Image of lovely white flowers with yellow center. Mindset Development #5

Mindset Development #5


The 18-18 Gateway


Mastering Light Wave Biology


18-18 Opening


The lore of the opening

Of the 18-18 sequencing

Is a gift of biological systems

That sustain light wave synergy

In each cell

In a motion that gives birth

To divine right to renew

And restore my youth

And my vitality

Through time

To augment the journey

Into realization of self


Light Wave Biology: Mastery of the 18-18 Gateways of Self Realization       


Light wave biology is a succinct rhythm of light that fosters renewal and sustenance of the body upon the physical plane. The light infuses into each cell with a photon particle of light in which the structure can fade from sugar metabolism into sustenance through light. The journey into light wave biology is a long and arduous journey. The ascension journey into the 11-11 and 12-12 pathways generates a thirty to forty percent light infused system of cells. Mastery into the 18-18 requires an eighty percent light infused cellular structure. Light biology begins to develop as the 11-11 gate is mastered. Light biology sequences into the forty to fifty percent range as the 12-12 gate is fostered. Light biology grows more succinctly as the 14-14 gate is fostered into light infusion systems of self.


Light infused cells do not consume sugar. Light infused biology hosts a different metabolism altogether. When the body is part light and part sugar-based metabolism, a diet of lacto-ovo vegetarianism that is half raw and half cooked is recommended. When the body sequences into a full light biological system from sixty to eighty percent infused, a vegan diet of primarily raw vegetables is recommended. Going carbohydrate free is important as the biology reaches a seventy percent infused state to offset diabetic flux that can lead to disease, blindness or death otherwise. Light infused biology causes many changes in the physical structure. The changes in the structure will be written of more fully in an article to follow.


The planet is about to take flight into the Mother Sun Dream. The Mother Sun Dream is a fostering of light and nothing else. Ascension has allowed the dreams beneath the Mother Sun quotients of life to be motioned beyond through light infusion of self. Those ready to master into the 16-16 to 18-18 pathways of development are to enter the Mother Sun Dream soon. Light quotients of forty percent or above must be integrated in the physical for the Mother Sun dream to take flight in life. The Mother Sun dream is not one of apartheid theory of separation of light and dark. The Mother Sun dream is of wholeness in which light and dark are integrated or amalgamated within. Amalgamation of light and dark is a fostering of wholeness theory. Read more

Image of a small sweet looking rat. The Young Rat with the Long Tail

14. The Young Rat with the Long Tail


Blessings for a Return to Balance Within


The Rat Kingdom


It is the Rat Kingdom that addresses ascending humans today. For a long time, Rats have received a bad reputation by humanity. We experience rejection and death through poisons amongst those humans living in the cities or suburbs, as well as being used in laboratories for sometimes horrific experiments. Nature has said little about how animals have been used by scientists in present time, and we will speak to this in this chapter.


We Pinpoint Problematic Energy Flow


What is it that is less beautiful about one creature over another? Why are rats perceived as ugly and a pest while birds and other creatures are perceived as beautiful and therefore worthy of trying to “save” if they go extinct? This is a very odd phenomenon from the perspective of Nature that perceives each as necessary to the dance of the whole and therefore equal in value and service.


What does the Rat Kingdom do for Earth? We pinpoint problematic energy flow so that it can be transmuted and brought into alignment with the rest of Earth’s flow. This is our job. Often, we are found in excess in human cities as there is a load of difficult energy that humans create through their thoughtform and electrical devices, and our forms are used to attempt to transmute such discord to the degree we can so that the energy in the cities is less caustic than it already is. This requires many of our bodies and is why we reproduce to an extreme in the cities as a result.


Rats have been accused of being carriers of disease; and yet the poorest of humans in third world nations often eat of our flesh out of necessity and do not die. We carry no more or less diseases than human form or any other species in the reality of it. All form carries viruses and bacteria of all kinds as one is living in a biosphere that has bacteria and viruses as well as parasites as a part of the structure. It is only as the bacteria or viruses become “out of control” in their reproduction that a health problem is created. As long as all in the body is in balance, the bacteria and viruses remain dormant in the system and non-problematic. Asur’Ana has discovered that viruses in particular retract into the nervous system of the physical form; so, this is for all animal kingdoms including the whales and dolphins.


Imbalance Is the Cause of Any Disease


As the body goes out of balance, the right environment might be created for one or more viruses to reproduce excessively leading to disease; or if this occurs in lots of humans in a single region, it leads to what is known as a plague. Rats or any other animal kingdom is not the cause of disease or plagues; nor is it caused by anything other than humans in their own dance. Out of balance energy flow in any region of domain will cause humans to become out of balance within their own respective fields; and this can lead to disease. If the imbalance affects many in a given region, often this will create a plague; the reality is, however, that the cause of any disease is imbalance. Remain in balance, and the body will live out the life to an old age at 2 segments of DNA. Read more

Image of a magnificent waterfall in the midst of a luscious green forest. Psychology of You Introduction

Psychology of You Introduction


The Nature of You


The Love of You for Yourself


I am the love of me

And the love of you

In the dreams of ourselves

In a beautiful mansion

Of the self of myself

In the care of the one or the two

Or the three

In the sway of one another

In a love of me

And in the love of you

I sway that I am

I am that I am


The Love of You and Me         


Psychology of You is a series of articles to aid those choosing to realize themselves through an odyssey of notions that prevent the love of you for yourself and the love of you for all others. Love is the cornerstone of self that fosters spirit into matter. Love requires you to love you first and foremost. Loving you is a journey all of its own given the shame and blame of the current social stanzas of existence. Shame and blame are at an all-time high possibly due to the electrical gadgets humans surround themselves with. Shame and blame are enhanced by electrical notions that do not align within. Electricity causes contraction of light motions of field rather than expansion. Contraction of light leads to non-light which is darkness in all the manners that it is expressed and witnessed through time.


The journey of light motion of field is to foster light that is on all the time in the field of yourself. Light that motions on and off triggers intermittent shame or debilitation of feeling well within in the dreams of life. Shame is a difficult emotion to work through as light motions on for the first time. Light enhances all the emotions of the self of you.


The self of you is a complex subject all of its own. You are the consciousness of all that you have known or been through time in this lifetime of yours. You are the beauty and the ugliness of what you have witnessed or participated within. The beauty fosters love and care for you and others as it is enhanced in light. The ugliness in all of its shame or blame enhances the opposite. Those learning to motion light need to purify what is dark or difficult in emotional stanzas of yourself from your past in order to foster a recurrent state of beauty and care of you within. As beauty and care of you is mastered within the self of you, the difficult emotions shall subside in the act of transfusion. Read more

Image of a strong looking hippopotamus. From the Heart of the Hippopotamus

35. From the Heart of the Hippopotamus


Blessings for Sovereignty


The Hippopotamus Kingdom


We of the Hippopotamus Kingdom have much to say to ascending initiates. Why does sovereignty of truth lead to inner peace? In knowing who one is and why one is incarnate, and in forging ahead with what one knows how to do, there is inner peace. In knowing what one’s truth is and standing in it in sovereignty, one comes to a state of inner peace.


No Cycle for Evolution Home Due to Limited Dreams from the Space Between


Recent revelations from the Tao have perceived your creation as a mixed-up bag of unwanted dreams pushed into the space between by the Great Central Sun. Such dreams leave those dancing therein with a heart-felt feeling of not knowing the purpose of their existence, or why they are incarnate, or what they are supposed to do with one’s life that has meaning or truth unto it. Such confusion perplexes the human species more perhaps than nature or the whale and dolphin realms, which in their ongoing communication with the nonphysical and soul, understand their spiritual purpose even if the physical reality is very limited or painful to experience.


Hippopotamus sees that in the lack of communication from the nonphysical realms, humans find only purpose outside of self; this has led to a world devoid of spiritual foundation or meaning and focused upon the creation and consumption of goods for the purposes of the accumulation of wealth. Wealth may indeed buy one the time to pursue spirituality; as the day to day dance causes so much focus required upon work to sustain one’s “expense of living” that there is barely the time to focus upon ascension.


However, those of great wealth rarely have interest in spiritual focus; and so, spirituality becomes a non-important role in the human life and focus of your civilization, which is the exact opposite of what it should be. For spirituality or the focus upon spiritual lessons is really and truly the only reason to exist from Hippopotamus’ point of reference.


How and why did this occur? This is interesting, and something that our species wishes to speak to. The Tao is filled with creators, who much like an artist, have many choices of dream to intermingle and create the exact experience that the creator and soul of creator desires for the purposes of evolution and ascension. Much like a large palette of possibility, the creator chooses those expressions most suited to the spiritual lessons in this evolutionary cycle ahead; all others are pushed into the background where they are unused. Such background dreams lie dormant or unanimated until the creator chooses to include or add them to the template of their dream for a particular cycle. Read more

Image of a pretty gold orange flower. Shakti Studies #8

Shakti Studies #8


The Bliss Kiss of Self


The Nature of the Exchange of Kisses of Honor


The Bliss Kiss of Self


The bliss kiss of Self

Is inaugurated

As a kiss is exchanged

In deep honor of each

In care of the heart

In a synergy of truth

Fostering a celebration of the occasion

Amongst the pair

Of greater joy and merriment

In a humorous and enlivened exchange

In a reunion of kinship

In a kinesthetic repose

Of Divine Union

Of the body mind spirit accolade of Self


Honorable and Passionate Kisses


The exchange of a kiss between beloveds or friends of the heart in a deep state of honor of one another fosters the sweetest of caresses between the body, mind and spirit of the pair. An honorable kiss exchanged in front of a group can trigger a beautiful dream of enchantment of the many to unfold thereafter. There must be a deep flavor of synergy of the pair in order for honor to be retained in a kiss that fosters bliss instead of lust. There are many types of kisses that foster certain kinds of self or consciousness to direct the life dream of the moment in a particular direction. The direction is always into a kiss of bliss of spirit descending upon matter to foster each and the group. As spirit descends, unity and unison of the two and the many occurs due to the kinesthetic exchange of kisses of the pair focused upon.


Passionate kisses foster very beautiful dreams for the interim of the exchange and for the day to follow for the beloveds of fate. Those who “make out” on the couch with only sensual pleasure often foster the sweetest of dreams for the eve and into the day to follow. Rapturous self descends to foster the pair together and apart into a state of ecstatic reunion for an interim of time. The rapturous self descends due to physical and kinesthetic reposes of the pair fostering a bliss kiss of forensic delight of the two. If the pair continues to “make out” and foster something else sensual to sexual, spirit further descends triggering another type of dream to occur that is even more rapturous to experience and express.


Friendly Kisses Upon the Cheek


In ancient times, friends of the heart in deep kinship of soul family relations would kiss, but not in a romantic sense. Kisses of this stature were often not unlike the Italian family fostering of a peck upon one another’s cheeks. Exchanging kisses upon the cheek fosters wellness of self in each associated. Wellness of self allows the dreams to align to flourish for each following the exchange. Sometimes a peck upon the lips can also be fostered between two friends. A peck upon the lips fosters kinship of self. Kinship of self fosters a pair that relates well together as friends. The pair feel better together and aligns the mind following leading to a bliss kiss of self that better understand one another. Read more

Image of shiny and sacred Native American rocks. A Spiritual Perspective on the Current World Economic Crisis

5. A Spiritual Perspective on the Current World Economic Crisis


The Heart of the Tao would like to share with you a different perspective of the current economic crisis that is causing severe losses to the banks and banking system along with the real estate market at this time. The cause of the crisis is really founded upon the polarity reversals and energetic changes that are the result of Terra’s (Earth’s) global ascension. For the past six years, Terra has entered gateway after gateway of energy flow known as “Star Gates” towards the Great Central Sun Dream. Each Star Gate has offered up new energetic movements; some of which have been embraced leading to further global ascension. Some of the movements that are supportive have become a new language upon Terra known as the “Language of ONE” and have been captured as crop circles around the globe.


Anu Based Cycle


For the past 2,000 human years, you have been in an Anu based cycle. The Anu based cycle is the result of a group of Pleiadians that came to Earth and strip mined her of gold to extend life back home. Life in the Pleiades was dying due to a missing vibration related to the golden octave. As the golden octave was moved from Earth, life in the Pleiades was restored and Terra began to move towards extinction.


Fall after fall in vibration and energy flow occurred in the era of the Anu due to the loss of Terra’s gold; and the loss created the space for a Pleiadian energetic geometry to be increasingly set in motion in Earth’s field. This pattern is pyramidal in nature and many metaphysical aspirants are familiar with what is known as the “Merkaba”. The formation of electrical pyramidal flow is really a foreign geometry set up by a particularly small group of humans that required this flow to extend their lives.


The Anu became bored after a time and chose to heavily breed a slave nation of humans. These humans grew into the billions in numbers and increased the pyramidal energetic movements around their civilization and upon Terra. The electrical pyramidal flow increased so heavily that it drew a dream of nuclear annihilation left over from another Pleiadian war unto Earth; and the culmination in the era of the Anu was a vast travesty.


The era concluded in six large nuclear bombs detonated upon Terra’s surface that sent her downward in vibration, pressed her upon her side, and it took 24,000 human years thereafter just to balance her energy flow enough that she could stabilize. A nuclear winter that scientists perceive as the “great freeze” occurred in this time period. (For more historical information as gathered through human and global ascension, please refer to Chapter 1 “Human Archetypes and Archetypal Nature” of Mother Earth’s Complete Ascension: Workbook 1.) Read more

Image of a bunch of yummy rambutan on a tree branch. Baba Mastery Tales of Truth #4

Baba Mastery Tales of Truth #4


The Fable of the Rabbit


The Love of the Sway


The Rabbit of Self


The love of the sway

Causes a beautiful day

To be aligned and be lived

In the love of the two

With each I know

That cares with me

For the project that serves

The community

I am that I am

An orchestrator of sway

Of the clan


Introduction: Baba Mastery Tales of Truth


The Rabbit is a Baba lore fable of care of the sway of the clan. The clan or tribe always fosters more synergy and joy if they sway together day to day and through time. Swaying many together is an art all of its own. By and large, the sway of the whole has been lost upon Earth for a very long time. Those who gather in small clusters may sway some if there is one who can organize the motion for the group. Swaying in light brings about kinship and a flavor of happiness between two or within an entire group.


For those of this tale, there are small numbers perhaps you can sway with that allow you to feel grand or beautiful in your dreams of life. The rabbit motions close encounters only with those who sway and push those who cannot sway far away. The rabbit can become a leader that gathers selectively those who foster bigger sway to notion group organization into something beautiful and healing to experience. Sway heals and synergizes two or more into motions of beauty and grace. Sway is a lost art amongst most except those who are gifted at light wave motion.


The tale of the rabbit is not always of a leader of a group but a person who is gifted at holding space with others. Sometimes those of this lore fable are healers; sometimes they work with nature or farm; sometimes they are gifted at music or dance; sometimes they are a conductor of sorts of meetings that work out better due to the nature of swaying in light motion. The rabbit is a beautiful human who cares always for those who care back. Those who fail to care are not people the rabbit ever chooses to remain with unless forced to due to family or work circumstance. Read more

Image of a brilliant happy yellow flower. Mindset Development #4

Mindset Development #4


The 14-14 Gateway


Realization into Transfusion Theory of Self


14-14 Opening


The lore of the opening

Of the 14-14 sequencing

Is a gift of mindset development

Into oska and aliska

In a new threshold of awareness

That births realization

As a component of self

Experiencing itself

Through time

In a mesmerizing journey

Into the divine concepts of life

In the actualization of oneself


Tao Realization Theory: Mastery of the 14-14 Gateways of Ascension


Tao realization theory is an adroit equation to foster self of the self within. Self of the self is consciousness that fosters self-awareness to allow for divine concepts of existence to prevail within. Divine concepts are not difficult to illustrate and are presented to follow. Divine concepts are easy to read about but are difficult to realize within as each level of mastery must foster a rising above difficult happenstance of karma in life. Divine concepts are realized as they are acknowledged in often the most difficult of circumstances of experiences. Acknowledging divinity in those that resonate is easy. Acknowledging divinity in those that fail to resonate and are cantankerous in nature and damaging to one’s spirit or physical presence is the real task of those mastering the 14-14 threshold of existence in this era.


Tao realization is fostered by the Tao of the Tao within or the God aspect of self. The Goddess aspect is known as the Dao of the Dao within. Tao realizes the consciousness of the physical self while Dao realizes the consciousness of spirit. Self is realized through Tao inaugurations of field that bring light infusions into the biology and mindset of mental activity to stimulate divine interpretation of life. Light infusions trigger another flux of mindset to unfold as the synapses form in the cortex of the brain. Light infusions of field syncopate the biological mindset with the formations in the mental body to foster divine understanding of life in its unfolding through time.


Light infusion of field does occur in many who develop into 12-12 thresholds of development too. Light infusions trigger variations on a theme of forgiveness or compassionate action theory of life in 12-12 developments. Light is less infused into 11-11 developments. Light thresholds of 11-11 systems generally are no larger than thirty percent. 12-12 developments can foster up to eighty percent light infused field and biology through time. The larger the light quotient in a 12-12 development, the deeper the compassionate action that forms directing the life into dreams of deep sincerity and sustainability of presence. Read more

Image of awe-inspiring Antelope Canyon in Arizona. About These Native American Ancestors’ Letters

1. About These Native American Ancestors’ Letters


Book’s Introduction


This book offers a series of letters from the Ancient Native American Ancestors who have much to share about the holographic knowledge that they were aware of at the time that they were alive. It is the hope of the ancestors to trigger a greater awakening and remembrance of holographic truth through the sharing in these letters.


Long ago and as Asur’Ana’s ascension began in Fremont California, she found herself surrounded by Native American ancestors. The communications with the ancestors prevailed on and off throughout the day and during her meditation time for many years. The ancestors offered up advice, guidance in her personal struggle to master the inner world and transcend her own fearful thoughtform, and assisted her in learning her early spiritual lessons upon the path of ascension. The ancestors taught Asur’Ana to honor the earth, and honor each kingdom, and honor Mother Earth. The ancestors also taught her beautiful rituals to aid her in her times of struggle and to anchor sacred space.


Over time Asur’Ana also came into contact with Polynesian ancestors who were a part of her more ancient tapestry of ancestry and held more information for her continued journey Home. The Polynesian ancestors invited Asur’Ana to move to Hawaii, and at the time she was not sure how this would ever come to be. She told the Hawaiian ancestors that if they could find a way to move her to the islands, she would. It took only 15 months, and the opportunity arose to relocate unto Hawaii.


Hawaii held keys to Asur’Ana’s continued ascent and therefore it was a necessary step to relocate unto the islands for her continued evolutionary journey. However, the Native American ancestors did not understand this and felt betrayed at her departure. Over time Asur’Ana continued to return to the mainland US several times per year and anchor the healing and patterns that would continue to foster human evolution along with ascension of the land. The Native American ancestors finally forgave her and began to understand the larger picture of what she was trying to accomplish in spending time in both Hawaii and upon the mainland each year.


Over time Asur’Ana and her beloved twin partner and husband from Norway, Per, learned to unite the ancestors related to their tapestries and request that they begin to work together and in harmony and honor with one another to foster not only Asur’Ana and Per’s evolution, but the evolution of each that is related unto them. Over time this led to new agreements amongst all ancestors of all nations to unite for the common purpose of fostering a time of human awakening ahead, and launching an era of ascension and evolution “home” with Mother Earth to a new state of being with love as the foundation of existence. Read more

Image of a lovely water color painting of an adult whale and child whale. Giving Birth to Peace and Forgiving Fission Thoughtform

13. Giving Birth to Peace and Forgiving Fission Thoughtform


It is the Whale and Dolphin Kingdom that greets you today. We are again witnessing a turbulent time of ascension where many difficult patterns are rising to the surface to be cleared both within our kingdom and yours along with Mother Earth at large. It is for this reason that we write to you again today. Each time we have written, those reading of our sharing have gone on to make intentions that have contributed to the whole of the release of karma necessary for our kingdom and yours to ascend along with Terra (Earth’s consciousness).


Terra is beloved unto us. We hurt as she hurts; we struggle as she struggles; so many sensitive ascending humans that are drawn to us show us also how much you struggle to also ascend and feel deeply in the process. As of late fission karma has raised its difficult and ugly head for all of us to contend with. What is fission karma? Fission karma is similar to karma for nuclear annihilation, although the origins of fission are not with human armament but rather due to false ascension. Here both your species and ours must contend with how we contributed to the development of nuclear wars and annihilation of Earth through our own misguided ascensions.


There has been much revealed in the ascent of the land and sea and many records gathered that now are contributing to our understanding of combustion and incomplete ascension so that a whole and complete ascension can be launched, and the dance of fission thoughtform can be put behind us.


The records gathered thus far reveal that something went vastly wrong, and that ascension became something that was not ascension at all, but a travesty of the greatest order. The travesty was a dance where the body burnt up into a pile of ashes rather than ascending into a fully formed fourth dimensional vessel. The burnt up cellular structure anchored another thoughtform upon Earth that was not present up until this point in history, known as fission thoughtform.


About Fission Thoughtform


Fission thoughtform is a very difficult thoughtform to embody or embrace. Fission thoughtform causes all other thoughtform that is whole and complete to break apart, including holographic thoughtform. It was as fission thoughtform was anchored through incomplete ascensions leading to combustion that holographic knowledge began to blow itself apart upon the holographic planes of Earth. As holographic knowledge was blown apart, there was not enough understanding to gather it all back together again, and so holographic understanding was lost and the largest and earliest falls in consciousness within our species and yours then occurred. Read more