self, offsetting potential experiences of lack. Dream your dreams of abundance and see a new life motion towards self sustenance in the 11-11 octave.
In the one of the Tao within.
Blessed Be,
The Tao of the Planet
11-11 Opening
The 11-11 gateway
Is a series of motions
That opens the heart
In the chalice of the divine
Giving birth to self
Flowering in itself
Fostering a truth divine within
And the expression of love
As a fostering of forgiveness
That is born within
And renditions the life
Into a hypothesis of ascension
Helpful Link to Support Transfusion
Light Wave Art & Glossary
This book is lovingly dedicated to all Beings on their Journey to Self Development and Self Realization.
May the Love and Joy of All That Is embrace you on your Path.
Creational © 2022, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth
This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and that are useful to your spiritual evolution, and let go of the rest.
The Ascension Insights series and related books offer information on consensus ascension. This type of ascension involves rising up the dimensions with Earth and as she ascends. These books disseminate information on having a complete ascension with the potential of taking the body with you.
The Light Wave series offer information on another type of ascension known as transfusion. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the Consciousness returns Home to the Source, All That Is, or the Tao, through one’s hologram, and the body is left behind in ascension.
Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.
Asur’Ana. Light Wave 7: Mindset Development and Self Realization. Aligning With Earth, 2022. Digital.