Image of a polar bear on iceberg. From the Bear Kingdoms

38. From the Bear Kingdoms


Blessings for Belonging unto Nature and Mother Earth


The Bear and Polar Bear Kingdoms


It is the Bear Kingdom that speaks to you today in this article to help anchor the Language of ONE concepts. The Language of ONE is a consensus based thoughtform that directs all of the Earth and each sentient species therein. As humans learn the Language of ONE, each begins to become a part of the consensus rather than remaining outside of the consensus in another type of dream that is really not of Mother Earth’s casting. The Language of ONE symbols and their movements, sounds and colors are being derived through certain crop circles.


Sirian’s Seeding of the Root Races


Humans have long been separate from Mother Earth. The original separation of humanity from Earth goes back to the original seeding. 300,000 years ago, eighteen root races were seeded upon Terra (Earth). The red nation root races were experiments on the part of Sirian scientists to see which lineages of their own genealogies could survive upon Earth. The reason for the experiment was in the event of Sirians requiring a rapid relocation to another planet in the event of a nuclear holocaust. The Sirians were at war with the Pleiades over resources in their own solar system; and so, the governance of the time was looking at all possible dreams, and perceived a dream of evacuation, and chose to explore where they might go.


Eleven other planets were also seeded from Sirius with the same genealogies as Earth. This information is only coming to be known now due to a sharing of records and resources of other planets related unto Terra that are lined up to ascend like her into the future. These planets are from six other solar systems that are directed by your 18th dimensional Cosmic Sun. The records show that the roots races did not fare any better upon the other planets than they did upon Earth, with many going extinct. All told, here upon Earth, eleven root races went extinct while seven survived related to the Mongolian/Inuit (Eskimo), Tibetan, North American Indian, South American Indian, African, Aboriginal (Australian) and Polynesian root races today.


Why did seven root races survive and eleven go extinct? Mostly in the assessment of the genealogies by ascending humans today, the root races that perished were so highly electrical in nature which combust their own molecular structure in the magnetic biosphere of Earth. Such root races also had not enough magnetic flow to become a part of the natural world dream. In the rejection of the natural world dream, there was no dream to sustain them upon Earth and so they each went extinct.


The natural world dream is held together by all kingdoms of plant, animal and mineral form. Those red nations’ peoples who survived moved into the natural world dream and much like an animal, created a place for themselves upon the land, often of natural living structures and simple instruments to survive. The Sirians did provide many food sources and planted them in the regions that the root races were seeded so that humans had an opportunity to survive. No other training or information however was offered; and so, each tribe created their own language, style of dress, style of housing and spiritual practices that were unique to their genealogies. From a sociologist’s point of view, what transpired amongst the root races might be very interesting, as they had no outside influence other than the natural world to determine their dream.


The Natural World Looked After the Root Races


The natural world responded to the dream and needs of the new humans of the seven root races that entered their dream. If there was nowhere to live, housing of some sort was offered. In the beginning human homes often came in the form of caves that would also then be shared with other animal kingdoms. Animals in this time period were vegetarian, and so there was no fear in sharing the dwelling, as all kingdoms were harmless to humans.


This may be where the earliest relationships between bears and humans came to be, and the humans of the time did not attempt to “own” the wild kingdoms; only enjoy our presence, much as one would enjoy the presence of a friend. Humans in this time period also viewed the animals as equals as well as friends, and would learn from them where to forage for food source, along with take a bath or in other terms survive. Many bears helped these early humans survive from our love of your species.


The love between nature and humans is ancient and from other dimensions of experience. We now know from upper dimensional ascension records that many humans of grand spiritual accomplishment shape shifted into the nature kingdoms to understand our nonverbal experience of life. This occurred at a time that all kingdoms were fully conscious or self-aware, although nonverbal like the dolphin and whale kingdoms. As distortion set in for whatever cause, humans became trapped in our kingdoms. Therefore, human and bear, horse, tiger, deer and many others have a deep kinship that comes from shared ancient information due to the dance of shape shifting. It is also for this reason that bear and many other kingdoms looked after the new humans that arrived within our dream.


Over time, humans received pictures from nature of how to construct simple dwellings from dead tree branches that were layered together much like a log cabin to create homes that protected them from the sun, wind and rain. Humans began to build homes high into the trees with beautiful views, and also construct simple furnishings to sit upon or work with. Humans also began to weave fabric from natural yarns and dye them in colors from flowers, berries, roots and leaves. All of this was created from innate wisdom that was carried in the genealogy of each human tribe, as certainly no nature kingdom demonstrated such behavior.


Humans began to cook elaborate feasts of natural provisions gathered around their dwellings. Spices were added to create flavorful concoctions. Humans also began to sing and chant, and construct simple instruments such as flutes and drums. This too was from the innate wisdom inherent within the root race genealogies. The nature kingdoms had not seen anything like this upon this dimension before, and so watched it all with great interest.


The natural world dream responded to human genetic information and provided a dream for humans to live within. Such is the nature of the natural world, which will attune to each genealogy and create a place for the dreams held within each hologram associated. Nature reached out accessing human genetic and holographic information, and wove a dream for the housing, musical expression, clothing and cooking, and then humans expressed this dream in a unique manner and survived. This is so for each kingdom; the natural world dream embraces each holographic and genetic expression and weaves it into the dream. Terra is a living dream and this is how living dreams and the consensus of Earth functions to this day.


Those human root races that perished held such variant genetics that they never could enter the natural world dream of Earth. The reason for this was that the geometrical patterns that the DNA transcribed were so different from any other kingdoms that the boundaries of the natural world dream rejected their existence. This then left the eleven other root races in a vacuum or crack outside the natural world dream. Anything outside the dream is not provided for by the natural world, and so the provisions were lacking for their continued life along with chi. All living things receives chi from the natural world dream; if one is outside the natural world dream, then no chi is provided and one shall perish. And so, the eleven root races outside the natural world dream perished due to lack of chi.


The natural world noticed that the seven root races that were embraced were without spiritual guidance and their holograms desired a dream for spiritual masters to lead the way. Therefore, the natural world wove a dream for humans of greater wisdom to join the red nation tribes upon Earth as this is what they desired. This is how the Grand Masters or the ones with the larger craniums arrived upon Terra 100,000 years after the root races were seeded. All things are taken into consideration of all holographic genealogies, and the living dream of Terra vies to support the needs of each.


The Pleiadian Language Caused Harm Upon Earth


Alas within 16 thousand years of the seeding of the Grand Masters, another group of blue-blooded humans arrived from the Pleiades. The natural world also took in the holographic nature of these 12 family members, and we realize in hind sight that this was a vast mistake. The language of the Pleiadian DNA was very different from Sirian language, although not so variant that it was rejected. Nature did not understand what it all meant, but wove dreams for their needs nonetheless.


The variant languages did not resonate with Terra’s language as did the red nations’ seeded tribes from Sirius. The Pleiades hosts languages that have sharp and pointy edges, whereas Sirian language was fluid and round. The sharp, pointy edges translated into a dream of harm of everything upon Earth. The harm at first was only nonphysical, as the pointy edged geometrical patterns that the Pleiadian humans ran cut into the round and rotational flow of Terra and each kingdom, including the red nation human kingdom.


The family of Anu was small enough that this only afflicted the regions that they lived or traveled unto. Over time, the sharp geometry translated into patterns of harm that became physical. Such incidents included capturing red nations’ humans and dissecting the form, taking the blood and DNA for use in a laboratory. Nature had never witnessed such a dream upon Terra before and did not know what to make of it.


The needs of the Anu translated into incubating a slave nation; this is because they could not take care of themselves in this creation. You see this creation hosts an energy flow that made the Anu sick and tired; and instead of leaving and going someplace more resonant, they chose to create slaves to do the day to day work of cooking, cleaning and so on. Nature found this absurd as no red nation human requires a slave to look after them; however, if it was what the Anu “needed”, the natural world dream created it for them nonetheless.


The slaves were part Pleiadian and part Sirian language and due to the internal discord, the dream for these humans was rejected by the natural world dream. The slaves sat in the crack in the dream instead of the natural world dream as a result. In sitting in the crack, they received no chi from the natural world, and as a result aged and became ill. Over time they might have gone extinct altogether just as the eleven other root races in the same predicament. Alas, as the Anu altered the biosphere to be partially electrical, the Anu slaves could obtain chi via the cracks that they existed within, and this then took away from the whole of all other kingdoms, including the red nations’ peoples.


The Anu Slaves Existed in the Cracks Between the Natural World Dreams


As the electrical geometry was launched by the Anu scientists, it splintered the natural world dream. Once the natural world dream splintered, it was only a matter of time that everything upon Terra also would become splintered, including the Anu themselves who concluded their era with a nuclear annihilation of Earth.


The story of the Anu is a long one and has vast implications in terms of karma that must be transcended by humans who are choosing to ascend at this time in history. The Bear Kingdom highly recommends working with Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension: Workbook 1 which offers a lengthy history of the Anu for ascending humans to choose to forgive karma from. We wish to touch upon those patterns however that fragmented the natural world dream, as it is in the fragmentation of dream that everything becomes shattered, including DNA that leads to falling consciousness rather than ascension.


It was in the moment of launching the global Pleiadian geometry that the natural world lost its wholeness. Regions lost communication with other regions as the geometrical patterns severed the dream in a manner in which ongoing contact ceased. As the dream became splintered, the space was created for something to exist outside of the natural world and continue to thrive. As something thrived between the splintered dream, it took and took chi from everything else. As enough chi went to other dreams, the dreams in the cracks grew larger and larger over time than the natural world dream.


It was the growing populations of Anu slaves that existed in the cracks between the natural world dreams. The Anu slave dream was not like the natural world dream. The Anu slave dream was cast as a very limited dream that does not respond to intention on the part of those who are conscious enough to intend their dreams, nor does it mold itself to the needs of those who live within it. It is for this reason that those living in the cracks in the dream can wind up homeless upon the streets, as the dream does not adjust to provide for everyone within it. Why is this so? The Anu did not wish their slaves to have much or evolve or recall how to consciously dream weave, as then they could rise up against the Anu and potentially destroy their lives. So, the Anu gave the slaves a very limited dream to exist within that they could control.


The Anu slave dream did not resonate with Terra, and took and took chi, causing the natural world dream to shrink yet more greatly and the cracks to widen. This then led to larger and larger populations of slave nations that overran more and more of the natural world pressing it into cracks in the dream, creating cities, suburbs, farms and country towns outside of the natural world dream, not unlike today. The animal kingdoms went far away from the slave nation’s dream, except occasionally if a kingdom became captive to them, such as in a zoo or circumstance of domestication or as pets.


Interaction Between Natural World Dream and Human Dream


We now would like to share an interesting story. One group of initiates intended to attune to the natural world dream and kingdoms, and exist within it. They had left the door open to their town home and a bear walked in. The bear was responding to the natural world dream that the initiates were anchoring. The bear frightened the group, although they did bless her, and she nabbed a box of lemon bars from a local bakery and left the unit. The group shut the door, but the bear continued to walk around the house looking for another place to enter. You see the bear perhaps felt more at home with this particular group due to the natural dream that they sat within. The bear continued to appear each evening.


Alas, the bear continued to haunt the region where the group lives, and had gotten lost in the human dream in the surrounding condo complexes. When any kingdom becomes lost in human pyramidal dreams, they forget to forage for food out in the wild as there is no provision in the dream for wild food source, only human-made food source from the grocery store. And so, the bear in becoming lost feasted from the garbage cans and whatever condos or town homes that she could enter.


Finally, the local authorities were called by others and because the bear had been tagged before and had not returned to nature, they shot the bear. This broke the hearts of the group who felt very bad that the bear had to be shot, as it was harmless outside of requiring food to subsist.  Another initiate living in the Rocky Mountains also shared “The bears became humanized in my hometown all the time, and they shoot them for this reason too.”


This was a good opportunity for us to take a look at what was really going on between the bear kingdom and human kingdom in this circumstance. We finally realized that the bear had somehow embraced pyramidal human flow in her bone structure. As the bear began to spin pyramidal flow, it only could catch a human dream, and therefore would vie to exist from human leftovers as this was the only provision in the dream for food. A simple change of salts in the bones will prevent this in the future and help all bears retain a natural world dream, even in living near humans. Now the Bear Kingdom is vying to make this genetic modification at this time. Future relations of our kingdom may never enter a human dream again as a result.


An initiate proved this to us and herself (the one living in the Rocky Mountains). Several months ago, another bear also in the human dream began to forage for food in her campground. The initiate chose to alter the geometry of the bear back to natural world dream energetic formations that are figure-8 in flow, and the bear quite rapidly left returning to the hills in a matter of minutes. Another camper put down their shot gun as the bear returned to the wild, which was a relief for this initiate.


Humans can push nature back into the natural world dream through intention; and this may save many a future bear or other wild kingdom from being killed ahead that has somehow become trapped in a human dream. This will also be so for the bee kingdoms that are dying in human dreams at this time. (Please see Dancing with Trees and Plants Chapter 25 “Blessings for a Return to Conscious Farming Practices” for more information.)


Our biggest point here is how variant dreams are between humans and wild animals as well as between human realities and the natural world. Even those humans who are ascending and entering the natural world dream still live a very different existence than bears as a wild kingdom, for you do not forage for food in the wild as of yet. Most humans are still venturing to the grocery store for their food, even if a few of you are also creating your ascending gardens at this time.


In the human dream, there is no provision for the natural world to provide for you, except perhaps for some regions where humans still go out into the woods to pick berries or wild mushrooms. Nature in such circumstances takes into consideration human consumption and provides enough for both humans and the kingdoms that require the same food source for sustenance, as this is the manner in which the natural world dream responds to the needs of each relying upon the natural world to survive.


Do you see in this the dilemma that humans are in today? Your dream and the natural world dream do not intersect very well in terms of providing shelter, food and love. Humans tend to live in cracks between natural world dreams just like the Anu slaves, even in remote and mountainous regions. The natural world dream does not encompass human structures, such as the lodges that humans stay within or the grocery and sundry stores. The natural world dream does not even encompass the campgrounds. This leaves humans going to be in nature and existing outside of nature in the experience. Yet most humans are actually so frightened of nature that this feels better than really living in the natural world dream.


The Natural World Dream Responds to One’s Thoughts and Visions


The problem with fear is that the fear will draw a fearful experience unto you within the natural world dream. The natural world dream is devised to respond to one’s thoughts and visions. Have thoughts and visions of loving exchanges with the nature kingdoms, and this is what you will experience. As long as one blesses each kingdom, there is only love in the dream, and this creates loving and peaceful encounters with the wild kingdoms. One ascending couple had an encounter with a grizzly bear on their day hike in Big Sky, Montana. As they blessed and blessed the bear, she rolled over on to her back and began to scratch her belly. You see what love does? It soothes the senses, fills the heart, and fills the hunger for love. As any animal feels loved, it will feel safe and full and will not attack.


When nature feels loved, there is no hunger and no violence. It is when fear is projected upon nature that animals can and will attack, as they wind up in a fearful dream. Nature is non-conscious at this time, and can only respond as the dream calls for as there is not enough awareness in the brain to direct our bodies otherwise. Therefore, it is up to ascending humans to create the dream for your experiences with nature, and then nature will respond from love as you weave a loving dream.


Now back to the problem of the Anu and the cracked dreams of their slaves. The slaves existed in small numbers in the beginning. Over time, the Anu used the slaves to retain the youthful appearance of the Anu, much like one would use a battery to light a flashlight. After the ice shields broke creating your oceans, more and more slaves were required to retain the youth of the Anu in their quest for immortality. The Anu altered reproduction at this point in time so that the female slaves incubated eggs every month rather than once per year. As a result, over time billions of slaves were born, and they lived on top of one another in massive cities that developed. Cities as they developed created even larger cracks in the natural world dream.


The Natural World Dream Unites Inner and Outer Earth


As the natural world dream continued to splinter with the rising populations of Anu slaves, the dream of Earth cracked to her core. It was at this moment that a nuclear annihilation then became possible in Terra’s dream. Why is this so? The Aurora cracked. The Aurora is Terra’s Sun. Cracking an aurora is equivalent to fission, which cracks the atom to release its fire. As Terra’s Aurora cracked, she began to lose fire element more rapidly than she could generate it; and this led to a rapid fall in vibration at double to triple the pace of previous times. The rapid fall led to insanity on the part of the Anu who could no longer retain their vibration either. The Anu went to war upon one another, and the crack in the Aurora wove a dream for fission; the Anu responded to this dream by creating a nuclear annihilation of all of Earth.


The nuclear annihilation fractured the natural world dream into bits. Now even regions could not communicate with one another. Each kingdom was severed from its bodies living elsewhere. Asur’Ana, Per and upper level initiates have been helping to heal this however, and have created algorithms in their own fields to unite the natural world dream into a single dream around the globe. This has also been necessary to their own ascension, as they participate in the natural world dream more greatly than in the human dream. As the natural world dream became whole again, now mountain ranges can communicate with one another, not only along the surface of the Earth but within the Inner Earth. There is now a whole and continuous natural world dream that unites Inner and Outer Earth.


Ascending humans are invited to join the natural world dream again and bring with you those dreams that you desire so that the natural world can provide for your needs. The natural world may provide for your needs in a very different way; we may weave a dream for you to plant your own ascending garden. You will still have a dream to shop at the grocery store, but you may grow many of your own provisions and enjoy the connection and communion that this provides with the land and plant kingdom. For those who cannot have a garden at this time due to circumstances, we will weave a dream for shopping at the farmers market buying direct from locals who are planting their own gardens.


For Asur’Ana and Per, we hold an ongoing dream for them to shop each week at the farmer’s market; and so, they receive the food that is hand grown and harvested nonetheless; and the farmers receive more blessings along with the land for larger and greater harvests. This year the mangos are large, soft and juicy and some trees are beginning to produce a second harvest in the winter. The greens have come up in large bunches abundant with nutrients to support their ascending forms. The avocados have been triple the size of the mainland and just as buttery and delicious. The cucumbers are twice as long as those in the grocery store. The blessings are having the effect upon their food source which is ascending into greater level of nutrients within the crystalline structure.


Participating with the Natural World Dream


The natural world dream allows all other kingdoms to participate in your experience of the dance of life. Nature learns many things from observing ascending humans. Sometimes Asur’Ana will ask the trees about a particular issue that is troubling her. The trees will tell her exactly what they perceive would be most helpful to understand in the given circumstance. Therefore, we can offer guidance unto you as you too live in the natural world dream and as you tune inward and listen.


Asur’Ana attunes to the trees in her daily walks for advice and comfort. Her path is not always easy. Every path has its struggles, whether it is with manifestation of dream, physical issues, or emotional complications due to life circumstances, or the feelings of one’s ancestors or parallel lives as they come up to be cleared and integrated. Ascension can be an emotional roller coaster for those who are sensitive and feel everything. Those that feel everything must learn to discern between the feelings of others, or the feelings of one’s ancestors, or the feelings of oneself upon a parallel plane, or the feelings of one’s inner family. As one perceives where the emotions are coming from, it is easier to understand, embrace and transmute, from the Bear Kingdom’s point of view.


Humans that enter the natural world dream create a consensus of your own. The consensus of ascending humans will then call the natural world dream to weave dreams suited for humans. In this way you can continue to live in the comfort of your home and with some of the conveniences that you like, such as computers and mobile phones to communicate through and power to light your home as well as cook with, and places to live that are comfortable to your form.


In time, humans will learn to create more natural living environments that resonate with the land and are non-toxic in nature. In time also and as the electricity dwindles, humans will either find a new source of power that resonates with Earth, or turn to a simpler lifestyle. The Bear Kingdom perceives however that ascending humans like their gadgets and transportation; and so, it may be that the dream will call a natural means of power that is harmless unto Terra into manifestation upon the physical plane.


Nature has no problem with anything humans would like to dream weave as long as it is harmless to Terra’s body. The real problem with the current cracked dream is that it is harmful; it is harmful as humans do things within the cracked dream that pollute and destroy the natural world. Humans do so as there was never any provision within the cracked dream for caring of Earth; only caring of the “gods” or family of Anu. The cracked dream is really good at providing for the Anu in present time, who exist as your government officials, Hollywood and Bollywood stars, royal families or CEO’s of major corporations. The dream allows a few to experience great wealth while most others work like slaves to provide for the lifestyles of the rich and famous.


Move into the Peaceful Natural World Dream


Move out of the cracked dream and into the natural world dream and you will cease to provide your chi, information, knowledge and regeneration to the Anu in present time. Move out of the cracked dream, and you can weave a dream of balanced giving and receiving. The Natural World will press the dream of balanced giving and receiving upon your current workplace, and the dream will change to greater balance, particularly for those who are working too hard and paid too little. Many initiates have found this to be so, and have been offered raises, new positions, or other compensation in the natural world dream. This is the gift of calling in the natural world dream and pressing everything around oneself into it; it will cause a different dream to occur that will lead to greater balance and unity amongst all humans.


Why is this so? The natural world dream is peaceful. Many humans run natural world dreams in places like botanical gardens, spas, healing centers, nurseries, and farmland. Why? If you did not run a magnetic natural world dream over your farms, nurseries or gardens, the plants would die and you would not produce any crops as they would receive too much radiation otherwise. If you did not run a natural world dream in the spa or healing center no one would feel good and they would not return. As you draw a natural world dream into the workplace or home, it will have a soothing effect upon all others, much like a trip to the spa and a nice massage, or a trip to the hot springs, or a walk out in the woods. This is the gift of the natural world dream.


In time, and as the cleansing of those of slave inheritances passes, there will be few human children born outside of the natural world dream again. The children will pull all adults into the new dream and a new world and tomorrow will unfold; one of peace, spiritual focus, balanced giving and receiving, and love. This is the hope and the dream of all kingdoms at this time of homecoming. Therefore, we invite you to enter the natural world dream through intention now. Understand that one must spin a magnetic energy flow in order to enter the natural world dream. If you are spinning electrical geometrical patterns, the natural world dream will reject your field. If you can spin magnetic Figure-8s or Triple Lotus Flow, then you can enter the natural world dream and become a part of the whole again.


Intend to call your ancient ancestors forward who lived in the natural world dream to aid you in learning how to move your field in a manner to create resonance between you and nature. Then you will come “home” to the consensus known as Earth, and become a part of the whole again. Perhaps there is no greater desire in the heart of those of red nation present day or ancient inheritance other than returning Home. Homecoming is indeed learning to master living in harmony with nature in the natural world dream again; one comes home to Terra.


Ascension Meditation Recordings


Ascension Insights Charts & Diagrams


Language of Light


Language of ONE



This book is lovingly dedicated to the Animal and Nature Kingdoms. May their Gifts, Wisdom and Blessings support One’s continued evolution Home.



Creational © 2019, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth


This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and let go of the rest. Please use any or all information, to share and evolve. All information belongs to God Goddess/All That Is, You. As you integrate the information you receive, you evolve and radiate new truths via your own unique portal of expression, assisting Humanity and the Planet on its evolution Home.



Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.




Asur’Ana. Gifts from The Animal Kingdoms. Aligning With Earth, 2019. Digital.

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