Book Cover Image: “Angel Light Being” Art Print by Finn Olav Olsen
Galaxy of Angels
I am that I am
In a galaxy of angels
That dream the dreams of life
In its unfolding
In the forever of the celestial sphere
And the undulation of the sea
I am that I am
Divine in a reverie of bliss
In a kiss of Spirit
That loves infinitely
In care of the whole
In the Love of Spirit
I love that I am
In the fairies of the sky
A mile high in myself
In the care of the angels
That grace the lake
I love that I am
Angelic within
Fostering a human life
In reverie of Spirit
Who blesses my presence
In the love of my Soul
Heart Divine
I sway with the mountains
In a divine passage
Of the angels of the heavens
That honor my presence
In this life of mine
I shine the light of my heart
Into the love of Spirit
Who graces myself
In a gift of their heart
Sweeping me forward
To foster my dreams
Cascade of Grace and Care
I sway with the canyons
Of the angels
That flower and swirl and twirl
Cascading a motion
Of deep grace and care space
Allowing me to feel awesome
In this play of my life
I love who I am
I am in love with Spirit
The joy expands in my heart
And I am in love
Desert Dream
In the cascade of the desert
Is a divine ordering of dream
That carries me Home
In the love of the angels
In peace and honor
Of who I am
In this life of mine
I forgive all that is
And all that has ever been
As a blessing of my Soul
I fly high with Spirit eternally
Waterfall of Self
I rush with the angels
In a waterfall of myself
Flowing downstream
Releasing all that is unwell
Blessing each through time
That has crossed my path
Loving myself always
As a self-realizing aspirant
Of a spiritual fostering
Of spirit into matter
I am that I am
Canyon of Your Arms
I love that I am
In the canyon of your arms
As an angelic Guardian holding me tight
Through a dark night
Of my Soul
I care that I sway
I weep that I release
The pain deep inside
From the trauma of my life
I celebrate that I love you
For being here for me
Soul Healing
The sway of the radiant Sun
Blesses and caresses
In an angelic healing of my Soul
That has splintered
I love my Soul
I love the angels of the land
I care that I am
Healing within
Of a vast symposium
Of difficult notions
Embedded in the human kingdom
A New Direction
The love of the cliffs
Caresses my Soul
As angel wings whisper
Anointing my Spirit
To foster my life
In a new direction of change
Bequeathed by nature
To move in a new direction
That serves my homecoming
As a star seed of myself
Fire and Ice
The pony from the Land of Fire and Ice
Poses for myself
In the grace of horse nation
Aware of itself
In the love of the land
In love with the people
In care of their kingdom
For all that is
And all that has ever been
On all planets they have existed
In a state of grace
Midnight Sun
The caress of the tundra
Is felt as a waterfall in myself
The love of the Land of the Midnight Sun
Is a graceful dream
To foster my life
In the care of the angelic Guardians
Who bless my Spirit
And my Soul
Revitalizing me to carry on
In this life of mine
Garden Isle
I sway with the river
Of the angels of the Rainbow
In a caress of beauty
In a grace of myself
In love
With the Garden Isle
A home of my heart
A home of my star seed birth
A place I will always remember
In the forever of my life
Angelic Care
The love of who I am
Is healing within
Due to angelic care
In the love of the Divine
In the notions of truth
Of the care of the whole
I am a part of all that is
And all that has ever been
And I belong
Unto my life
In a sway of Mother Earth
Island of Self
The island of myself
Separates the self of myself
From all others
So that I can know who I am
And what I need to aspire unto
To foster the realization
Of my life
As a blessing of the angelic Guardians
Of the Divine
Who nurture my journey
Into the Source of myself
Apexes of Life
The apexes of my life
Foster the glide
Of ups and downs
That trigger my mind
To understand
And interpret my world
As a divine space
To love and cherish each
In my life
So that I may complete
And fly Home
Only Love
The rock people of the quarry
Send the love of their hearts
Sharing of all the paths they lived
And for each who realized something
Beyond the human quagmire
Of a need not to love or share
Or not forgive
Or not find compassion
For one another
Somewhere through time
There is only love and nothing more
Helpful Link to Support Transfusion
Light Wave Art & Glossary
Creational © 2019, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth
This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and that are useful to your spiritual evolution, and let go of the rest.
The Ascension Insights series and related books offer information on consensus ascension. This type of ascension involves rising up the dimensions with Earth and as she ascends. These books disseminate information on having a complete ascension with the potential of taking the body with you.
The Light Wave series offer information on another type of ascension known as transfusion. Transfusion is an inward focused process where the Consciousness returns Home to the Source, All That Is, or the Tao, through one’s hologram, and the body is left behind in ascension.
Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.
Asur’Ana. Light Wave 2: Poetic Prose. Aligning With Earth, 2019. Digital.