Image of an adorable panda bear. The Black and White Panda Bear

36. The Black and White Panda Bear


Blessings for Full Consciousness


The Panda Bear Kingdom


We of the Panda Bear Kingdom have much to say to our fellow ascending human brothers and sisters. We are one of only three kingdoms remaining upon Earth that retain 36,000 segments of DNA in form. One kingdom is the Manatee, an underwater creature similar to a whale; the second is humanoid and known as the Abominable Snowman; and we are the third that retains such a state in present time. One could say in this that our species along with these other two retains a fully conscious biology. (Please see Chapter 22 “The Love of a Seal”  for more information about the Abominable Snowman.)


Loss of Non-Verbal Communication


What is full consciousness? Full consciousness is the biological ability to understand or have consciousness upon the physical plane. Our species, much like the dolphins and whales, retains a biological level of understanding that is nonverbal. This is why in most cases of captivity, we choose not to procreate, as we can consciously command the body not to do so. Why do we wish not to procreate in captivity? Captivity or what humans call zoos is a terrible environment to exist within; we would not wish to subject our young to such a circumstance. Therefore, we refrain from procreation.


As of late, we have withdrawn our soul out of the zoos for the Panda Bear species. Human souls now embody us to learn the lesson of this experience. We have released our karma from ancient times and being used as a source of human scientific experimentation; this occurred long ago and upon another dimension of Earth. Earth has always been a tropical terrarium with many unique species; this has caused human scientists to visit in spacecraft and capture wild animals for their experimentation. Our species has fallen prey to such human manipulations eight times in our recorded history. Generally, this occurs as the dream of another creation or human is pressed upon us without our awareness, and as such we live the dream that we did not choose, which has put our species over time in great pain.


In the loss of non-verbal communication, humans do not understand the pain that they have caused for nature. Non-verbal communication has been lost within the human species in all of the falls in consciousness that you have created throughout time, space and form.


Long ago, a fully conscious humanoid form was seeded upon Earth known as the Grand Masters. These humble and gentle humans retained an ability to speak to both the physical through verbal language and the nonphysical through non-verbal language. Alas, the language upon Earth was different from what they had known upon Sirius where they were from, and so there was no response from Earth’s kingdoms. Had we understood one another, perhaps the travesty of their death and the manipulative manner in which nonphysical forces overran the human species would have been avoided leading to a different history upon Earth.


The Language of Light Allows Communication Between All Species


Language has become diversified over time and between creations. 96 million years ago as Earth exited the Great Central Sun, she split into 24 stars that were 25th dimensional in nature in the shape of a constellation of a dragon. At that time, each star understood one another. Over time and due to the separation in time and space, language mutated, much like dialects form in varying regions that humans live. There is a point in which a language can mutate so much that two who spoke the same language once before cannot understand one another in present time. As this has occurred between human nations and regions, so this has also occurred between planets and stars along with entire solar systems and constellations.


In the choice to unify into a single language that all understand, which is known as the Language of Light, all species can now communicate with one another. Each who embodies the Language of Light will be able to understand nonverbal language to greater and greater degree in one’s continued ascent. As such, one will hear nature as a thought-stream in one’s mind.


All that one has to do is simply attune to the species that one wishes to communicate with, and then allow the thoughts of the species in the Language of Light to move through one’s mind. One will have words associated with the symbols and can then construct sentences that one understands as a human. This is the gift of the Language of Light as it crosses both verbal and nonverbal language systems and allows communication between all species upon Earth, within your Solar System and Cosmos. (Please refer to Chapter 3 of Volume 1, Volume 2, and Volume 3 of the Ascension Insights series for more information on the Language of Light.)


There is an additional language entering the global thoughtform at this time upon Earth that is gold and silver in tone. This language is of the Great Central Sun and is known as the Language of ONE. The Language of Light still has a certain level of polarity within it that blocks many of the concepts that are gold and silver. Gold and silver thoughtform are founded upon oneness and it requires a greater biological understanding of oneness in order to be embraced.


Language requires a biological component to be understood. Panda is ascending as a collective through soul infusion much as Asur’Ana and Per are likewise doing so in their personal ascent. We are embodying biological changes associated with the gold and silver tones of creation; such changes lead to a self-sustaining biology. We never lost the ability to regenerate, although our species has not had a lengthy life span as we once knew when Earth better supported such a truth. However, as we master self-sustenance, we will have long lives again and less requirement to procreate and raise our young, leaving more time for the inner focus ascension entails.


Humans Have Done Great Atrocities to Non-Verbal Kingdoms


Primarily the Panda species is focused upon the release of karma for our own kingdom and assisting Earth with releasing global karma so that all species may ascend. We utilize our light body to travel and project our consciousness wherever we are required upon Earth to assist, and into and out of the Great Central Sun as we have embodied enough gold and silver language to allow for this. We act as a messenger for Earth to listen to the guidance of the Great Central Sun as we can interpret better what is said given that we are embodying a state of greater oneness in our own ascension.


Nonverbal language has been lost in the separation that humanity resides within. As such, nature and animals are considered sub-human or without an ability to understand or feel on the part of humankind. Alas this simply is not so; and so out of such a belief, great atrocities have occurred to nature upon the part of humanity due to the perception that we are non-conscious.


All life holds consciousness beloved; some animals have lost the ability to retain consciousness in the brain and nervous system; Panda has not. Therefore, our lives in zoos were a living hell, as we understood what has been done to us consciously when most other kingdoms do not. The pain that this put our entire species into is great as we are holographically intertwined. It is for this reason that we finally have chosen to abandon our bodies in the zoos, which will begin to die off in the years ahead as they are soulless.


Humans in their great misunderstanding of the nature of non-verbal kingdoms have done even greater atrocities in times past than retaining animals in zoos or aquariums. Humans experimented upon nature and tried to intermix other species with their own DNA. One intermixed species of dolphin-human form was known as the Mermaid. Mermaids were in great pain, with only a lifespan of 18 years or less, dying of great discord within and aging so rapidly that by the time that they matured, they already looked old. The visions of fully-grown mature female mermaids never really occurred; this is a fantasy that the Annanuki left behind to justify their actions.


From Panda’s point of view, there can never be justification for putting another into great pain, whether it be through scientific experimentation, warfare or any other form of abuse. In the falls in consciousness, dissonance became internal which then expressed itself as outer dissonance or war and abuse, or cruelty such as torture. Scientific experimentation can be categorized as torture given the level of pain that it incurs for all species involved, including humankind.


In recent human civilization, animal rights groups have pushed for laws against the cruelty to animals. You see you are awakening unto the truth, beloved. Also, greater awareness of the cruelty to animals that are farmed for consumption is also coming to consciousness. Over time such practices will be outlawed, and humans will return to vegetarianism until a self-sustaining biology has been ascended into in which there is no need to eat. This will be a day of great beauty as there will only be gentleness remaining upon Earth; for gentleness precludes the massacre of any other species, even the plant kingdoms.


Scarring, Autism and Birth Defects Due to Scientific Manipulations of DNA


There is much scarring in human genetics as well as nature’s genetics for any form that was manipulated or intermixed between species in scientific experimentation. Wherever animal or fish was adjoined human form is a remembrance of this occurring, and all of the pain from such an experiment is recorded therein. Often this scarring will recur in present time leading to webbed toes or other birth defects. Most birth defects are really the result of the recurrence every so many generations of such blending of animal or fish and human DNA from scientific experiments.


Autism is an example of the scarring held within the form from the “Mermaid” experiment. Autistic children are born with only non-verbal brain capacity of a dolphin. Much like a whale, dolphin or the Panda Kingdom, these children would understand non-verbal communication if the parents and teachers could communicate in such a manner themselves. Alas, they cannot, and so it leads to one who cannot understand another. Some autistic children that have recovered actually developed language centers in the brain at a later time in their life; yet others cannot do so and this leads often to lifetimes that are institutionalized, as the parents do not know what else to do. This puts such children in great pain also, and breeds great loneliness and heartache.


Perhaps this speaks to the karma between species expressed in a single life. Humans and nature do not understand one another, and it causes a human to be born that cannot be understood. As the karma for falls in consciousness and scientific experimentation is released through ascension, another possibility comes forth in which no future children of this nature shall be born.


Ascending autistic children in present time may also develop the language centers in the brain by drawing from genetic materials from their ancient ancestors. This shall allow such children to develop the ability to verbalize in present time. Perhaps parents of such children reading this book shall intend this so, and bring an end to the scarring from the experience of not understanding one another due to different language modalities. In so doing, all may heal, and humanity may enter a time in which communication with nature is a standard life experience.


Bringing an End to Insanity, Deformity and Other Genetic Anomaly


Insanity also has roots in scientific experimentation, although not with other animal kingdoms, but with the manufacturing of human slaves in laboratories. The Anu bred humans in laboratories to serve them that was drawn from 60% Pleiadian DNA and their own forms, and 40% Red DNA from red humans that they had captured and experimented upon. The resultant human could speak and serve, but aged and died in a relatively short time span (500 human years).


Those humans who were born with a blending of Pleiadian DNA for the brain and Red Sirian DNA for the brain chemistry were insane, or in other terms, born with a persona that could not focus consciously upon the physical plane, but upon all planes at once. This leads to schizophrenia and paranoia in all of its expressions today. Those who received a blending of Red DNA for the brain and Pleiadian DNA for the brain chemistry were born retarded or mongoloid in nature. At the time that they were originally incubated, the scientists simply destroyed such creations after they were determined to be problematic. However, such children continue to be born to this day that are related to the associated slave ancestries.


In more recent human history, destroying life for any reason has not been deemed appropriate; this Panda sees as a manner of learning the spiritual lessons behind such painful manifestations. As one gives birth to a retarded, autistic, insane, deformed or mongoloid child, one is learning why blending genetic materials in a scientific laboratory might not be a good idea. This creates genetics that are so incongruent to the sustenance of life, that life and all associated is put into great pain, is incoherent or is incapable of functioning upon the physical plane.


As the karma for all scientific experimentation is released by the human species at large, the associated genetics can be pulled from the gene pool, and no such future births shall occur of such a nature. This is the focus for the year of 2021 for all sentient species upon Earth: to understand the underlying cause and bring an end to slavery, dominion, deformity, insanity and any other genetic anomaly so that the future generations may be born with DNA that can ascend Home with Earth. It may take the better part of the coming quarter century of ascension for no future human birth to be so distorted; however, the time in which humanity and nature alike shall be free of such occurrences is coming.


First and foremost, the lessons behind such manifestations must be understood; and then in the understanding, the karma can be released through conscious will and intention upon the part of ascending humans. For those with relations to autistic, deformed or insane individuals, perhaps it is time to release one’s own karma that the mirror presents. However, the release of all human karma for such atrocities requires more to ascend than are currently choosing such a spiritual path at this time. The times of awakening are ahead and are being orchestrated due to changes in Earth’s global dream. In so doing, more ascending adults will take karmic responsibility into the future, and clear the collective karma, allowing for the birth of a new day in which disease, warfare, deformity and insanity may be put behind humanity and Earth alike.


Taking Responsibility for One’s Ancestral Karma


Alas, many humans are caught in the belief that a savior is coming to rectify everything. Beloved, there is no savior. One can only ascend oneself out of whatever karma that one holds in one’s ancestry, or whatever difficult life manifestation one has created. As one ascends, one can release the karma for any life difficulty and manifest a new life circumstance that leads to greater joy. As one ascends, one can modify the biology to resurrect that which is diseased or create a new system that is strong for weak biological systems. As enough humans collectively ascend, the karma will be cleared for the whole of your species, and a new day can be born that is disease, insanity and deformity free.


Ascension cannot occur from the outside in, as it is an inside out job. Each must take responsibility for one’s own ancestral karma; each must choose to ascend and through the construction of a kundalini in adult form, burn off the karma that one carries as a result of one’s inheritance. As enough carrying a particular set of karma say for birth defects or insanity release the patterning within their ancestry and form, all karma can be cleared, and this shall lead to a day in which humans of this nature will cease to be born. As this is so for insanity and birth defects, this is also so for a human form that wars or becomes diseased.


A large part of the problem from Panda’s point of view is the nature of those incubated by the Pleiadian Anu in particular. These human slaves have no holographic interconnection with anyone other than themselves; they have therefore no holographic knowledge to ascend, as this information was removed from their gene pool so that they would be subservient and fail to rise up against their masters or Gods, the Annanuki. Alas, the Annanuki have long come and gone, and only those related remain.


Those of Annanuki inheritance are operating from the wrong holographic countenance to ascend home in this creation, as they came from somewhere else. The slaves that they incubated likewise have no ascension information, and cannot ascend either. This respectively is associated with 60% of the human species in the West in present time. There are also those humans of Tibetan or Mongolian root race that blended with Reptilian DNA in the past 72,000-year cycle. Many of such humans also have not the holographic nature or genetic structure to ascend home with Earth. This accounts for almost 50% of those currently incarnate in the East.


Furthermore, all of the conflicting holograms and holographic information causes the rift between the east and the west leading to warfare. It is warfare that has done the greatest damage to all species upon Earth, and has led to falls in consciousness so great that ascension is very difficult to orchestrate in present time.


Panda sees that there is much conflicting spiritual information for humans to attune to. Such information is conflicting as it is coming from souls and beings from other creations and through other holographic dreams; each dream can only speak to the understanding of creation from their particular holographic perspective. This is why there is such diversity in the metaphysical information today; there are many of Pleiadian holographic origin channeling Pleiadian beings that speak of what ascension would be like in the Pleiades. Some even attempt to orchestrate such ascension here; alas they are in the wrong creation and such ascension only leads to distortion and disease in the end; so it has time and time again throughout human history.


Ascension Is an Inner Job


Due to the Pleiadian slave race and the dance with their human “Gods”, there is also the belief that God Goddess is outside of oneself that prevails in human thinking. This causes humans to search for information or gurus or something outside of oneself to find one’s truth and direction home. It is also the underlying cause of the search for a savior to make it all better. Alas, there is no savior coming; one must save oneself by choosing to ascend out of the mess that one has created. Humans likewise must collectively choose to ascend out of the collective mess that they have created.


Ascension will never occur through something outside of self. Ascension is an inner job in which one opens to one’s own unconscious dreamtime reality. As one opens to the unconscious, one will attune unto one’s own truth within. Then through such an opening, one can begin to perceive the ancestral karma requiring clearing in one’s current life dance or for any phase of ascension. One is the sum total today of all ancestors that have ever existed upon Earth. One therefore has responsibility for all karma one’s ancestry ever incurred.


It is only as the karma is known and consciously understood that one can possibly learn the spiritual lesson associated. For clearing karma requires forgiveness and forgiveness requires understanding the spiritual lesson at hand; this requires inner focus, not outer searching. It is also only through the inner connection that one will learn to become the dreamer and the dream, and consciously command their dream to release the karma and forgive.


Human form was designed to be the dreamer and the dream. One must intentionalize one’s dream and future, or the future will simply repeat from the past. In the past there were only falls in consciousness that now will lead to extinction. Those that fail to intentionalize a future of ascension for self will simply go extinct in the coming times of cleansing. In the death however such humans will come to see what all ascending humans are coming to learn at this time in history, as consciousness carries forward beyond death. In so doing and perhaps from the nonphysical, such recent ancestors will facilitate a greater awakening of the human species by guiding them into an inner quest and away from the outer search for a savior, guru or spiritual information that only leaves one confused.


Panda suggests that initiates limit the material that one reads from outside sources, unless such materials allow one to open to ones’ own unconscious; most materials are being generated in excess on the part of dark to confuse humans into a state of non-ascension. Instead go inward; listen to one’s own heart; go into nature and listen to what nature has to say. Nature speaks to one from within, as each is a part of the holographic interrelatedness of all things, beloved. Listen to your own truth and follow it. This is the only way that you and your future ancestors will find their way to full consciousness and beyond.


How does one master full consciousness? One clears the karma layer by layer for each fall in genetic material that occurred within one’s lengthy ancestry of 50,000 Earth years (200,000 human years). As each layer of karma is cleared, more genetic material becomes available to be anchored in one’s ascension grid work. As the new genetic materials step into form, bit-by-bit one can work one’s way back to a fully conscious biological state. However, one must have fully conscious or grand master lineages and ancestors in order to attain such a state. And here is the difficulty of attaining full consciousness in this lifetime.


For most humans do not have fully conscious ancestors in the lineages that one was born with. Humans construct the vessel at 2 segments of DNA from only 25 lineages. If none of such lineages has fully conscious ancient ancestry to the Grand Masters, then one has not the necessary biological information to ascend to full consciousness in this lifetime. However, perhaps the lineages in other segments of one’s inheritance, but not used to construct the form, do have such inheritance. Then one’s children can draw from such lineages in the construction of their form in the womb, and have the necessary information to ascend to full consciousness in their lifetime.


This is how generational ascension will come forth in the human species. As each does their part and ascend as far as one can, future offspring can be born with the necessary ingredients to take the ascent to the next level. This is what the dream of ascension allows for within the human species at this time in history, and all kingdoms hold the gateway for this dream to become a living manifestation and future reality.


There will be a few humans who master full consciousness in this lifetime. These individuals will have the devotion of a saint to their path, for this is what it takes. For most, one will ascend as far as one has lineage and ancestry for from birth; and then intend the ascent of future generations associated with one’s ancestry. In so doing, all will experience the ascension Home with Earth; for all humans are ONE. Most tapestries cross at some point with the ancient Grand Master inheritance; it will be as such lineages become an available choice to incoming children that the ascent to full consciousness will occur in one’s future ancestry along with the future generations of the human species.


We hope that the information we have shared is of use to your personal path of ascension.


Ascension Meditation Recordings


Ascension Insights Charts & Diagrams


Language of Light


Language of ONE



This book is lovingly dedicated to the Animal and Nature Kingdoms. May their Gifts, Wisdom and Blessings support One’s continued evolution Home.



Creational © 2019, Asur’Ana, Aligning With Earth


This book has Creational Copyright. This information is offered for Theoretical Exploration only. Please accept only information that you resonate with and let go of the rest. Please use any or all information, to share and evolve. All information belongs to God Goddess/All That Is, You. As you integrate the information you receive, you evolve and radiate new truths via your own unique portal of expression, assisting Humanity and the Planet on its evolution Home.



Asur’Ana does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, Aligning With Earth assumes no responsibility for your actions.




Asur’Ana. Gifts from The Animal Kingdoms. Aligning With Earth, 2019. Digital.

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