Image of a beautiful yellow lotus or water lily. Flower Essences of Self #2

Flower Essences of Self #2


Apothecary of Herbs and Diet For Light Synthesis and Transfusion


The Light Within


The light within

Is a beautiful synthesis

Of the self of the self within

In the love of the now

In the perseverance of realization

Of the unity of all of life

In which the dreamer and the dreams

Of wholeness may unfold

In collaboration with all kingdoms

In the new dream


About Transfusion and Self Realization


Transfusion is an ancient energy system that is associated with self-realization. Transfusion is a flow that oscillates the self of the self within into interplay with spirit such that consciousness can understand the nonphysical in life perceptions. Life for many is devoid of the expanse of spirit. Self has been cut off from spirit for eons of time in human expression. The loss of spirit is a direct happenstance of loss of knowledge and direction to allow life to unfold in ease.


Transfusion is an adroit equation of light that spins over and through the biology augmenting diffusion of density into particles of gaseous substances of self. The gas flows through the pores and other gateways of self to dissipate on the exterior leading to a system of ascension of the vessel that augments self infusion of self. Self infuses into the biology where the density departs leading to a self and soul driven exposé of life.


Transfusion is not an oscillation possible without a rendition of light synthesis of self. Self of the self within is an energetic formation of seven layers of field that synthesize consciousness into self-awareness. Few understand the nature of self and it is a region of field that can be damaged as realization begins to transfuse. Transfusion light synthesizes the striations of the self of the self within into an ignition or spark that ignites truth to be exposed and expressed in life. Read more

Image of a fox and a pig in a forest. From the Fox and Wild Pig Kingdoms

39. From the Fox and Wild Pig Kingdoms


Blessings for Completion and Communion with the Heart of the Tao


The Fox Kingdom and Wild Pig Kingdom


Although Fox and Wild Pig may not appear to have much in common in the physical, we do in the nonphysical, as we each assist Earth in understanding her spiritual lessons so that each segment of karma can be forgiven and Terra may ascend. Each kingdom has consciousness that exists in bandwidths that once understood a fully conscious state of being. Each kingdom therefore has great wisdom and knowledge to impart unto Terra as well as ascending humans at this time of evolution Home into the Dream of the Great Central Sun. It is the bandwidths of full consciousness and holographic truth that Asur’Ana attunes unto as she works with our kingdoms to relay the messages that we communicate to ascending humans today.


Opening to Holographic Knowledge


Those who are opening to holographic energy flow will also be able to attune to the same planes and access our guidance for yourself. Opening to holographic flow is not difficult, but one must have the records and information on how to do so. For some initiates, holographic connection was lost so long ago that it takes ascending into further DNA and accessing ancestors further back in time to recover. For others, accessing holographic knowledge occurs at an earlier time in the ascent as one’s ancestors were the last to lose their connection and in more recent history.


Nature would say to initiates, “Just keep going, keep ascending and what you are seeking will open up to you in time.” So, this is also the same with accessing holographic knowledge through ascension; just keep going and in time you will recover the records necessary to connect and communicate again holographically with Nature, Earth, the Ancestors and the Tao.


Finding guidance and truth from within is perhaps one of the greatest gifts of ascension. The guidance nature offers is from our wisdom and understanding of earlier time periods upon Earth and when we were fully conscious in our own biology. Full conscious biology hosts self-awareness; the mind understands that the body is incarnate and alive, and the mind can receive impulses or communications from the nonphysical souls and Mother Earth, and then the body can respond to the guidance received.


In more ancient times, our species roamed the Earth and communicated with one another and all other kingdoms nonverbally. We could communicate with the trees and the rocks and other plants or animals. In a fully conscious state, we did not consume anything but the air. No kingdom sought to destroy another kingdom and we lived in peace and unity with one another. Read more

Image of a path through a vibrantly green forest. Psychology of You #3

Psychology of You #3


The Living Play of You


Learning to Dream in Light Wave Synergy


The happiness of my life unfolding

Is a fortuitous occurrence that flows

In dreaming in light wave synergy

In a play of my own stage production

As an actor or actress of myself

In the drama of my heart

And not the groin of myself

In the love of spirit

And the love of soul

In a dream of peace and merriment

In a sway of beauty through time

In the love of each of my soul family

As the other actors and actresses of my life


Dreaming Your Life in Light Wave Synergy: The Love of the Stage Play of You


You are a stage play all of your own making. The stage play of you hosts many actors and actresses that play the variant roles portrayed in the people in your life. The roles vary between light, medium, and dark light or non-light motions that cascade the experiences that each witnesses and expresses through time. Those dreaming in bright light foster dreams of magic and nuances of joy in which everything aligns in their favor more of the time than not. Those dreaming in medium light foster a mix of some joyful nuances and encounters and some sour experiences through time. Those dreaming in dim light cause dreams of depression or sourness more of the time than not. Those in non-light dream the darkest of possibilities of living nightmares in the physical.


The cast of characters in your life if you are a mastery level human incarnate in this time period generally align into a wheel of possibility of those actresses and actors expressing some bright light dreams, many medium light dreams, many dim light dreams, and one non-light dreamer that causes a nightmare in polarity associations with one another through time. You are a wheel of characters all of your own to experience in this life with the actors and actresses upon the stage play of you through time.


The bright light, medium light, dim light and non-light assume four positions around you. You are also propelled often between bright, medium and dim light dreams but not the non-light systems in this cycle. This is to preserve your life as the nightmare system of dreaming might conclude your life span in an early death. This is a gift of the planetary Tao this cycle that witnesses the darkest of dreams cascading over humans over the past eight centuries.


Fostering Dreams in Rays of Light


Bright light is fostered as a cascade of rays that are pure. Pure rays are translucent and un-festered in their overtones of color and call very joyful dreams unto you. Medium light hosts seventy percent pure rays and thirty percent impure rays. Impure rays are hazy in stature of color and draw some sour dreams into the life dance. Dim light hosts thirty percent pure rays and seventy percent impure rays that foster haze overall drawing mostly sour dreams unto you. Non-light hosts one hundred percent impure rays causing haze to blaze leading to a nightmare through time. As you learn light motion of field, the haze can be purified in medium and dim systems of rays. As such, those light motioning can begin to purify your dreams into beautiful nuances more of the time than not with some of your associations. Read more

Image of a beautiful sunset in Romania. Changes in the New Dream Ahead

7. Changes in the New Dream Ahead


Blessings for Entering the New Dream


This article begins a new series of essays to be offered from the consciousness of Terra unto those who are ascending at this time in history with a focus of what it means to become the creator of one’s own dream. Terra is the consciousness of the body of Earth much as you have a consciousness as a human that directs your life and ascension. Terra is learning to direct her own existence as a creator just as many of you who are ascending are beginning to choose to intend and create your own dreams. Becoming the creator is not easy as so much information has been lost over time that the nonphysical forces own and manipulate dreams in lieu of the global consciousness commanding its own dream.


A time is now underway in which we, Terra, can manage all dreams upon our global body, and are choosing to move all dreams towards unity, peace, love, honor and integrity between all kingdoms. Earth is a consensus reality that is made up of all consciousness upon her. We speak as a group as Terra is composed of many consciousnesses from all over the globe along with the Inner Earth that are working together towards the common goal of entry into the New Dream ahead.


The human dream upon the surface of the Earth is the most distorted by extreme polarity of all other dreams. The Inner Earth peoples have a very middle path dream that is better suited to returning into the Great Central Sun, although in recent times they have discovered, as have we, that they have failed to release the karma associated with outer Earth polarity; and as a result, are contributing to its cause in failing to forgive all that has occurred upon all of Earth over time.


The Inner Earth people live in a bubble of more joyful relations and do not attune to or even acknowledge the outer Earth human circumstance. It is easy for the human species to become self-centered and fail to acknowledge all the karma at hand to be forgiven in the choice to ascend. This is changing at this time as the outer Earth karma is now creating unconscious patterns of harm within the Inner Earth, and this then allows the karma to come to the surface so that it may be forgiven by all ascending humans, and not just those upon the surface of the Earth.


The Current Economic Crisis


The surface Earth humans are experiencing in this moment a world mirror of economic crisis. Why is this occurring at this time? Partially, this crisis is so due to human pyramidal dreams that over inflated over the past 25 years by taking dream from Terra’s global body that was meant for the ascension of the land. As the human dreams inflated excessively, more and more of the global physical plane has been destroyed to create more and more goods that fuel a rising economy that has little or no bearing upon collective ascension. Read more

Light Wave Webinar #4: The Nature of Light Wave Dreaming


The dreams that delight

Foster you

In stanzas of sound

That harmonize

You and others

In the stage play of you

That resounds in beauty

And ignites the light

In each


Light Wave Webinar #4 Introduction


Dreaming in light wave motion is a different focus to cause the effect you desire in any circumstance in your life. Dreaming in light requires motions of waves that transfigure dreams into beautiful experiences within you or with others.


Transfiguration is not a notion of sound-based dreaming of ascension variations of scripts. All dreams dreamed during ascension cycles are founded upon scripts that cause people to behave one way or another together.


Light does not dream in scripts of lore fables of Shaktar or Shakti in partnership or life. Light dreams in notions that foster light motions that caress and bless each through transfigurative action. Notions are air stream of thoughts that transfigure the dreams into new heights of possibility to be lived and enjoyed through time.


Transfigurative notion thoughts catch on the airstream of your mind and repose as music as the light dances within you. Some thoughts notion beauty into your dreaming and others do not. Read more

Image of an inquisitive looking praying mantis. The Praying Mantis Looks Over Its Shoulder

16. The Praying Mantis Looks Over Its Shoulder


Blessings for Detoxification


The Praying Mantis Kingdom


It is the Praying Mantis Kingdom that addresses you today. Our species like many other “little crawlers” holds a special function upon Terra or Earth. Our function is to maintain a bridge between species that are small and large alike. Such a bridge can be considered ongoing communication that allows each species to ascend together as a collective or in collaboration with one another.


Photonic Energy and Biological Ascension


Ascension is individual as well as of the whole. Each species must ascend each embodiment that they have upon the physical plane, as well as the etheric and light body planes. Such ascension must come together in a synchronistic manner with each species rising in vibration in parallel timing with one another lest Earth be thrown off balance with too high a frequency in some species and too low a frequency in yet other species. It is the Praying Mantis kingdom that watches for highs and lows within the ascension of any species, and then communicates such information unto the consciousness of Earth so that she may choose to press more photonic energy into any kingdom that is lagging behind, and take away photonic energy from those kingdoms that are speeding forward too fast in the ascent.


It is photonic energy that ultimately determines the pace of biological ascension. As photonic energy bathes the cellular structure, the cells are commanded to become crystalline and begin to grow DNA into a new structure. There is no way to prevent ascension therefore, as Earth is bathed in photonic energy day and night given the Star Gate towards the Great Central Sun that she has entered. For those who are clairvoyant, one will perceive photonic energy as golden flecks and flashes all around oneself. Take a moment to look upwards at the sky, but away from the sun if it is a sunny day. Wait a moment and soon you will attune to the photonic energy and perceive the golden flecks and flashes all around you, seemingly falling from the sky.


Earth has been searching for a means to amplify photonic flow giving it twice to three times the impact over her global ascent. Over time, Earth has learned new holographic movement that has this affect; as a result, there is presently 3 times the photonic energy available than there would be otherwise. More or less Earth utilizes holographic movement to capture photonic energy that she has already passed through and send it through her kingdoms a second, third or even fourth time before leaving such flow behind in her continued travels towards the boundaries of the Great Central Sun.


One may also call photonic energy towards oneself to spawn a more rapid pace of ascension in parallel manner unto Earth. This Asur’Ana and Per have learned in their own ascent and teaching. Their Dreamtime Ascension School (DAS) workshop event each year is used to amplify photonic energy to such a large degree that many months of physical ascension occur in a mere four days. This can be a large boost in one’s ascent to those devoted to this goal in this lifetime. The amplification of photonic flow is a conscious agreement on the part of each who attends that draws the energy unto themselves for this purpose. Read more

Image of a lovely autumn leaf with a heart shape at its center. Shaktar Relationship Studies #2

Shaktar Relationship Studies #2


Mr. and Ms. Mismanagement of Truth


Finding Your Center


Tantric Swing

I am the flow of the flow

Moving in the moment

Causing a union within

In Divine Timing

In an accolade of freedom

Of the delight of Self

In a sweetness of the repose

Of my core

In the truth of the moment

As the Lover and the Loved

The Dreamer and the Beloved Within


Archetypal Truth and Script   


The truth of the truth within is an accolade of reason. Accolade is repose of sound that resonates through the field causing a predisposition of thoughtform and associated behavior of each archetypal nature. Reason is a thoughtform that causes an alignment of dream to accord with the archetypal truth of the individual. Each archetype is founded upon a particular repose of truth that causes a particular symposium of music in the field. The music calls a dream associated into the life.


Reason guides the life founded upon resonance with the archetypal script. Archetypal scripts are constructed to cause a particular understanding of soul and self within. Scripts can be dandered causing a shift in truth leading to dreams that no longer resonate with the purpose of the archetypal relay for the life. Dandering of scripts is a karmic sequence of events that occur between those with archetypal predisposition towards fostering the nature of others. As the script is dandered, the life mis-aligns with the truth of the truth within and the expression moves off center. Off centered truth fosters a sensation of non-alignment of the life purpose.


Each script has a particular sequence of events to be experienced in the life to foster the evolution of spirit and self. Spirit accolades unto the truth and is attracted to the self of the self within associated with an archetypal sequence of dreams. Spirit evolves as self understands and forgives patterns associated with the script of each. Dandered scripts lead to the wrong soul accolading unto self and a sequence of dreams in which the spiritual lessons fail to be realized. Individuals that fail to realize result in the experience of non-conscious expression of self. Read more

Image of an ancient Native American stone and sand building. The History of Atlantis

3. The History of Atlantis


Blessings for Ancestral Communion and Guidance


April 13, 2021


Dear Beloved upon the Red Road of Inner Discovery,


The Native American ancestors speak today about vast changes that are occurring in the manner in which humans are ascending and the support that is reaching all fields at this time from the ancestral realms. Long ago and following the fall of Atlantis in which large nuclear bombs were detonated over a region now under the Atlantic Ocean, the ancestral planes were shattered.


These planes were used by those of ancient times to reach into humans upon the physical plane to settle karma that was related to the DNA that had been shared at the time that the ancestors were alive. These planes were shattered over 2/3rds of Earth’s surface. This left the ancient ancestors incapable of reaching through to humans incarnate upon many continents since this time period, which Earth estimates was roughly 10,000 years ago as she measures time (40,000 years ago as humans measure time.)


Earth measures times as solar rotations around its 12th dimensional Sun. For every four rotations of Earth around the solar sun, the sun makes one rotation around its 12th dimensional Sun. The 12th dimensional Sun is invisible as it is in a vibratory bandwidth above physical perception; however, most can view the 12th and 18th dimensional Suns related to your expanded solar system in dreamtime and while asleep. This is because vision in the dreamtime body known as the body double has no limitation, as it is an etheric expression. All in the etheric will perceive the etheric of all other life forms; it is only the physical vision that is limited to third and fifth dimensional perception. As one opens to one’s body double’s vision, then one’s vision will also cease to be limited.


Those who are gifted at opening into the unconscious will begin to perceive many things not perceived in the physical, one of which can include the life forms upon the 12th and 18th dimension, as well as other dimensions above this extending to dimension 4,000 and beyond, if dimensions were measured in the small layers as we know them here. Much like a tree when cut shows layers of its growth and existence over time, and some have learned to measure how old the tree is by layers of growth within the trunk; this is also the same for this region of domain; creations are layered like an onion around a Sun that is at the core of All That Is.


In the core of All That Is are 144 Great Central Suns that each emanates life down the dimensions associated. The life is captured in layers of dreams that are projected upon whatever is present to catch the dream and then experience the dance projected. Earth is now catching a dream to return inside the Great Central Sun that she left a very long time ago and upon a much higher dimension of life. Read more

Image of a magnificent fjord scenery in Norway. We Dream of Atlantis

Foreword: We Dream of Atlantis


The Truth of Atlantis


The Truth of Atlantis

The truth of Atlantis

Was a time of light wave synergy

That fostered humanity

In beautification of self

To provide for one another

In prosperity

For each man, woman and child

In a mellifluous truth

Of the love of the divine

In which soul oscillates within

In divine partnership

Of the two, three and the many

In the love of the heart

And the care of spirit

Fostering the truth of the whole

In light wave devotion

Of the Dao and Tao of Earth

For each and every kingdom

In the love of the world


We Dream of Atlantis is an epic journey of a cross age twin flame of Asur’Ana Jasminia Vita Maha born in Atlantis about twelve thousand years ago known as Jasgahntar. Jasgahntar fostered a connection with Asur’Ana to understand himself through time in his own divine realization of self. Jasgahntar left an estuary of a story of his life from his personal experience in accord with his divine aspirations of spirit in his life. His story is humorous and romantic, depicting the delight of the tantric union foray of dreams that he fostered in dreaming his realization of self into the dance of the beloved within and in his life through time. (Jasgahntar is also a cross age twin flame to Per, Asur’Ana’s twin flame in this current lifetime.)


Atlantis was a tantric society with deep aptitude of understanding the nature of the masculine and feminine union. Atlantean civilization fostered gift of creating tantric dreams of delight and not plights of the night. Mindset development flourished and a syncopated rhythm of light motion that fostered a heavenly journey for those in unions of the divine, families and society at large. Many spiritual aspirants today recall the epic journey of Atlantis deep within and as a long lost ancestral past. Many long for a restoration of the joy possible in life when mindset resonates amongst all and civilization fosters unity, peace, happiness and a state of oneness through tantric union of the two, the three and the many.


We Dream of Atlantis is offered to rekindle the lost memories of a different state of being, a different mindset that fluxed in accord with spirit and fostered divine realization within. Divine partnership has only one purpose for spirit which is to realize self together into deeper accolades of unity of body, mind, and soul of the two. Please enjoy the epic journey of a cross era twin flame of Asur’Ana Jasminia Vita Maha who shares of his wits, knowing and truth through his personal saga of a life of mastery as a tantric teacher of the divine.


Aloha Pumehana,

Asur’Ana and Per Read more

Light Wave Webinar #3: Improving Your Stanzas of Music in Light Wave Motion


The sounds of you

Are a fostering of angels

That play the instruments

Of your light show

In a tune of beauty

In a timing of grace

In stanzas of melodies

That transfigure

Your appearance

Into your divine blueprint


Light Wave Webinar #3 Introduction


Light and music interplay to draw beautiful dreams unto your daily life. Music resounds in light instruments that surround your subtle bodies that foster light to sway and harmonize within you and with others.


Sick sounds produced within you damage light motion triggering darkness to surround you. Sick sounds can be produced by ill instruments, demons attached to your field (most demons produce ill sounds) and regional sick sounds embedded in the land.


Sick sounds can be tuned up with certain rays of light that cause the instruments in your field to harmonize. Ill demons can be removed to foster purer sounds. Ill sounds upon the land may be tuned up by the Dao of the region as you choose to work with her.


Tuning up your personal music daily is important to drawing beautiful light wave dreams unto your day to day living. During this pre-recorded webinar, you will receive new instruments in a recasting fostered by the planetary Dao to produce more beautiful and graceful music within. Read more